If you think Mercy isn't fun or impactful anymore

While I mostly agree, I don’t think its fair to tell people Mercy isn’t for them. I think its possible to make several small qol changes that would make Mercy feel a lot more impactful than she does now. I think there are some other tweaks (not a rework or revert) to her current kit that could be explored as well that would make everyone happier.

I think Mercy is fine right now. I think she’s really fun but I have more of an Animetic play style I guess, and I never stay still for valk. And as long as Mercy has GA I think she will always be fun to me.

But can she press Q to rez 5 people??? Check Mate!!

People have said that for the past like 4 months across all her changes but every time its always followed up by more changes so I find this hard to believe.


Yo Im just stating my opinion. I’m not trying to say its objectively true. I’m fine with changes that will make other people feel like shes in a better place.

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That’s a subjective opinion in regards to ‘toxic vocal players’ and ‘don’t bother to learn’, you can’t prove that’s actually the case. Also, the definition of spam in the forum’s code of conduct doesn’t appear to align with your definition of spam, so as such they aren’t officially ‘spamming the forum’. However, the threads complaining about unsatisfied Mercy players spamming the forum and asking them to stop posting most likely fall under the ‘spam and trolling’ section, as those threads aren’t potentially constructive for Overwatch discussion.

As for the OP, it’s great that someone enjoys playing Mercy and has a rather unique or odd play style, however, it doesn’t mean that every other Mercy player should be happy with that play style or even be expected to adopt something like it in order to perhaps try and enjoy the current iteration of Mercy. I do appreciate your reasoning though. Also teamwork in GM is light years better than more common ranks such as gold or platinum, teammates will actually work and communicate with their Mercy to try and protect them for example (during resurrect) if it’s needed.

The current iteration of Mercy is very team reliant, and as such this can mean Mercy may not work as well in lower ranks like gold or platinum where you may have to try and carry sometimes. Mercy can’t really carry, she can only enable her teammates pretty much.

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How has this changed? Or did Mass rez somehow make her less team dependent because she could afford to let them die?

So she looked in a general direction and held down left and right click… yeah thats super boring dude, I was actually having more fun watching the people on her team than her spectator moth play.

Better question, what does Valkyrie do that’s potentially game changing, except Battle Mercy (which, in my experience, isn’t a play style that’s highly approved of in gold/plat at least)? :laughing:

Every other healer can do something amazing and has potential to help carry their team.

Huh? We’re talking about the team reliance bit. Why you change subject?

Mercy can chain heal/damage boost while having instantaneous health regen and literal flight.

I’m not changing the subject, you seem to think I am however. I guess you don’t want to answer that question though :slight_smile:.

Something a decent Mercy could do reasonably anyway, outside of Valkyrie, with the right target prioritisation. The flight aspect doesn’t really help or offer the potential to carry her team in a fight. The instantaneous health regeneration, again doesn’t really help her team in a fight but instead her own survival.

Valkyrie is the equivalent of a ‘safe mode’ or ‘semi autopilot’ ability. It reduces what Mercy needs to do, it doesn’t need a higher skill ceiling to use it, nor truly offer the potential to carry a team in a fight unlike most, if not all, other healer ultimate abilities. It reduces her skill ceiling for the duration of Valkyrie.


She’s more team reliant in that she needs their protection to Rez, and for her Ult to be successful/actually have a noticable impact. MR still had the team reliant base kit, but the ult itself was a bit more on the Mercy’s initiative and success depended largely upon her ability to read the field.
Right now I can start a Rez on a safe field, but need a teammate to bodyblock, kite or heal me to get the Rez and survive.
It (team reliance) isn’t necessarily a problem in and of itself, but too much team reliance can make a hero feel like an accessory.


It baffles me when i see people use valk like this, and then others call it “spectator mode”.

I feel like Mercy even with MR has always been 100% reliant on her team

Hell her only form of mobility depends on what others do

That’s just how Mercy plays and I’m fine with it

it sucks if your team isn’t being useful yeah but when they are Oh my god the plays tho

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You said current Mercy is very team reliant. I asked how that’s changed, how was Mercy less team reliant before? You then ask me what Valk does that is game changing. That is a completely diff subject imo.

Am I missing something?

I just see her as a spectator character more than anything and Valk does not help this in any shape or form, other supports need to do some form of offense but she just literally needs to exist near her allies with very minimal manual aim or need to watch the cooldown on her mobility.

Spectator Angel needs to be fixed.

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Her base kit has always been team reliant, but MR in itself was less so.
So she was reliant to a point, now I’d agree with you on her being nearly to 100% reliant on a team.
While her enabling plays can be spectacles in some cases, I think it’d be nice to see Mercy have a little more confident self-agency over some of her own plays that don’t revolve around pistol whipping.

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You have a pistol you are free to use at any point

You don’t need to damage boost a person 100% of the time, you can only do it during an ult or something for maximum effect but if you feel like contributing damage Mercy can do that too

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You can fill a dps role with Symmetra/Bastion/Junkrat and still be impactful in grandmaster games, but that’s not the issue. The issue is that your performance is subpar when the odds are even and your opponents are playing meta so in those cases you’ll lose unless you get very lucky with natural variance in games. In those games you’re not being impactful with subpar heroes which is why players criticize balance and ask for changes to heroes when they’re underpowered like Mercy is now, even if there are games where your opponents aren’t that good

Depending on the situation she doesnt need it to rez. It definitely helps though.

And for her ult to have noticable impact before she needed her team mates to be dead.

How? What does Mercy’s initiative have to do with people on her team dying?

I guess. Really it just requires her to be alive. Thus hide n rez.

All depends on the situation.

How was she less of an accessory before? Because she could rez up multiple people? She was still just a Pharah pocket tbh.