Not really. Of all the tanks I like to play it’s the offtanks. If all the tanks are like that then yea the game will be more fun. I am looking forward to testing those changes. I really don’t like it when as tanks they expect me to hold down a shield (like rein). Orisa and Sigma don’t have to hold it down so long. And in quickplay at least I have found playing Rein aggresively a whole ton more fun then passively.
And symmetra like I said needs some changes to be competitive with other heroes. Her weakness is long range heroes. And he rank up time in her primary sort of requires her to really on orbs. Having crit effects on her gun would help.
Symmetra sort of plays like world of warcraft warlocks. (still hoping for a warlock sym skin).
This is why I meant she benefits from shields since she can ramp up in safetiy.
And I personally have no problems playing Rein (well, he is my most played hero… for quite some time).
And I always try to play rein aggressively. I try to use the barrier only to get me safely to the enemy team (or to protect a sleeping or rezzing teammate for example).
And idk what sym needs. I am not a developer. I just feel like she is clunky and slow, and as you have said, she is often outranged in teamfights.
Well her kit by design is very niche. She her range of ideal damage is very close, she is meant to very near the action but has poke options which is nice. Her primary lacks burst damage and the ramp-up is cool but I feel the most fun way to go about it is to give her a crit damage. Tracing is a fun way to do damage but if sym for example did next level damage from crits that would go a good way to boost her damage and at max lvl adding full crit effect damage multiplier would be a nice way to get more damage of heroes that are getting healed. (crit modifier is 200% damage. Off of 4 seconds of keeping track on target. With the current damage falloffs that would be fun. I love seeing crit numbers in games like world of warcraft. And being able to crit on my favorite hero would be cool.
I also miss the piercing orbs but that is a bit op. The aoe was a nerf overall since the piercing orbs could do better aoe damage. I feel her orbs are in a good place. But I would love if they added a speed ramp up for the projectile to go from slow to fast. Smaller orbs going having a faster acceleration then bigger orbs would be cool. Having a gun that can change projectile sizes is cool but some things could be good to have some mind games with players.
The idea for the acceleration would be like a scifi spaceship slowly going toward the speed of light. Slow launch then zooom.
Because they think if she gets reworked back into a support, she will be a support to the likes of Moira/Brig in terms of requiring the minimum effort to get value with like she was previously.
Sym has never been a healer. There is one form of non healing support that can rival healing, and it’s barriers. That’s why she was given one all those years ago and why she has one now. She’s also never been anything other than a DPS/Support hybrid that leaned more towards damage because that’s where her ult charge always came from. Making her a healer or anything geared more towards support is not in line with any version of the hero.
I love Symmetra and I’m not opposed to a rework that keeps her focus on utility and damage with a small focus on healing. I think it is what they should have done from the start
Also, everyone who thinks that people who want a support just means they want her old “ez mode” beam back are just wrong and generalizing as a way to discredit and disregard people who would like the change even though it is a non argument that holds no weight. I like her current weapon and wouldn’t want it changed except for a bit of a range increase.
Symmetra wouldn’t need “huge changes” to be a support.
Teleporter and barrier are already support-oriented abilities so introducing an element of healing to some aspect of her kit would easily bump her into support territory. Her damage capabilities, while strong in the right circumstances, are limited enough that they really wouldn’t need to be changed. She could just be a damage-oriented support like Zen.
As an example, she could have:
3 healing turrets to go alongside her damage turrets.
A weapon swap that changes her gun into “support” mode. In this mode her primary fire is a Mercy-like beam that mitigates damage on the selected ally. Secondary fire can be like her old orbs that could pierce barriers.
Second part wouldn’t even really be needed, but it’d give her another way to support without healing while leaning a bit into her old shield mechanics. Also gives her another way to deal with barriers.
I think they need to split Symmetra into 2 different heroes.
a dps with her primary,secondary, turrets & ultimate
and a support with her shields,tp & shield generator.
Right now she’s just a bit weird…
tp doesn’t really compliment the rest of her kit and 200hp is really not enough considering the range she’s in.
The shields don’t really bring any utility either.
And a long range shield generator healer can be really awsome.
tp will also get much more use in a support and will overall make much more sense on a support rather than on a dps.
I love Sym, and at this point, if it makes her at all viable, I’m down for healing Sym. It’s been, what, 4 years? In that time I’ve never even considered playing Sym in competitive despite two reworks. There’s basically always someone better than Sym will be in a situation. I’d rather have non-healing support Sym, who gives decaying shields to prevent burst damage. But if that’s too big an ask, healing Sym is fine.
Unlike Sym, McCree has never been a support and does not have teleporter and barrier abilities that lean heavily into the support role. Since you missed that part I’m gonna give you the chance to go back and read it again.
And nobody’s asking you to understand, you can accept my difference of opinion and go.
As someone who has played a bunch of Symmetra enough in Overwatch I disagree that she should ever be a healer. The community did not want to accept her as a support without healing. I played her as a support and her playstyle always leaned toward supporting through utility and damage. She is in the right role. We could easily make anyone a support. Genji could throw healing shurikens and crit heal and all of a sudden wow ninja healer wow. Yea anyone could be made into a support.
Symmetra is also one of my top played heroes, even as a dps hero. And what about it?
To address your irrelevant arguments, she also makes much more sense as a support than Genji or McCree. For one, support heroes typically have some reliable form of supportive utility outside of dealing damage.
So unless you can make an argument that McCree and Genji have as much supportive utility as Symmetra with her teleporter, barriers and slowing turrets, then we’re going to agree that Symmetra makes far more sense as a support hero than these two.
Honestly if you just give genji and McCree Healing guns and a tranquilizing gun for example they would work fine as supports too. It’s all a matter of perspective. Sym was the test for a nonhealing support. And we have established in 222 heroes like her that are nonhealing dps with supportive kits like Mei and sombra.
with 10s cd, no way sym would be able to keep up with teams repositioning to maintain the healing. esp if including the 10m range. queue what geoff said about OW’s pace vs static nature of these turrets. and this isn’t even getting into the bit about enemies destroying the healing turrets.
the issue regarding this is that sym has to follow allies to make use of this. sym doesn’t have much mobility esp if nothing is being done about improving tp. of which will feel really terrible because you have to play as a flightless immobile wasd mercy for this.
optimally this needs a deathball teampocket to make use of this (teammates staying close to sym rather than have sym chase the more mobile teammates). which if you haven’t noticed, is the same niche and team dependent issue she has right now. she’d still be a taxibot too.
esp since you’d definitely want to spend a lot of your time with the damage mitigation beam (assuming that it’s a significant amount) so that healing would easily catch up with enemy damage —> you’d optimally play hugging a teammate which already dramatically changed the gameplay of sym from cunning, creative flank zoner than can also front line pressure to largely a babysitter walking teammates on a leash.
Don’t sidestep the argument. I said Symmetra is already more supportive than Genji and McCree which is why she would make more sense as a support hero.
It’s not “COULD they have as much utility?”
It’s “DO they have as much utility?”
And the answer is no. We also know that she has more supportive capabilities like directly shielding allies, something that Genji and McCree have never done.