If you didn't like solo tanking or healing maybe you were just doing it wrong

Were the pro players doing it wrong too in their ranked games? Dont think so.
Or doing solo healing wrong too? Dont think so.

Maybe it was the selfish players and their attitudes just sayin’.

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and where is your tank only account?

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That’s my “SymMeta” account. I originally made it to play Widowmaker but now I practice zarya mostly

Personally, I never do. I sorta like playing Mercy with multiple DPS. I typically don’t say anything though. The only time I would say something is if they’re complaining about my solo healing. It’s like welp. I can only do so much.

Edit: if I DO decide to say something, it’s never like, “DPS you’re trash pls switch” it’s more like “yo can somebody give us more healing I’m dyin’ over here lulz” and just leave it at that.

I don’t like to be toxic so I typically keep my mouth shut XP

Solo tanking with a Zen :slight_smile:

That was fun, and i’m not being sarcastic :slight_smile:

Sometimes, I just don’t want to play tank/support. What then? I’m playing to win, so if we need a tank/support, I go it.

Yea seriously.

There have been so many games wherr I’ve said to my teammates “its cool, i can solo this.” And things went pretty well.

You just need to play smarter. It was never an insta-loss scenario like people made it out to be.

Considering that 411 was specially an avenue they explored and it made balancing even worse … ima pass and say it was fairly bad


so you are basically not much of a tank player.

you are not in the position to judge other (actual) tank players who complained about solotanking.

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yeah, those are pretty apparent ways of solo tanking, but as you say it’s probably more true for me that it devolves into a deathmatch with weird comps, i play in qp after all, and i get away with flanking with reinhardt and stuff so yeah :stuck_out_tongue:

I honestly liked solo healing, but if you are solo queuing in qp or comp, it was way easier to heal as Moira than Ana, because nobody would peel for you lol.

The reasoning is that I like feeling like I can carry the game and make a difference, even if I am not leaving a path of death and destruction in my wake.

Huh? I play off tanks + Winston how does that make me less of a tank player?

is not that i didnt like it, is that it basically forced you to play a limited number of heroes in a already limited category.
solo tanking? orisa or hammond period.
solo healing? mercy or ana if you feel your teammates are competent to peal (which they rarely are btw)

Solo tanking was not miserable depending on what you played and your team. Solo healer was always miserable because one healer can’t cover that much ground and your team basically all had to stay grouped up constantly at all times which never happens

222 is better

Solo healing was miserable because it limited your viable choices to Mercy, Baptiste, Ana, and Moira. Ana and Baptiste usually had to be swapped off as soon as the enemy team realized you were solo healing. They could just ignore the rest of your team and rush you down, then finish your team easily as they now lacked a healing resource.

Unless you had some high quality tanking or damage peel, of course. Which didn’t happen often in solo queue.

Yes, well not exactly did they do it wrong, but they had the wrong mindset. Everyone was just “1 heal 1 tank ?? IMPOSSIBRU !!” and thus they did not try. At least not hard enough. It was similar with sym and other off metas, who in fact can have quite a big impact. People just now start to realize just how good Mei and Sym is - and that is because instead of going 5 dps just to grief that hated Sym player, they actually try and voila … it works.

People try man. But most tanks and the game in general was not designed to be solo tanked.

I specifically learned WB because solo tanking felt like an uphill battle. If we won it was just a relief for the game to end. And if we lost It didn’t take much investigating to guess why.

I wasn’t even sure I would enjoy WB because I gravitate to less mobile hero’s. I got lucky and ended up loving him (he’s my main now) and he saved me in the solo tanking/solo healing/3+ dps Comp that was my reality.

Had WB not been an option I would have likely stopped trying to flex tank due to how frustrating it was.

It’s not about doing it wrong, it’s whether the rest of the team understands how to play with a solo tank/heal more often than not.

You can solo heal and your teammates are too dumb to realize that maybe they shouldn’t just stand in the open and expect to be healed through all the damage and play more around cover. Or people who will take a healthpack while being healed as well so the healer either has to burn a cooldown to heal themselves or just die because the dps are idiots.

You can play as solo tank and know that you have to play reserved as you don’t have an off tank to back you up. Or you damage dealers decide that shooting at shields with the advantage that would possibly be 3-4 dps that would delete shields.

How often do we see people playing solo dps and actually doing well?

If I was doing it wrong, you would think the rank system would put me at 1700 instead of 2700 and I’m a DPS main.


Being solo tank feels bad because :
The only protection you can get is from yourself, also it’s way easier to track for the enemy team. You can’t pass the aggro from one tank to the other and cycle defensive abilities. You can’t turn back to help your healers deal with flankers. If you die, nobody’s putting pressure on the frontline anymore.

Being solo healer feels bad because :
Your healing output may not be enough depending on your hero, your team composition and how your team positions itself. You are forced at some point to chose between different mates to save. You can’t support flanks as you’re needed to heal the frontline. If you die, your team has no heals at all. If like Baptiste or Ana your self heal is on a long cooldown, you can very well die from accumulated small damage.

I think that’s enough reasons to not even think about having less than 2 tanks and 2 heals.