If you think Mercy isn't fun or impactful anymore

I respectfully disagree

Ana is strong in the hands of a player with good aim

Far less so when the players aim (like mine) is poor

Well, I’m reassured. My aim with Mercy’s pistol isn’t all that bad after all.

Great video.

How about let us have our own opinions and NOT rely on youtubers/streamers for them. They’re responsible for a ton of bad balance decisions already.


Nice idea. I suggest we start by not spamming every single new video of AriaRose on forums.


Since when one person enjoying a character means it isn’t a weak character still in need of tweaks ?
Since never.


@ 1:51 “No amount of healing is gonna help that.” Possibly true since that Pharah went down super fast. However… Nano might have, Armor Pack might have. Also she got downed by a helix rocket. That’s not an insta kill so it’s possible that Trans or Coalescence would keep her up.

However… does Mercy have anything in her kit that might work? No. E Resurrect exists… but she died on top of the enemy team so with the cast time… that ain’t happening.

@ 2:56 Hammer down comes out, hits Rein and Zarya but not me. What can I do to help keep them alive?

Brigitte: Armor Pack. Body Block with shield. Stun somebody. Whip Shot somebody. Maybe Rally.
Zen: Transendence is my only option but it’s hands down the best answer out of this whole list. Double that if I body block the Rein Pin.
Lucio: Healing Boost. Boop anyone closing on them. Drop the beat if I’ve got it.
Ana: Sleep dart someone who’s shooting them. Nade spam heal for a 100 hp burst followed by… 135 HPS . Nano if I’ve got it.
Moira: Either stack Orb + Left Click for 155 HPS or Orb + Coalescense for 215 HPS. The enemy team will have to focus fire something fierce to kill them.
Mercy: Hold Left Click for 50 hps and pray. Maybe Res one of them if I get cover… but those are my tanks on the floor. If they die I’m not gonna get any cover.

I’ve only gotten through the Kings Row attack but I’ve already found 2 instances where Mercy’s skill set is not up to snuff to even TRY to help outside of 50 HPS.

That’s the sort of thing we hate about the Current Mercy. Mass Resurrect and Mercy’s heal beam worked together to make it so Mercy used to have a chance to handle it all. Now she’s honestly the worst at handling anything that isn’t a single pick.


It’s her low healing output that’s made her less fun for me (not considering Valk. which I find kinda dull). I am unable to keep my teammates alive (even with pristine beam juggling) and rather delay an inevitable death. I definitely still find GA, dodging the enemy, and battle Mercy fun.




These seem like pretty conflicting viewpoints.


OK, what the hell? Most of this is base Mercy play. Since when have we ever complained about that?

So then, let’s just watch the Valk plays then…
Hmm, that’s a lotta attack-coptering. If only we couldn’t have been so blind to using Mercy’s ult for DPS, then we would’ve known it was fun! …Wait, we did know this? We even brought up using it for DPS many times ourselves? Well damn, but if we brought that up and here it is being used as a counter argument, that would mean no one actually read what we are even saying. Nah, surely anyone coming back with a counter argument would at least have heard the other sides points.

Alright, now that I’m done being smarmy. If we look at the points when Valk is used for healing, it has little impact in many fights, and others are just hiding in the corner, only leaving to get a rez.


ding ding ding This is spot on. The video is just prime use of GA, positioning, and beam management, (literally Mercy’s base kit) which is great, but it doesn’t really help the weak argument trying to be made here.


Ye well… unfortunately we’re not animetic. If mercy’s impact still relies on her teammates to actually do something with the heals, boosts, resses and valk she provides then she still has zero impact on her own, while desperately trying to herd headless chickens standing on the choke taking potshots from enemy hanzo. Outside using her pistol which people still get yelled at for using lol.

All of her abilities are still 100% teammate reliant and no amount of amazing control over guardian angel is going to change that fact. She has no glory moments where directly impacting the game would bring victory to her team, unlike someone like ana tossing an anti-nade to enemy team and sleeping someone to deny their ulti. Resurrecting has been made far too risky to use during actual fights to provide proper impact when it would be most needed. Even her ultimate is currently only to enhance your own team’s snowball effect or to simply stall and delay enemy snowball, not actually start your team’s engagement or deny enemy team picks like zen and lucio ulti. Resurrect still relies on teammate to be in good spot to ress and then not die right after the resurrect happened.

If somebody masters mercy to the point of animetic, sure, guardian angeling can be fun. However impactful she won’t ever be anymore.


I have found Mercy to be impactful in every game I have played with her, and in every game I have watched Animetic play her.

I advocate for change not because Mercy isn’t fun overall anymore, it’s just not that “oomf” I feel like It’s very very situational to make a big difference. Plus her ult is just so forgiving. I’ll always love Mercy’s playstyle, but she just needs a little more slight oomf.

Plus I freaking love watching Animetic videos, her Mercy play is impeccable and so smooth

This^ shes still fun but her entire kit relies upon the team, she has no independence. A Moira ult or Ana can turn the tide, but Mercy’s is hoping A) not too much damage occurs while Valking B) her damage boost will be properly utilized, or else healings wasted and C) rezzing can be skillfully pulled off but a team fight Rez is just hoping the enemy team doesn’t see you.

The only thing you have some control is your survival
It’s just a wishful kit


Your not wrong, but people seem to crown others as Kings/queens of overwatch. It needs to stop.

This is not unlike those top500 Reaper and Bastion one tricks that supposedly prove those heroes aren’t in need of adjustments. “See folks, they can work.

Well, of course they can, who said they could not? If the point was “Mercy can’t, in no circumstance be fun/impacftul, it is literally impossible”, thus one player doing that would disprove the point. However, the point is “Mercy should feel more impactful, fun and engaging as other characters”. Even low scrubs can have great Mercy matches once in a while.

I enjoy Mercy for her various aspects, a character in this game is much more than how they play. People would probably play Genji regardless of his gameplay, just because he’s a badass ninja cyborg. Mercy is great and probably my favorite character overall, her gameplay however is poorly thought out and lacks room for player expression. Again, that doesn’t mean she has no player expression at all, the point is she needs more of it.


My guy. How has black ops 4 been?

Idk man it’s actually rly pathetic how easily i can outheal Mercy with Ana and I hit like 50% of my shots max. Revert her former nerf for normal healing to 60hps or whatever it was and boost her ult a little or smth.

She is mostly viable because she matches well with Ash. And I know how Sarah plays she is really good. But the other supports are still better than Mercy.

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i really like Animetic videos really good stuff ^^ but the problem i have with this is she a high level Mercy player. Telling people this is what you can do when she has over 400hours on her isnt good sorry : / this is a game for everyone(of every skill level) where every hero should be playable and fun at any level of play.