If you still think damage boost is not a probelm

I have been complaining about moth since S1. I don’t watch streamers or casters or any of those useless folks.

This is an ad hominin anyway, ideas should rise and fall on their merits not where they came from.

The top Mercy players all say the same thing you only heal and damage boost when and where you have to, you should always be moving never standing still in a fight and yes using your pistol too

its just one tweet and it has 1.6k likes , it didnt make the whole community rage lol

Literally has nothing to do with Avril. Any damage boost outside of ultimates is broken. It was made for 6v6 because with 2 tanks its needed. Dmg boost and DPS power creep happened because of tank power and double shield. It should have been rolled back once OW2 released. You are just going to argue and not even try to understand so have fun with that. Discord is broken, blue beam, suzu, vape, Orisa CD timers all broken. Im not saying Mercy is more broken than anyone else. She needs a rework to blue beam and rez though. She should keep her mobility and get buffs to compensate losing blue beam and maybe rez on ult.

No. It highlights what a dumb design this is for a competitive game.

All supports engage in teamplay.

The amount of copium going around with these sorts of statements.

Every support needs more awareness, positioning and game sense than Mercy. Most of them also need to aim. But Mercy has the shortest mobility CD on the support roster making her objectively the least punished by being out of position, unless for some reason she’s decided to wander off alone with no teammates.

You’ve somehow convinced yourself that a hero which has broken mobility on a 2 second CD combined with the ability to sling shot in the air at random requires “inmense” teamplay skills. But Zen and Ana with 0 mobility are easymode.

This is why delusional Mercy main is constantly thrown around.

Moth was nerfed ages ago to the point it was forgotten.

Its not an ad hominem, its just what it is, since AVRL complained about Mercy’s Damage Boost the attention shifted towards Damage Boost and we had a lot of posts talking about how broken Mercy is because of that when everyone was talking about how underwhelming the whole support role was and how everyone is forced to play Moira/Baptiste and now suddenly everyone thinks Mercy is boosted and having free wins because of free value. Coincidence?

Check this :

I agree, but then if 160 damage on a slow accurate shot while boosted is high damage for OP, then imagine what he will think when they give them more damage to compensate that there is no more boost around. If they dont give them more damage in exchange, then they will simply get out of the game. Why would you pick Widow and Ashe over Hanzo or Soldier or even Junkrat when they are easier to land and deal the same or even more damage?

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thats the same tweet i linked, most people in that forum thread are mercy defenders

I don’t watch streamers. But it took me about 30 seconds to find more of them than this one individual complaining about Mercy damage boost.

Why does his complaint matter more than say, Eskay?

My thoughts have nothing to do with any streamers. I don’t watch streamers, so how could my opinion on Mercy be influenced by a bunch of people I have no knowledge of.

Old ow1 philosophy instead of ow2 trying to copy CoD I agree.

Tell that to Moira and Brigitte.

What kind of awareness and positioning need Moira and Lucio and even Brigitte and Baptiste that Mercy does not?

Moira, Brigitte, Zenyatta spamming orb and having value just attaching orbs. Yes.

Kindly reminder that she needs a target and is literally the same ability than Kiriko’s TP but without teleporting. But yes I guess she is less punished than our lord and savior Moira Who has 3 sources of self healing on top of a free mobility skill and even less punished than Lucio than has a constant aura, a boop, and can ride walls.

Hehe no, I never undermined Zen or Ana, its simply that “broken mobility skill” is just straight up lying.

Everything Mercy has in her kit is conditional and reliant of her surrrounding or have downsides. Compare her with any other support:
Main gun is a single target heal that has been so nerfed It barely heals anymore.
Cant boost and heal at the same time.
Has to.trade off all her support capabilities to deal the lowest damage in the game, cool.
GA requieres a target and is easier to track than anything. Come on, are you telling me Moira is punished for whatever you consider a bad Fade but you cant predict a stupid Mercy who flies on a straight line and maybe can jump on a curve?
Revive is so predictable and easily countered It only works 1 out of 4 times and most of the time she dies, also she cant do absolutely nothing while resurrectingn someone. Oh and has probably the longest CD in the game, and most of the time the resurrected character dies anyway after that.
Want to heal or boost on aoe like any other character in the game? Worry not here comes your ultimate! Only with a penalty given to your secondary targets and makes you an easier target! And if you dont die dont worry It just lasts for a bit!

