If you didn't like solo tanking or healing maybe you were just doing it wrong


Too often I would see a rein complaining about solo tanking, and it’s just kinda annoying, like if you don’t want to just get run over go to ball so it’s a better experience.

Or Ana players who complain about solo healing… Do I need to explain?

I mean I know that id rather have another healer or tank but solo healing and tanking was still fun, I found it enjoyable (maybe you didn’t idk)


I feel personally attacked cause i used this in topics i know you were in >_>

Not everyone has the grappling senses of spider man to play wrecking ball. "I know your really great at mccree, you should play genji!!! They are like practically the same thing…"

Solo tanking sucks, your basically an Ult battery for the enemy and if you only had a solo healer either your taking all their focus up to keep you alive or your 4dps were dropping like flies without heals.


No one saying it couldn’t be fun but it severally limited your options and put a lot of pressure on you to carry. Even in the face of stupid odds.

Rein sucks at solo tanking. Not as much as Winston or D.Va but pretty close.

In fact the only tanks who COULD solo tank reliably with 2 or god forbid one healer were Orisa/WB.

And then if the team had a good flanker dps like Tracer/Genji Orisa couldn’t even do that.

As a flex tank player I was driven to learn WB because I would find myself in these impossible sitations as a tank.

People complaining about “limiting the choice of heros in 2-2-2” when tank/supports were already being limited by these dps heavy comps.


i think the misconception is that solo tanking is bad because it feels bad.

but i think i know why it feels bad, it’s because it’s a whole different type of tank play that’s a lot different that people don’t usually understand how to play around.

it’s like people who play other roles don’t know how to play around a team that doesn’t have a barrier tank for example.


This is bait, right?


I think solo healing is worse than solo tanking. Once the only healer in the team dies, everything goes downhill pretty fast.

This is why 1 tank - 2 healers - 3 dps is a little better than 1 healer - 2 tanks - 3 dps.


i dont think it’s quite fair to tell people to switch to heroes they dont wanna play.

some people dont like playing moira or mercy or wrecking ball. on one hand i dont complain when im solo healing but on the other i dont expect people to switch heroes based on solo healing either.

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What the hell is the reaso … i mean is there any logic that ties performance and skill of the player tanking/healing with doing it alone?

Yeah dude, clearly people dont like solo tanking or healing because they are BAD. Sure, being target number 1, having 0 help and peeling and having 4-5 dudes spamming “i need healing” clearly are the normal circumstances of a healer.



“oh yeah just go hammond 4head”

see, now i cant play hammond and im sure others cant either so if that happened, i’d be tanking with rein


The thing is tanks are limited in what they can do without proper support.

Orisa in 1-4-1 works IF your team stays with you and just focus fires the enemy behind your shield. Certainly not all 4 dps but enough that there is to much fire power coming from the LOS of the barrier that the enemy either gets melted or pushed back.

not to mention that the dps actually peel for the support and tank in place of the other support that might do this (lucio/brig/raw healing to keep each other alive) or the OT like Hog/D.Va/Zarya would do.

A solo tank outside WB depends even more on his team for support or he wont even be able to W close enough to the enemy to apply any pressure or make any space.

Of course this is really just referring to times where you have these crap comps and the enemy has something balanced.

In mirror crap comps it’s a DM style game.

Before I knew it my WB game time far outstripped any of my other characters in the game. Some because I really enjoyed his playstyle but mainly because I often found myself in these unbalanced comps.

The freedom he afforded me is what kept me tanking. I would have 100% quit and gone to sometimes flexing if we had other healer and tanks or just going Mei/Ana or something.

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Because it’s frustrating.

Solo tanking was the sweetest fruit. You feel the glorious, two-pronged pressure of your team depending on you and the enemy gunning for you. Your mind working on overdrive, it is a fantastic feeling when it all comes together in victory and solidifies your resolve to get better when you fail. I don’t need a second tank to relieve the pressure. I want it. And it’s a shame I can’t really get that same rush and afterglow now.

You do know you just instantly die constantly when your a solo tank right?


A quick search of his profile says he’s recently new to Overwatch and doesn’t play much support or tank


Didn’t people tell the third or fourth dps to switch though?

This is an alternative account. My main account is basically support only

I only actually made this account to post on the fourms

You dont really ever solo tank or heal do you? Like ever… Its never a good idea.

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Why not log into that one instead?


My solution has been to swap to Sombra. Gonna practice my DPS if everyone else is gonna!

Can’t wait to never have to solo tank or heal again!


It got banned after sym 3.0, I made some bad posting choices