If you stop playing mercy


first of all. It is a textbook example of no true scotsman fallacy…

I’ll explain it in details, since you seem to not know what that is, so here.

It is fallacy that adds something unnecessary and bogus to the definition, in order to arbitrarly exclude something that is not in line with the opinion of a person doing it to push some kind of agenda or narrative.
The prominent example of this is a dialogue between two people about Scottish customs (hence the name of the fallacy), and it goes like this:

-Scotsmans do not put sugar in their cereal.
-well, my uncle is Scottish, and he do put sugar in his cereal
-Oh, he is not a scotsman, because no true scotsman puts sugar in cereal.

And you just did this. ‘if you stop playing your main after changes, you are not a true main’. Just like ‘you are not true one trick if you never got banned for onetricking’. Both of those are fallacies.

You want to arbitrarly exclude and shame a group of people, and that is not ok. And you want to do this using logical fallacy :rofl:

also, the second part of that statement, which is

Is just assertion without any evidence.

I did play Mercy when she was on her lowest with 50 hp/s heals. You know why? She still was fun, because I still could flail about like a ping-pong ball stuck in a washing machine… But this changes infringes on a fun factor. So please, stop pretending like you can read my mind, because this is dishonest on your part.

I didn’t play mercy because she was strong. I played her because she was fun. Now, she is not.

Now, I explained it to you, as to why we stop playing her, so now stop spreading misinformation about us.

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While simultaneously also getting called her boyfriend’s/duo’s/carry’s/eboy’s pet because people literally hate Mercy players no matter what they do

You’re boosted if you hatdpocket one DPS, you’re boosted if you don’t hardpocket one DPS
You’re boosted if you don’t use GA enough, you’re boosted if you use GA too much
You’re boosted if you have too much healing, you’re boosted of you have too much damage boost

I hate both hardpocketing and healbotting, but in my personal opinion, you’re boosted if you hardpocket one DPS all match
Healbotting hurts my soul of course but it’s tolerable, you’re basically just an overworked mom trying to make sure her children are all safe and happy
Only ever hardpocketing however gets no respect from me whatsoever
A good Mercy is flexible and can adapt to her surroundings


I respect your opinion, Im a flex player myself. When ow2 started I saw a terrible matchmaking so players in quickplay and ranks with amazing aim where paired with people new to the game. I as a flex player had better aim than them (and yes Im not good at aiming). I can play rein and I can play any other support.
I just liked sometimes to relax, help others have their game and enhance the team, that was different from others characters (in my opinion).
So is not that one tricks will leave cause they cannot play any other character, or do it well… I can play Moira and destroy many dps while healing with little. I can play lucio and enjoy the boops as nobody shoots me down… (AGAIN, depends on the matchmaking), or I can play widow, hanzo, rein…efficiently. The thing for many is if the game gutters the gameplay of the character that basically make you return to the game… will you change or will you move to other games?. Cause sometimes is about the fun factor, and being completely honest… to play a soldier or a sniper I prefer other games in the market with better physics, hitboxes and with inertia in the target movement. Or a better gunplay feedback, or without shields and hypermobility for a fraction of the playerbase, or…without flying ones.

so you expect to cry for nerfs, and be babysat?
babysitters don’t work for free. devs reneged
on unnerfing supports. play with us, we exodus.

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This only proves the balancing team failed to focus on the real issue Mercy has/had.

Well so whats a main then, a main is a person that sticks with their hero though the good and bad a meta slave is osme who sees a hero is nerfed and jumps ship its not a no tru scottsman fallacy because im not saying if you do this like if you dont have pink mery your not a true mercy main that is a no true scotts man fallacy but daying if you leave a hero because they got nerfed and jsut move to the next meta hero thats just labeling them what they are and in this case its a meta slave

I didn’t stop playing Mei after her changes, and freeze was a huge part of Mei.



Oh they won’t they’ll just stop playing all together. It’s spam the forums and Riot trying to intimidate blizzard into giving into them

The cycle repeats itself every time Mercy gets a Nerf no matter how insignificant it may be

It’s hilarious, because all they’re doing is proving many of the negative Mercy main stereotypes to be true

Aaaand you missed the point…

PLease go and read that again…

Here, I even quote you the part that you do not understand:

It is…

Because a main is a player that plays a certain hero for their fun factor. And now you are saying that I have to play it, no matter what. Even if the fun factor is taken away from me…

So, it is ‘no true Scotsman fallacy’.

That would be no true Scotsman also, yes.

Does not change that you used it earlier.

it is like saying ‘me calling you stupid, is not ad hominem… Me calling you a moron would be’… Both are ad hominems just like both are no true Scotsman.