Now what downsides have any other support outside of maybe Zenyatta and Ana? What do they need to be aware of instead of ungabunga and spam abilities on CD like Moira and Baptiste?

It got posted here, people read It and got already influenced by his logic I guess, then they started to think he may be right when no one cared before I guess.

Its not just the streamers, its people making posts like this, which happenned after AVRL’s posts, then people reads those posts and started questioning its true, which causes a scenario where people is already predisposed and jumping at every Mercy they find then posting more.

You are right I thought you linked the tweet my bad, still the post had a lot of views and responses I dont know what more you need.

They dont need to buff damage they need to nerf damage and healing then tone down tank survivability. They need to pretty much restart without any sort of damage boost. The game is impossible to balance while damage boost is in the game.

Then It should be all 3 at the same time, they should have toned down everything after the removal of second tank, otherwise we will have a time when tanks are straight up unkillable until they tone down healing and tank survibality as well.

She’s a support. Why would she be hanging round with no one to GA to? Supports ALL NEED TARGETS, Mercy is not special here.

Moira still has to do her own work, and put herself in hams way to move damage meters. You continue to ignore this.

You should keep Lucio out of the discussion as his level of difficulty makes this discussion look really bad. Lucio is one the most mechanically demanding supports on the roster has low single target healing and needs to be played as combination assassin/savior in order to get the most value out of. Just traversing maps efficiently requires practice. While wall riding and maximizing movement, trying to ensure you’ve always got good ingress and egress routes you need to land shots. Lucio MUST do effective damage while not dying constantly and throwing, he has to disrupt and play aggressively.

Mercy has a beam you can set to a toggle and has to press shift and ctrl. Never has to proactively do anything and can just sit around waiting for her pocket to get kills.

No it’s not, she’s way too mobile and it’s way too easy to achieve.

This should be good

55hps of uninterruptable healing makes her pocket extremely hard to kill. Compared to other scenario’s in which you can STOP THE HEALING by getting in the support’s face. Mercy just flies off and keeps boosting. 0 downtime even when pressured

You under value how consistent and easy this is to apply in situations where all players are actively dodging, being evasive and trying to land damage (except Mercy who is just pressing shift and ctrl)

Neither can Ana, who’s harder to play

Doesn’t have to deal damage, relies on her team for this. No mercies are using the pistol her damage is a pointless red herring.

Ok, so lets see some replays of you tracking a Mercy using GA+super jump. I’ll wait since it’s easy you should be able to do it? this is the argument Mercy players keep making when people say she’s easy to play

I don’t play against stupid Mercy players that play like this. I’ve told you several times now out of metal ranks Mercy pockets a dps behind a wall. You engage them on their terms and you need to evade the pocket as they’re not just going to whiff all their shots. The windows of engagement are small, as the boosted DPS has a far easier time winning the engagement than either non boosted support/dps on the other side.

IDK about statistics. But most of the time the resurrected tank results in a team fight loss for the team that allowed it. This probably shouldn’t be an easy mechanic to pull off or a short cooldown.

Easier target? Mercy almost never dies in Valk…people typically don’t focus her because it’s a waste of time unless she’s positioned like a clown.

They need to put themselves in harms way, ungabunga? In order for Bap to shoot something, he needs to be able to see it. Which means it can also see him and fire back.

He can’t sit behind a wall waiting for boosted Ashe to do all his work for him.

I didn’t know about it until several Mercy players brought it up -repeatedly. I think you parroting this narrative over and over is working against your desire to see it go away.

Posts like what? Damage boost is an awful mechanic that needs to go. People should be making posts and noise about it.

More than past time Mercy players be required to actually play the game instead of just zoomies around the screen while waiting for their team to do work.

