If you play Sombra and do not communicate, you are throwing

If you are not taking notice of your team’s position while you ult, gg, you wasted a powerfull ult.


If you are playing ANY HERO and not using any form of communication, then you are throwing.

This is not just a Sombra related thing.


Unfortunately 99% of the playerbase are playing this teambased game, designed to be played with the team communicating and working together and then leaving VOiP, blatantly ignoring calls and just running around solo like it’s deathmatch. And this will always be this games downfall.


I disable voice chat because i don’t want screaming kiddo’s into my ears.


Hurrrrr… “I’m just here to have fun”… this response kills me, and its often said these days when you try to corral a team into organizing. “Ur just a sweaty try-hard…”… herp derp derrrrpppp…

My all time favorite “I HaZ bOughTZ Da GamEZ I WulL PlaYZ itZ lIkeZ I WanTZ ToOZ” :roll_eyes:



Or at least you could spam your ultimate as you’re going to use it so the team can get annoyed by the voice and are therefore paying attention to you.

But man, who doesn’t like a communicative Sombra players? Massive respect for those who do this. I don’t remember who this one player is in my QP games who almost always picks Sombra and then actually uses the VC to make callouts, but I recognize them when I see their name and when I play with them I just wish I could give them more than just one shotcaller :relaxed:

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Not really when played in the right hands Sombra’s killing power can be insane just look at Fitzyhere how he kills tons of Mercy/Zen players in the backline.


People forget she’s an opportunist finisher type… A simple but effective playstyle with Sombra (that people despise) is just waiting for your team to press then picking off wounded enemies from behind. It’s amazingly effective. The other is just marching right behind the tank and hacking his targets…


I agree.
Sombra solo ult the other team is literally throwing

But also always in voice chat, making call outs, communicating his hacks, and preparing his team when he’s ready to EMP. There’s a reason he’s a well liked Sombra main.

Or just nerf communication? Why can eliminated players still bark orders and scream about enemy locations?

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You are right but coordination is required to be that good. Yes sombra is better in a 2stack - sometimes i 2stack and emp + D.Va ult. It always works.

Communication has zero impact on the over all outcome of a match if you are not in the upper 1/3 of ranks.


I’ve gotten multiple team endorsements for playing Sombra without saying a word or even pressing Z. All I did was play well and ult when people were already engaging.


You could say that about almost all ults.

I mean, technically you are incorrect by Blizzard’s definition

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99.99999999999999999999999999999999999977264% of the time they either;


  • Don’t care or pay attention to my call outs/ults


  • Not even in chat


  • They are too vulgar to be in chat with, and I am forced to leave

You can choose to not take advantage of EMP just as much as I can choose not to take advantage of Reins earthshatter and Ana’s nanoboost, i can choose to stand there and do nothing while it expires, not a lot of difference there.

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I’ve played like 6700 games and I can count with my fingers the amount of times i’ve had to mute people in the game. Then again, I play in EU, maybe it’s more fashionable on US servers to act like that.