If You Want Mercy Fun, Rez Needs To Go

It’s probably the thing causing all these nerfs, because one of the reasons she’s picked is rez. Maybe if they made it earnable as an ult again but more risky and more charge it might work but all I know is that it’s causing these nerfs. It’s deadweight.


Old Mercy wasnt “must have” tier. If you watch World Cup 2017 July-August, pre-rework Mercy era games, Mercy was picked only to pocket Pharah on her team, and thats it. Old Mercy was niche at Pro Level, but somebody had to complain about her hiding somewhere to abuse SR gains, while only few Mercy players did that.


Mercy seems to be in a very suspicious spot right now. Everything Blizzard has done was in an effort to remove her from the game. But us Mercy mains will not falter. There will be a reckoning.


Jesus christ this forum sometimes…


Most of the Mercy mains are advocating for earnable res - one way or another. Be it revert or redesign of the ability. We want our skill to be reflected. We want clear distinction between bad and good Mercy.

There is so few people who actually think that fixed 30s CD is the right way to go.
Let us work for our reses for gods sake.


Which is why the nerfs will continue

Yeah, but it will eventually come to the point where even non Mercy players will start to cry for her buffs. Because you will not want to have an underpowered character supporting you in considerable amount of matches.

And trust me. For a lot of people (more than you think) - Overwatch means just one to three characters. If they got nerfed? What can we do. We are already so invested in that direction, we will just continue to play them and try to find yet another way to make an impact.

So as always - join the cause. Support your support :wink:.

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If We Want Mercy Fun, Rez Needs To Come Back.

we Mercy mains don’t even want it as an ability anymore. the 1.0 one was great, kind of, since it was powerful and needed to be used correctly, yet it was really weak and considered underpowered sometimes, so yeah, imo it was good. what made everything horrible was the fact that they added invulnerability


Eh, I’m a support main who supports supports already by playing supports but I just don’t really support Mercy atm.


Nothing wrong with it atm. It’s a long term problem that will only worsen with time, if the direction won’t change :slight_smile:.

You dont have to, imo. You just gotta let mercy mains speak. The amount of people that automatically assume mercy players want her to be op to be fun is too dang high. You just gotta be not one of those pipz


To be fair there are quite a few mercy players who overreact and then create a stereotype, leading into everyone hating all of us even when we make constructive posts. Also leading into those posts being ignored.

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True. I just look the other way everytime i see those kinds of people like yikes. Every heroes got problematic players here and there but the amount of mercy players on the forums also mean there s a lot of her problematic players here too

When it comes to that, it’s up to the good Mercy mains to somewhat police up the bad ones but that doesn’t really happen within communities. The most they do is say “ not all of us are like that” but that’s not as effective

Yeah there s also a problem ya know the weird mentality that s like if you have a different opinion they just try to gang up and you and attack. This isnt exclusive to mercy btw. Like just close minded people in general. I find it safer to just ignore them and not engage seeing as like i said theyre likely close minded people and will not try to see your point of view.

No thank you, Mass Rez was the most broken mechanic ever.

Here’s a quick reminder:


Ehh new Mercy is a lot of fun. We just need to have her be statistically balanced and that’s all she needs. The 17% healing nerf together with the damage boost nerf might’ve been a bit too much but we’ll have to see. If Mercy continues to perform sub-optimally like she has been up to this point since the nerfs there’ll be even a bigger tide of Mercy mains complaining about how their hero has been undertuned and I’m definitely going to be there with them since she’s statistically in a very weak spot and saw almost no play in OWWC

We. Know.

Guess why people ask for resurrect back as an ultimate?

Okay. I’m fine with this.

Rez is not very fun as ability. If current rez is only way to keep it, i would happily let it go.

Besides, i find it more important to keep spirit of Mercy 1.0 than keeping actual resurrect mechanic in the game. Current Mercy with current Valkyrie is nothing like that imho.