If you hate unbalance and unfairness

why do you play overwatch? i think initially it wasnt meant to be pro-competitive at all. only reason it tried because blizzard wanted $$ from the e-sport world. the devs probably initially planned it to be a tf2 clone with a spin. basically casual mayhem mode that tries to balance a little but is overally just silly.

if you would have a clue you would now only mirror match fps shooters maintains TRUE balanced competitive spirit.



It really seems like a lot of Overwatch players hate the game. Like, really hate everything about it. Yet they keep willingly queueing for the game.


maybe thats more of a cultural thing and not a game thing. the state of the current times compared to culture of video games and maybe the world like 20 or more years ago

It’s inertia. You understand the controls and the game objectives, and it would be a pain to learn another system.

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pretty insightful thought and even though i sometimes think “whats wrong with you” i agree with you on this post

good point ethernyet

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Sunken cost fallacy.
And there isn’t another casual multiplayer pvp experience like this out there aside from TF2 which is infested with bots and cheaters.

yea i can see that but you can relate that to any game similar to overwatch or what is online. i would think. no game is perfect and overwatch is less perfect than most but what “ONLINE” game is perfect?

maybe counter-strike if you go by simple competitiveness with integrity but i heard of its problems recently and yes all online games fall victim to the current trend… its all about the $$ anyways

I don’t play games like counter strike because it’s too competitive. I like overwatch because it’s more casual, but they’re slowly destroying that.


yea i could see overwatch being a casual type fps game. personally before overwatch i was in more of a casual game that is a mmo… warcraft.

still i had experience with shooter since early xbox live with the plethora of titles. counter-strike, halo, rainbow six, tom clancy games, battlefield games, unreal/quake games, call of dooty, ghost recon, and more i cant think of

still what game is perfect?

It’s not a binary thing.
I understand that when a game has a lot of diverse mechanics and gameplay options (which I love,) there’s not going to be a really objective and fair way to balance it. There’s always going to be situations where certain heroes have an advantage and players aren’t going to be able to control if the advantage is theirs or not.

That doesn’t mean the developers shouldn’t still make an effort to keep heroes within viable range of each other, and make sure that certain heroes aren’t always on the bottom while other heroes aren’t always on the top. Unfortunately Blizzard doesn’t even meet that very low standard most of the time.

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As I understand it, there was initially no ranked mode. It was only added by popular demand.

Blizzard forced an e-sports scene only because e-sports was popular at the time, and they wanted a piece of the proverbial pie.

That’s what I’ve heard anyway. I’ve only been playing since 2018, so wouldn’t actually know if any of that’s true.


I don’t.I only play the OP chars and OP roles. Judgme as much as you want.

This is just a factual statement.

OW players, the forums, redditors, and anyone else who posts about this game generally hate OW. They don’t like any hero, any aspect of its gameplay, any map, etc. Blizzard could individually answer everyone’s personal problems with this game and everyone would still hate it.

The only people who like OW are the ones who know that certain decisions were only bad for this game and a result of listening to the wrong people(mainly whiners).

Balance isn’t just a true or false switch. It’s a scale. You can adjust it. That’s not even the issue though.

The issue is that Blizzard doesn’t even follow it’s own rules. They apply nerfs to one character under a claim that “the mechanic isn’t healthy for the game” and then 2 months later allow a different character (more than likely a new character) to have that same ability under the guise of “Oh we just wanted to innovate and see how creative we could get.”


Ya i did double take after you mentioned the legends name.

I thought it was sonny first .

Only cs in that list can claim close to perfection.

Due to nature of its design were it punishes movement every bit.

Also it even makes recoil consistent, even though irl recoil is not. To reduce any rng.

Also any game requires balance even if it’s a casual single player game, it is meant to enhance player experience makes you feel strong competent and achieve flow state while playing.

The issue is with different roles heroes how do you achieve that for everyone without gimping someone else happiness.

In most cases you can’t but atleast you try to get it for majority and the few affected atleast to a decent state.

Blizzard is not able to achieve that currently due to mode changes lack of.tank lack of cc, they removed the tools they had for balancing and are now messing everything up



legends name? a game?

also i dont get the “sonny” reference. i dont think i can coorelate to most users on this forum. i am an old foggy that has old thoughts with old video games.

to be relevant i only “knew” online games with the “early” xbox live era. early 2000s

I meant ethyrnet , that was a solid take from him

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ill admit

this ethyrnet and AKJ guy are a trip to me.

still i love their opinions no matter how ODD it is to me. sometimes i think maybe i am wrong in thinking of what this game should be

i am not a deveoper for overwatch and i am glad. i wouldnt want to be responsible for a downfall… of a popular game