If you still think damage boost is not a probelm

It’s Kinda funny, people cry LoS when Mercy needs LoS to start or continue most of her kit.

GA? Needs an ally in LoS and within range.

Beams? Need to reestablish LoS every 2 secs to keep it connected.

Rez? LoS needs to be done to initiate.

Like LoS is needed for everything in Mercy’s kit.


Yes but you should always be switvhing teammates for damage boost not just following on person, everyone dealing damage needs a damage boost tank and DPS and sometimes your fellow support

It doesnt even make sense, a lot of things she is accussed of are already covered by other supports but better. High healing? Are you serious? She heals less than freaking Lucio. High support? Is really a single shot the culprit you died? Isnt more correct to assume the constant spam of proyectiles this game have and the lack of barriers are the things to blame?

195 damage on a headshot? Seriously if you are hit on the head by a sniper you should just dies regardless of Mercy, its funny because thats how It works for Hanzo and he doesnt even need to aim but people rather cry about Ashe and Widow.

High survibality? She is only played on coms because she needs a coordinated team playing around her and she is barely making a difference then, a team like that would be hard to beat simply because they are coordinated. Is Mercy so much of a factor compared to a good Moira on a coordinated team syphoning your backline and hitting top 3 healing and dps in both teams with no deaths?


Sadly no matter how many times you explain this, people like that won’t listen, they are just happy they can do the bare minimum and basically just be a spectator while their teammates does everything for them

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I saw a clip of yours on NoobHunter :slight_smile:

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Perhaps then you were confusing me with someone arguing against you, instead of adding to your argument?

Thats great to hear haha <3

I don’t even send my clips in, I have been featured +5 times already, I think they just search on twitch clips and take everything they find there :rofl:

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How are you comparing a hero that basically never interacts with the enemy team, with another hero (Ana) that actually has to aim and fight the enemy while worrying about her own team as well?

You guys have some very interesting takes, so I wonder where you guys will rate mercy in terms of difficulty to learn + play compared to other heroes

Meanwhile lucio can just set his AOE to heal and hit spacebar. Maybe click head while at it.

I too can describe characters in reductive ways.


If he sets his AOE to heals, thats not a good lucio…

Fair, but that really only adds pressing shift every now and then.

The difference is you’re describing a way to play Lucio ineffectively and waffle about in gold, I’m describing how Mercy is played for maximum effectiveness. Lucio lives and dies by speed boost; rotate out to distract/secure kills and back in for healing when needed.

Mercy literally stands behind a wall blue beaming. Lucio makes Mercy look like a toddler’s toy if you’re talking complexity.

Unless you just want to waffle around in gold…

You need to know maps well enough to have efficient ingress and egress routes in and out of situations.

You have to be aware enough to know where kills need to be secured and good enough at wall riding that you can get there quickly. Then when you do arrive, actually land your shots on what is one of the most awkward to use weapons in the game. Then get out without getting picked

You’re comparing this to a hero that presses a mouse button now and again to change the beam color and uses shift + ctrl with 0 precise timing requirements for them to work.

Playing Lucio require worlds more of any game related skill you can name than Mercy does. What sort of delusion is going on here. You cannot honestly think Mercy compares to Lucio in terms of difficulty where providing value is concerned.


Holy! the crazy amount of facts here is too much for the forums! As a GM Lucio I can literally confirm every single word you have said here. Its insane how they are comparing MERCY with LUCIO as if they have the same easy kit and stuff

I can one-trick Lucio, never swapping, and hit 4.1k

I can barely hang in high masters on Mercy

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And if a mercy just press heal or damage boost and thats it then that is a bad mercy so?


What argument is being made here?

I can type faster on a columnar split keyboard than a regular keyboard. So that must mean columnar keyboards are better? OR I’ve just been using one for the past 2 years so I’m better at it?

Besides that, the argument is not that Mercy is OP. It’s that she generates a ton of value while requiring very little from the Mercy player and being able to maintain a passive, extremely safe playstyle. Which no other support can do and come close to for value without busting their hump proactively all of which carries way more risk.

Mercy players ignore the advantage that being able to maintain consistent, uninterruptable healing while zipping around the screen like a gnat in isolated 2v2/encounters where they and the pocket are being dove. When people are in your face as Ana your job becomes exponentially harder; Mercy just presses shift and ctrl and zoooooomies. High positional awareness not required.

Your ability to climb on mercy is contingent on getting DPS that are not trashcans and identifying those DPS in a timely fashion.

Taking an objective look at what is required of other supports it makes no sense. A wider perspective on it. She is the only hero that does not have a requirement to engage with the enemy team.

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40 year old software engineer with two degrees. I can’t call out trolls when I see them? Read what that dude wrote. You have a problem with rank shaming but not age shaming?

Nope, it’s the reason we have this thread though. I can call out a hater without being upset.

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If you’re good with her, she generates a ton of value. Kiriko can press one button and produce more value than a res on a shorter cooldown with less risk. Sounds like an aim problem if players cannot kill a Mercy.

In Gold, maybe

I don’t know what relevance that has to anything


telling someone to act more mature is not “age shaming”

the guy said that mercy has the lowest skill cap in the game , he aint wrong

i made this thread to discuss if damage boost is op or not, not to call names and shame people for not being good playing a video game , idc about a ficitional character


Except that’s not what you said. You insulted younger players, lol.

You let the hate blind you.

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