If you hate unbalance and unfairness

I never really cared if something was unbalanced per se, I just hate how good blizzard made generalists and how god awful they made situational heroes. That gap only became wider over time.

I played the bad heroes, I took my licks, I jumped those hurdles. Blizzard keeps making those hurdles bigger.


We donā€™t hate the game. We hate the incompetence of the devs. Constantly ignoring what is broken, trying to fix things that are not, and when they claim to make an effort to improve things, they make it worse.
We want proper matchmaking, throughout the game. Yet we face stomps after stomps. Their solution? Ban the leavers. Because a lower pool of players is healthy for matchmaking. Even though the ones who leave are not the ones who made it a bad experience.
And the lies are what we hate, the constant presenting of stuff that never comes to fruition.

Release OW1 was light and casual for me and this is b/c, I think, OW was half-baked. There were not many heroes and not many counters and extreme characters. It was just fun to play.

But nowadays it is somewhat too much. The game feels like someone tortures me and I should find a way out. Too heavy and chaotic.

I still prefer to watch OW streams than other games b/c itā€™s more fun to watch that others are tortured by various reasons, but I found myself avoiding to play the game.

Overwatch is a joke, not competitive at all. Stopped playing competitive after season 9 hp changes ruining the core TTK.

The gunplay, movement, map design is top tier tho. Broken abilities/ ultimateā€™s kill the game.

Supports can give the whole team overhealth with their ultimate, while you have heroes like Cassidy with deadeye, terrible ultimate

All hitscans are r-edly OP currently
Cree having a bad ult is a bare attempt a balance to his high kill threshold from LMB (borderline OP with S9 hitbox change)

I intend to move on once my designated replacement for OW2 launches (succesfully I hope). I might drop in to just to see the next Support hero and play for a season if it interests me.

My intended replacemnt game will be having a technical test final Beta in a monthā€™s time before hopefully launching later this year.

Exactly, itā€™s a sliding scale.

Itā€™s okay for certain heroes to be good at specific tasks or even universally better than others as long as the game is still fun and skill/nuanced interactions can offset the imbalance.

What is a problem is when outliers get a ton of value for very little effort and often no amount reasonable skill expression for the given skill bracket can offset that.

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Cass got his burst damage nerfed with the hp changesā€¦

calling hitscans op when projectiles got theirs buffed as well is dumb. Projectiles hitboxes are gigantic

Thanks for telling :grinning:
Apparently same for projectileā€¦

I donā€™t see any projectile characters getting as much benefits as hitscans though, probably except Genji

Genji, Echoā€™s are HUGE. Mobility heroes benefited more from season 9 changes, they can close distance way easier now to kill you, with short cooldowns. They can avoid getting bursted, wait for their short cooldowns and just kill you with little to no aim

Torb also feels way easier to aim with now.

Because the good outweighs the bad. Game overall is fun. Has its issues that can be addressed just like every single game in existence, but otherwise itā€™s great. So I donā€™t really get the point. Do you think people should quit any game they play because they donā€™t like some aspects of it?

You are right, it should have been a goofy FPS shooter with vastly different map modes and heroes.

Now every hero has to be balanced, which means stripping away any unique identity and also the map modes have to be bland and boring.

A game mode where you have to shoot parts of the map to break walls to progress to the next section.

Flash point maps should have been a lot smaller but for example in junkrats bomb testing factory, where lots of things will try and kill you as you fight. Moving platforms etc.

Yes itā€™s goofy, but goofy is fun, itā€™s not always about being a hardcore comp player. The only remotely goofy part of any map doesnā€™t exist anymore, the part where you went outside in Horizon, and it was low grav.