If you play Sombra and do not communicate, you are throwing

Does that also mean i as a Sombra player am allowed to report teammates if they dont join voice?


I mean, you maybe and just maybe can kill 2 or 3 with Reaper, Mcree and even Hanzo.
You can hold your point with Bob.
You can try to make space (in 2cp) with Dva bomb or Ball.
But what happens if you hack 6 characters but you are all alone?
It is throwing or maybe a Sombra playing in gold or below

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To kill 2-3 enemies solo ulting with Reaper or Soldier or Mccree would be very lucky and you could archive the same with Sombra if you are lucky. And making space is rather pointless if you are alone.

I communicate as Sombra and it does help buuttt

Being abused by your team only impacts you negatively, so the benefit of communicating is often outweighed by the negativity, virtually every second game I’ve played in Masters I’ve experience toxicity to the point where I wish I was exaggerating

Positive communication is key for any role, but don’t fault people for avoiding it so they can play in a healthy environment


same lol im too old for that s***

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Likewise, if they hack a target in front of the team, and the team doesn’t kill that target, the team is clearly throwing.

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Does that mean that If i’m on Sombra and you are not on comms. YOU are throwing and i can report you?

I’m always on comms and i always check the player screen at the start of a match, and far FAR FAAAAR more often than not, my team is not on comms.

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You are very right my unnamed friend. People have this tendency to overreact and put labels like ‘throwing’, ‘abusive’, ‘report’ as soon as something is not as they want it to be.

  • Does VC helps? Yes.
  • Is is necessary to win? No?
  • Is inactive VC the only problem in ranked games? No.
  • Can you lose cause 1 player is not in VC AND other, equal or more serious problems show up? In most cases yes.

If throwing = suboptimal play, then sure.

If you’re not alpha.watch bot team, you’re throwing. Humans are garb honestly. Back to coding better teammates. bye.

I tryed VC several times for month as Sombra … it had zero impact on my over all winrate. The only difference was the matches you would have won anyway you win even more easy and the matche you can’t win people get more toxic. Just not worth it.

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Most players play OW fundamentally wrong … they think OW is 90% mechanical skill and totally ignore teamplay, teamsynergy and gameknowledge.

Ok good to know, if team doesnt listen can i say its also throwing ?

How’s this for communication?

too subtle?


If someone plays with like 500ms ping it’s also throwing, isn’t it? :thinking:

Except the EU server is a toxic cesspool, and it’s even worse when playing Sombra (she’s still considered a throwpick by a large segment of the playerbase), so I’m not going to expose myself to that. I’ll press Z a few times before going in, that’s all I can do.

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No, but just like Sombra “counters” everyone, she BRUTALLY counters ability based heroes and others like Reaper/Soldier for example … meh, not really.

You can not communicate with many heroes and be 90% useful but with Sombra … OOF. Not really, at least not below Masters.

Nah, you’re throwing by picking her, despite securing multi kills with her

Lies I solo EMP zen with trans we can push now

I mean it kind of is?

Her ENTIRE kit is designed around needing teammates assistance in doing anything.

You have to call out hacked targets, you have to call out EMP, you have to coordinate basically everything you do as sombra.

You DO NOT need to do this for a majority of the characters in this game.

im gonna join a game of arcade and say this