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If damage boost truly was a problem, it would not be conditional on Sojourn being META. If 182 damage on a Cassidy headshot was actually disrupting to gameplay, it would be seen in high ranked games. But where is it?


From what I understand, I hear “only damage boost, heal when you need to”

Icy is a straight up troll. These people clearly hate Mercy. Bunch of bronze noobs.

I dont know, ask It to any other support Who can simply waste their CD on their feet to get a burst of heal or has any kind of CC or self peeling, the only thing she has is her GA and her passive regen and none of those is exclusive of her anymore so she just isnt special anymore.

Moira is literally designed around with the sole intention of being the less punished hero in the whole game, because devs wanted her to be reliant on anyone but her, so whatever job she does she is simply having free utility without any punishment. Want to stay back down and healbott? Sure no problem you just have the highest healing in the game and no flanker Will kill you. Want to do damage? Sure no problem you have the most consistent weapon in the game on top of survibality. I cant understand this forum’s obsession with Moira, whatever she wants to do she has 0 downsides because of how flexible her kit is. You could copycat her whole kit on a dps or tank and It would work just by tweaking the numbers.

Even when I agree that dominating Lucio is hard, he still offers a lot of free value just by merely existing in the middle of his team. Yes you can be good with Lucio and It will be noticed, but you can also be an average one and you will still be noticed because your mere existence. Mercy does not, she should be easy and noticeable even on the hands of a bad player, but she has been butchered so much this is not her case, much less in ow2.

Are you seriously comparing an aoe support who is hard to kill and is dealing some damage while supporting with another support who is single target, heals less than anyone, has to choose bettween boosting and healing and has no damage while doing any of those? Maybe she is not zooming around the map doing 100 actions per minute like Lucio but she still has to choose bettween her options and risking from time to time to resurrect anyone.

She is just more mobile than Zenyatta, which isnt hard.

Im not undervaluing nothing, its objectively the lowest healing in the game because its only on one target, and you cant do anything else while doing so. If you think 55 hps is too much on Mercy I dont know why you defend Lucio when his burst can double or triple that ON AOE and he is considered to be a low healing support. Its not even hard to kill, a single Mercy cant sustain the tank by herself, thats why she is always suggested to pocket the dps, if the tank barely lasts under fire while pocketed imagine how much a 200 HP hero can hold, this is just exaggeration.

Ana’s Nano has a burst heal and its a fire and forget, nade is a fire and forget with a burst heal that gives lasting utility, she has burst heal and I dont undermine how hard she is, but she does x4 Mercy’s healing while offering more to her team. I still think this forum over rates her.

Why dont you show me a replay killing Moira after Fade and we end this faster?

This is just bullcrap you are spilling now because it just doesnt work like that, the tether breaks 1 second after being behind a wall thats just ONE TICK of 55 healing. No dps or tank will stick to a wall with a Mercy behind the whole game because to start the Maps are such huge bulls*** every one of them is a huge chokepoint, you can pretty much just go deathball them if they are so clogged on a single spot or just flank them and oneshoting them althought no map in the game does allow what you are saying.

You are right, she heals so little even on Valk you can just ignore her and outdamage her healing, nobody even noticed her until she takes her gun then she just dies by any character spraying to the air.

You are again thinking Mercy can heal or boost anyone while eating some KFC behind a wall on the medkit.

He is not mindless but he can pretty much just throw abilities randomly in CD and they will have a purpose, what does Mercy have? Her GA?

Nobody gave a damn about damage boost until Avril talked.

So you dont like a character being simple or “easy” right? Then I have to tell you this game is filled with that and they play almost by themselves, specially tanks. We should make a purge then.

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He is looking for his flashbang.

But she does need to peek. Her tether will break after 2 secs of no LoS. She cannot hide indefinitely.

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I think they picture her hiding behind that Gibraltar cabinet where the stairs are. Which is funny because she can just get easily oneshot by any random Reaper or Sombra or atleast scared enought to make her get out of there.

What they are saying its just not possible in this game because there is no wall she can hide while sustaining los and allowing her pocketed player to also have los. Its just exaggeration, Mercy is always on the open.

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