And now you proven you don’t know why we are doing this…

Please go and read that post again… I said clearly why Mercy players at large will not play her.

Doubt that it will be meta hero. That is assertion without evidence.

If I play OW at all this season it will be probably mei or echo… Hardly meta heroes…

so swing and a miss. I do not play heroes because they are strong, I play them because they are fun.

Just like any hero main. So again, and for the last time… STOP PRETENDING THAT YOU CAN READ MY MIND. And yes, I am shouting this at you, since last time it didn’t stick.

cute one, really cute

its actually just mmo logic.

but it kind of carries over but is a lil dumb to play a bad hero in competitive. but i dont think mercy would be bad with these changes anyway

Story of my overwatch life. I used to flex and have a wide hero pool. Slowly but surely I became a one-trick in the end.


She is a popular hero in an unpopular role.

This is what happens when you don’t make supporting enjoyable…


Support takes a specific type of person to play it, your supporting your team thats not everyones fancy, and half the buffs i see people want is just to make support dps with broken abilities and survivability

If you introduce viable flankers, it forces you to design supports in such a way where they can defend themselves.

Do they balance it well? Clearly not. The match up spread is all over the place.

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“If you don’t continue to play the hero that you find unenjoyable, you’re not a true main” is…very odd logic.

I’m not a Mercy main but if she’s weaker, clunkier, and isn’t fun to play…I’m not touching her. I play games to have fun lol.

And honestly? Mercy mains have it rough. Yeah they have a rep for getting emotional, but think about it. They got the first Overwatch hero rework, and despite so many of them saying that this rework was busted, they were ignored and mocked. Then the rework hit live, became hard meta, and she got nerfed 11 times.

Then with the Superjump change, they complained that this would cause issues and it makes Mercy too easy to play with too much survivability. They were ignored and mocked (i.e. told to 'git gud" and “adapt”). Then this becomes an issue and she gets nerfed.

I think Mercy mains are tired of literally giving feedback from what it’s like playing the hero and asking for no changes, being ignored and mocked, and then relatively soon after, having nerfs made because of the things they flagged.

At this point, I would imagine they’re tired of being ignored and then having their hero adjusted in the things they were raising. Going for round 3 at this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if people dropped her simply because of that. I would not feel any obligation to continue playing a hero that people verbally abuse me for, ignore me when I give feedback for, and then subject me to witness them complaining and frothing at the mouth about the things I tried pointing out before I was told to shut up and adapt.


Guardian Angel is the core of Mercy’s playstyle; the fluid movement it allows and the techs built around it is what makes Mercy so fun to play, IMO. I could lock my beam on one person and still have fun dodging all kinds of nonsense left right and center. It’s exciting and smooth and it just fits with everything except Rez… which I wouldn’t mind getting looked at.

I’m a Gold support main; mostly play Ana and Brig, but I love and respect Mercy’s movement. Always have, always will.

People play games (including Overwatch) for fun.

  • If Mercy mains still find Mercy fun, they will continue to play Mercy.
  • If Mercy mains no longer find Mercy fun but do find another hero fun, they will switch to that hero.
  • If Mercy mains no longer find any hero fun, they will stop playing Overwatch.

Keep in mind that what Mercy mains find to be fun is likely different from what a DPS main finds to be fun - you have to make sure heroes are available that a particular type of player finds fun, or that player will just go play a different game (likely NOT Paladins or Valorant for a Mercy main, so don’t compare to those!). Not saying we are at that point yet, but we could get there.

And if Mercy mains do stop playing Overwatch, we will all suffer with longer queue times.


Well one they havent even be able to play it till about 53 minutes ago so that the first thing they are saying the will drop a hero just because of patch nktes nkt even playing it and seeing how it feels thats why im saying they arnt mercy mains just meta slaves

They havet even tried it yet just was she got nerfed and buffed but ofr some reason are saying im dont not even going to see hoe it plays im sorry if thats yiur mentality your a meta slave nkt a specific hero main

One trick might have been a better term then main

That doesn’t dismiss the things I wrote beyond that sentence.

They keep giving feedback, calling out how these can be problematic down the line, are ignored and told to be quiet and adapt and stop crying, and then they’re told to shut up and stop crying when people complain about the very thing they were trying giving feedback on before it was implemented.

It’s literally natural for people to be upset when their hero is nerfed. Genji players did it, Sombra players did it. They didn’t have to try it to know how hard it hits the hero. All these changes for things that were in the game since Day 1. Her Guardian Angel cooldown being increased for the first time in…7 years? No one needs to try that to know how garbage that is going to feel.

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