If you play Sombra and do not communicate, you are throwing

It’s one form of communication for sure.

Not always, a good Sombra will do what almost every dps should do and follow the tanks. Even if she gets behind enemy lines before them, you wouldn’t do anything until they arrive.

Sure Sombra’s ult has a crazy potential when combined with other ults but even using it while your team pushes is more than enough in term of value.

And what would that be? The “group up” people spam every time they respawn as I cap the point? Or “my ult is charging” ever 2% like so many Genjis do?

That goes for basically any hero. The problem with Sombra is if you pick her anywhere below diamond you are throwing.

all the heroes (some more, some less) work 100% if you communicate with your companions.

following your logic, all the solo q’s or whoever keeps the mic off would be doing throwing.

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Group up function let people know that we need to reorganize and push together or, come to for assistance/ help. A form of communication.

My ultimate is charging/ My ultimate is ready, allow people to know what ultimate we have upcoming or have already in order to push for the fight without having to look at the menu themselves. A form of communication.

Again, communication goes way beyond then just using voice chat… However, using voice chat is preferred, but not the only option.