If You Want Mercy Fun, Rez Needs To Go

All i know is the only supports i play and will ever play is Mercy and Zen, i hate the others in that category, oh and i want rez to stay move it to ult or keep it as ability as long as rez is there i am happy

Everything the enemy does is considered “unfun” for your team, pretty often. That wasn’t my point though? I just asked a question.

I know he said that. I watched the video. But did they actually say it was a broken mechanic so they removed it? That feels like a stretching assumption if they didn’t. Did they say that within the update?


I mean, I just don’t know how much more clear Jeff can be with this one:

That was their last statement on Mercy, and nothing since. So that’s our last official answer, and it seems it is one they want to stick to because they haven’t said anything else since.

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No they didn’t. But it’s heavily implied when it gets removed from the game, no?

No, iirc the most they said was that Mercy was being played in a way that was “unintended”.

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No? I don’t see how that’s implied considering their words and intentions about it, but okay.

It wasn’t stated to be removed for that reason. That’s all I needed clarification for. Thanks.

No, I know what they said. I just wanted to be sure I wasn’t missing anything because the way Sensual said it made it seemed like it was.

Because if “unfun” was the only reason they removed it, then why aren’t other unfun mechanics of the game removed? It’s called deductive reasoning. They also stated it wasn’t how they intended for Mercy to be played.

All it takes is a few people to do something in a way Blizzard doesn’t intend, and they’ll fix it. It’s like Genji when he used to be able to triple jump and launch himself into the sky with Dash+Wall Climb. They were mechanics they didn’t want in the game.

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It was removed for more reasons for being “unfun” though. There was the “disheartening” factor, along with them admitting to wanting overall Resurrect effects to lessen over the course of the game, as well as wanting Mercy to see action in Pro Play. My memory might be foggy about the former, but the latter for sure was admitted.

I’ve watched the video. I know what they said and how they felt about how she was being played.

They didn’t like it, so it was removed. Not because it was “broken”, but because they didn’t like it. That’s all. Well, all we know, anyway.

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It was definitely for more reasons than just one. All of which were good reasons. It overall was not a healthy mechanic for the game, and Blizzard obviously realized that, which was why it was tossed out the door and why Jeff stated they do not plan to revert it back.

“Healthy” is also a word I’ve seen being thrown around a lot within the 11 months…

M’kay, though. Though we shouldn’t make assumptions on what Blizzard realized or seen on their part, but, you know, m’kay.

I got what I came here for. Have fun with the rest of the discussion.

An ultimate that forced your own teammates to DIE on point over and over in order to bait the enemy ults is just an horrible bad designed mechanic.

Its completely retarded

"Guys just go and die I’ll ress "

and when that didn’t happen Mercy players started bash everyone because “Dude you are so bad why you didn’t die on point”?

It was a constant frustration over and over, nobody except Mercy players enjoyed mass resurrection, I truly hated it. And then OH BOY those POTGS "HEROES NEVER DIE HEROES NEVER DIE HEROES NEVER DIE " in almost every single match.

A Widowmaker killed 4-5 people with Headshots? nope “HEROES NEVER DIE !” just a Mercy pressing W and smashed Q like no tomorrow then holding M1 on a full healed character.

Honestly do you think the Mercy hate in this community and even in top500 happened because " Guys hate girls!!! they don’t respect them </3 ! " No, its because they earn it by themselves.

And how do you propose good Mercy mains “police up” the bad ones? No one can control anyone. People play how they play regardless of what others say. And no matter how any characters play, no matter their kit, there will always be bad players.

We wouldn’t be where we are if Mercy wasn’t released with her design? …what??? Design is design. What do the two have to do with each other? It’s bad right now because Blizzard made her that way.

“Fun” was the reason she was changed in the first place. That is why we are using it as an argument ourselves. Otherwise, you’re just being hypocritical.

Design as in kit design. Not concept art. Obviously her aesthetics haven’t changed.

That is exactly what I was talking about! But you are blaming her current design issues on old Mercy?? What???

No. You’re misunderstanding what I am saying. I am saying if her original release with Mass Resurrect was never implemented into the game to begin with, we most likely wouldn’t be in this conundrum.

What is so unclear about that?

Hey, how about we stop using the already explained a million times over argument about “die on point”? You know what it meant. I know what it meant. Everyone knows what it meant. And it didn’t meant Mercy players actually wanted their teammates to die. This argument is null and void.

I’m saying that what you’re saying is absurd. Blizzard’s current crappy design right now has nothing to do with old Mercy and everything to do with a simply terribly thought out rework. It has to do with their design team because they don’t know what they are doing.