If you have bad teammates every match, you are bad too

I don’t know how this game has been out for 5 years, yet people still have trouble understanding this very basic concept. If you were good at the game, you’d be in matches with other good players. If you are playing with and against bad players, it’s because you are bad. When you see someone on your team with bad aim, understand that you were matched with them for a reason. You are as bad as them.

Also, you are going to lose games. That’s what Overwatch is. There are 6 players trying to beat you every match. It’s not noteworthy or remarkable when you start losing a match. That’s the game. If you throw a tantrum when you start to lose, this game isn’t for you. Play something else. Play a non-competitive game where you can always win.

If you are a smurf, be quiet. No one is impressed that you are level 25 and stomping on people just because you manipulated the matchmaker to buy some free wins. And you really shouldn’t flame your teammates for not being as good as you. If you were in your true rank, you’d be just another nobody.

If there are smurfs on the other team, there is no reason to flame your own team for losing. It’s just bad luck. Either muddle through or leave, but there’s no reason to blame someone on your own team just because an enemy player is a loser who has to buy wins to feel good. That’s no one’s fault but the smurf.


but Overwatch is literally fixed so you stay in your rank which makes you addicted to it


Bad teammate logic to bring down good teammates with them


This is only true for comp anymore as they’ve opened up the quickplay matchmaker so many times to reduce que times. I’m t500 and I hardly ever run into other t500’s or gm’s in qp.


i dont think its that straightforward. it is still rng and you can have like you said a smurf trying to manipulate the matchmaking or you never know… a thrower who just wants to ruin games

although your mostly right lol, it takes effort to climb so if you want to have a better experience i guess TRYING to rank up in comp is the best idea. ideally with a premade most likely.

for quickplay tho its still random and your basically trusting in the rng gods but hey its quickplay so what do you expect


I have bad teammates only 50% of the time. guess what that means :smirk:
rigged matchmaking


I don’t remember the last time I saw someone higher than diamond in my quickplay games.

And im surprised to see metal ranked players under gold still exist.

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i think the only sure way is to beat the system is six stack but who does that or has the time and schedules to do that (or friends, some people have no friends or very little like me hehe). although 2 and 3 stacking is common and might lessen the rng mmr woes

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I mean, no. There are objectively good players that are stuck with objectively bad players. There are objectively bad players stuck with objectively good players.

People who are just average at the game and make a second account to play on will find that they’re rank’s will differ wildly. Because the ranking system in this game just… isn’t good.

And, you know who’s going to be the most upset and vocal about this phenomena? The people who are half decent. You know who won’t say anything about it? The people who suck.

The ranking system in this game is basically random, with only the lowest of the low ranks and the highest of the highs containing players you’d expect. Gold and plat especially are just clusters where noobs and gods fight with and against eachother. That’s just the nature of Overwatch’s competitive matchmaking.

Mod Edit: Removed inappropriate language.


Yet you still can’t see that your average ranked match has 3 different ranks in it?

Imagine thinking overwatch matchmaker perfectly matches equal skill on the same team lmao. 90% of games are a steam roll one way or the other. You have no idea how the matchmaker works. You know it was confirmed by the devs to have mmr and forced 50/50 matches right? How do you think they achieve a 50/50 chance to win every match? Players with good stats are considered more valuable and have a higher chance of getting less skilled team mates to reach this 50/50 win chance.


No, Just no. The matchmaking in the game has ALWAYS been garbage, since the very beginning. Hell, beta testers even brought it up and it was ignored completely and passed off with a few bs statements. You can be t500 every season and you will still be placed with bad players. How they got into masters and t500 games isnt a mystery either, there are so many loopholes to the sr and mmr in this game its retarded.


The people with the weakest mental.

Why do you think this? What evidence do you have?

If I’m really good on half the heroes I play, and really bad on the other half, I would wind up in gold or plat. If I’m playing one of my good heroes, I will look very good in that match. If I play a hero I’m bad at, for practice or because it’s the best counter or because my team is yelling at me to pick them, then I will look bad. I’m still not in the wrong rank, even though it may seem that way depending on the hero I play.

Just because you throw in the word objectively doesn’t make it true. Of course this happens, but eagle-eyed readers may note the use of the phrase “every match” in the title of this post. Do you know what those words mean?

