It’s an overall pattern of behaviour that is stomping and throwing that will get them banned. Both sides are equally valid within that pattern. It’s not a result of a basis of behaviour in a single match.
A few things wrong with this:
You can’t tell if they are smurfing all the time.
You will get banned for false reporting.
Smurfing isn’t cheating
I’ve never done it personally but in order to be low enough yo smurf you HAD to have thrown matches and there is no way around it.
The logic would follow you are throwing matches so that you can not throw this one so reported.
Transfers from console can seem like a smurf but technically are not.
Wouldn’t they almost have to not be a smurf by definition? An alt, sure. But smurfs throw games to slum in lower rank, and someone in masters can’t be worse than a GM, which is only the next rank up. And anyone In GM can ride down to masters just by playing weaker heroes or decaying or just not putting in their absolute best.
Really a level 26 masters player is probably just a master or GM alt used to play a different hero.
I’ve had players admit they are smurfing. What then?
I already do. Since I’m on console anyone masters and up get scrunitized as well for m/kb/xim usage and I report them too.
Unfortunately more smurf accounts = more money for Blizz, so I doubt they’re going to bother with it.
You’re talking about behavior that is separate from being a Smurf. Throwing, boosting, and gameplay sabotage are absolutely reasons to report someone.
Your personal opinion that someone is a Smurf is not a reason to report anyone. It’s pretty sad you feel that way.
It’s not cheating.What’s your problem with what i do?Maybe i bought another account becouse my account got suspended for any reason
I do it every time i see someone plays like a god but has less than 50th account level. And it works! Feedback messages every day, that’s beatiful
It depends on your definition of smurf. I ascribe to the distinction between an alt account played legitimately, and that Smurfing is generally an alt account used for nefarious reasons. I made that very distinction several times already in this thread.
I can see running an alternative account to play ranked on an off role or hero.
But if you purposefully buy another copy to play in lower skill brackets your are pretty much scum. Only scum would enjoy ruining lower ranked matches for their personal enjoyment.
That being said, I have not seen a smurf really since apex hit it big where before that I saw them all the time in bronze.
i dont get it, trolling what you even mean by trolling on lower level ? With ur logic evry player playing another fps game for 10 years going into ov after is a cheater cause they are good at sniping for example…
There is literally no way to prove they are smurfs or just better at the game than you.
Its not a reportable offense. It will just backfire on you for false reporting.
That would be an alt, not a smurf.
Besides, a level 26 account in Masters is next to impossible.
The problem is bigger on console, i also report people for mouse and keyboard. so people are made in this way, they always need to destroy everything, even in a videogame, they are ruinning it with smurfs and m&k. that’s why i lost my account on console.
Playing outside of your rank on purpose by throwing games is a bannable offense. Sorry.
So, unless that player was throwing in your match, reporting them for being “too good” is false reporting.