Symmetra is more supportive. Yes but we already have that. McCree is supportive by killing. And stunning and denying area and killing with his ult. Genji is supportive by getting aggro from people who can’t hit him and deflecting enemy utility and killing.
I made my points with the considation that they’re throwable. with 10s cd, and 10m range, they’re not going to keep up with the team moving around so often. esp if they’re going to have a tied cd with the dps turrets.
They’ve not tested them as such. You could say on paper her new turrets don’t work either and we know they do.
I don’t want to argue balance numbers. Healing value, range, and the capability of other aspects of her kit to make up for what she may lack in healing can all be adjusted.
I don’t completely disagree here, but the idea is that good Sym players would know how to balance mitigating and dealing damage. The value would ideally not be so high as to always be optimal, but enough that it can be valuable in the right circumstances.
This idea was also inspired by hank from evolve, who had a shielding beam with a resource meter. It could only take so much damage before the resource meter expired and you had to wait for it to recharge. So you’d shield when teammates were going to take big damage then get back to shooting. So a resource might help to balance it.
Like I mentioned I don’t think this particular idea would even be needed if other things were adjusted, but I do think it could work.
ok think about how you use current turrets and where you place them to account for their fragility and their cds.
are the throws frequent enough to account for allies pushing further up then retreating, or reactively moving to dodge a dive or boops rather?
you’re going to set them up to make a small room/area as a healing station with the expectation that you’re not going to shift them for a significant amountt of time (it’s 30s of cds, of course you will) rather putting it out dynamically to “catch allies” like ying would do in paladins who can do so due to
- higher hp illusions
- much lower cd
- having multiple cd reduction passives available
So I say Symmetra has more supportive utility than the likes of Genji and McCree.
And your answer is that Genji and McCree support by dealing damage.
Some of y’all really don’t know when to stop arguing and it shows.
If we ever get healing turrets which are basically shaman totems they would disappear over time. I don’t think having healing on totems would work. A support like that needs a primary way of healing and it shouldnt be on Symmetra.
I use turrets quite aggressively when I’m taking a space. Or claiming new area. Keep them in cover as we’re moving forward to deny space. If you’re throwing turrets in places they can easily be destroyed that’s on you.
That was one of my points. If you are going to disregard my other points then we might as well stop talking. Symmetra need not be another healer. Another hero would be ideal for that.
I kinda agree. I think she should be focused on shields. 50 percent of nearby allies health converted to shields.
She is a supportive dps that enable different flank routes and pathing. At this moment she opens up and helps other heroes shine while being lethal herself. She is an architect and builder. She builds a mighty wall to shield her allies and enable herself and allies to make plays. She is a support/dps hybrid on dps. Actually more of a UTILITY DPS. That is pretty good. They should rename support to healers.
That’s what your comment amounts to. You’re not detailing any special utilities that most heroes don’t have in some form or another.
And you responded to me, not the other way around. So you’re free to stop talking to me anytime.
Iv started some pretty big arguments in here
It wasn’t necessary a discussion about if she should or shouldn’t be a support hero. (My opinion is she shouldn’t as she would be become much weaker than she currently is)
But more about, are you really a fan of Sym, her character and playstyle if you’re asking for such big reworks. Even if you keep the same theme or similar ablites, her role and playstyle will be massively different.
I find it hilararous we can go through a literal year of Mercy hell ending with her being absolutely worthless, because her ability is too iconic to remove.
Yet Symmetra can get 5+ failed reworks ending with the develoeprs thinking of making her a support again.
sure but if you’re having healing turrets being tied to dps turrets, the cd is very constrained in how low it can be. which then in turn constrains the adaptability, how on demand and how team dependent the healing will be.
yeah and think how on demand healing is in this game. a healing method that requires the target to actively move to a certain area is inherently less efficient to one which the healer can just “land”/“snare” the target with.
if a turret or totem healing is going to be viable, they’ll have to reasonably within the control of the user to be able to make their heal targets be in range.
this is pretty much why lucio has speed and speed boost on wall ride: so he can forcibly move himself to catch people in his aura rather than wait for people to go to him.
you do know that the lower the mitigation value is, the more proactive one needs to be with it right? kinda like mercy heal, it’s lower hps hence you need to focus heal earlier to get more sustain rather than trying to reactively burst heal.
and if it was high enough to be reactive, you’d still want to position following someone around due to the high demand for healing so that you can quickly reactively swap to pocketting when they need it —> the deathball niche she currently has.
then when consider what she’s doing when not needing to pocket mitigate, it’s inconsistent orb spam waiting for m1 opportunity and never trying to flank nor be aggressive with tp because you’d miss the moment when you’d need to mitigate a teammate since you’ll be away from them. meaning the dps capability will be pretty much be up to the w+m1 battering ram play which we all know from current sym that sucks up a lot of team resources and needs a barrier deathball —> team dependent.
I imagine the healing turrets and damage turrets would have independent cooldowns.
For a hero like Symmetra that has capable damage in the right circumstances, lower value means she can be proactive by doing damage instead of mitigating. It gives her options. Basic Syms can sit and mitigate while doing nothing else, but if it’s low value on its own they aren’t contributing as much as they could be if they were utilizing her dps.
Could even experiment with making the shield boost her charge level so she’d have an alternate method of charging her beam.
1- All what we knew is that she’s going to have a better TP and throwable turrets and they are going to remove her to damage category (defense). That’s basically what we’ve been asking for.
2- She was a dps and they made her a better one by removing what holdas her back.
Was a support, when support did not mean healer. Now for that to happen they need to change her core design, which is a defense hero (just like Torb)
People like the character not the garbage excuse for a dps kit blizzard gave her
I’ll say again - given Blizz’ history with the character, and the recent trend of leveling supports to be more and more just heal-bots around an average of healing, moving to Support (again) would be a very, very bad move…
It would be better to simply revert the nerfs she recently got (she had two weeks of being “good”), and create a new hard-light based Support with some of the ideas bandied about.
If you are so trusting after how they have repeatedly treated her and Supports, you are like Charlie Brown with Blizzard in the role of Lucy with the football…
I want a sniper symm who can two tap tracer and three tap pharah
Also I want a chonky projectile dps battle mercy.
I mean, apparently all a hero is is the model. So let them advocate heal metra. I’m going to advocate for sniper metra