Do you know what the word “top” means? It means there aren’t people above you. It means yeah, obviously most other players will be worse than you. That’s not a solvable problem. There is no way to create infinite people tied for “best player in the game.” What an absurd expectation.

Never said it did. Stop putting words in my mouth.

That’s because there are 6 players trying to do that to you. Just like there are 6 of you trying to do that to them. This is a competitive game. That’s how these work.

And yet neither you nor I have a 50% winrate. So what’s the issue? My best heroes are at 59-60% and my worst are 40-45%. The game does not force me to lose half my games, and it doesn’t do that to you either. You just can’t accept responsibility for your own inadequacy.

And that’s happening to the most skilled players on the other team. There is no imbalance. You are not being cheated. No one is making you lose, because it’s literally impossible for the game to make both teams lose. It’s an impossibility. It can’t happen.

Yeah except you did

No that’s how “competitive” games work with poor matchmaking. Other actual competitive games are mostly close matches between equally skilled teams and rare steam rolls.

The issue is exactly what you quoted from me right after you said this

Okay? Your entire point was that matchmaking is perfectly balanced and that you’re of equal skill to all your team mates which I said is false but it’s cute that you’re trying to turn this into some other argument. There’s a lot more you don’t understand about overwatch’s ranked system but I’m not going to waste my time explaining to someone who’s illogically argumentative.


Feel free to quote me then. So weird to blatantly lie when my post is right there for everyone to see.

No it isn’t. That’s not my point, or I would have said it. The reason you have to keep rephrasing my point is because you are changing it entirely. Stop doing that. I really don’t understand the point of arguing against something no one has said. Gamers are so weird, I swear.

Adios. Glad you felt like you won this. Maybe you can carry this attitude into the game, you’ll never feel like you’ve lost ever again.

Lol I already did but I guess I will again

Thanks for proving my point. This isn’t a discussion, this is about you satisfying your ego by “winning”. Your mindset simply won’t listen to logic, it would be too painful for your ego to do so, so you choose dogma. Bye.


I thought you said you were leaving?

The context of my post makes clear I’m not saying you are exact equal skill to the other 11 players in every match. Read the title – “every match.” That’s not there for no reason.

You are put into games with a range of skills, and that range is limited, not infinite. I never said they were exact. They aren’t, because 1) that’s not even quantifiable to any level of precision, and 2) it wouldn’t be possible to find 12 players that way anyway.

When I say you are as bad as the person with bad aim, I’m saying you are in the same skill range as them, close enough that it’s not worth remarking on. You are not being cheated. You aren’t being dragged down. Given enough time, you are in the rank you are supposed to be at.

This pedantic nerd debate stuff is beyond pointless, but it’s even more pathetic when you storm off in a huff, then come right back because you just have to have the last word. You said you were done, then be done. You lost. It happens. Here and in the game.

I’m sorry that when you were a kid you got a trophy for getting last place. It has clearly ruined your brain and given you an incorrect idea of what it means to compete. Whatever wrong you feel is being done to you by the matchmaker, it can only do that to you, at worst, 50% of the time. It can’t make both teams lose. Your weak mental is why you are mad and why you lose. It’s not the game being unfair. Have some dignity and take responsibility for yourself.

Love when someone’s argument boils down to, “Nuh-uh, you are!”

I don’t think you know what any of those words mean. Dogma? You know we are talking about a video game, right? Why are you talking like you are a character in the lord of the rings?

They definitely won this. All you’re doing is just trolling around ignoring the literal T500 comments agreeing with the opposition here. Good luck with


Why do all gamers think anyone who disagrees is a troll? I swear you people are the most fragile human beings on earth.

Maybe it’s not the

and it’s the

That is just obvious bait. All I’m gonna say here anymore is that this toxic trolling doesn’t belong on these forums.

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Rather than bad teammates, it’s also possible for the enemy to be better instead. Apparently there is supposed to be this 40/40/20 rule with the matchmaker; where 40% are easy wins, 40% are hard losses where you probably need to be 1 or 2 ranks higher to win, and the remaining 20% are the match where your skill determines the outcome of the match.