If you could have just two changes

For me:

  1. Replace Storm Arrow.

  2. Have boops (or at the very least, Brig’s Whip Shot) respect the victim’s momentum to some degree, OR (less ideal, imo) reduce Whip Shot’s knockback potency based on distance from target.

That’s it.

Hanzo does not need to be so powerful a tank-buster. His optimized niche is neither fun to play into or as. There are more interesting, yet still practical, niches he could fill instead that would almost certainly feel better to play and to play into.

By having Whip Shot, at the least, respect preexisting momentum, you can no longer completely reverse a Winston or D.Va dive onto one’s backline on just a 4-second cooldown. Instead, in order to significantly displace that dive, you’d need to at least be off to the side, wherefrom you could displace the engage laterally.

Voila. If Brig’s standing by Zen, the best she can do is slow a tank dive. If she’s in position to displace a good tank dive, she’s not in position to shield the Zen from flanking dps like Tracer or Genji. If Brig could not so exhaustively (i.e., regardless of what is attacking or how) bodyguard her cohealer, she would feel far less oppressive.

  1. Allow the community to police itself: Randomly select from a pool of trusted, reputable players to review reports of gameplay sabotage, toxic chat, etc.
  2. Force accounts to be tied to a more reliable ID (not just emails; maybe cellular number?)

All the balance and content in the world doesn’t matter without a good community, and it’s not something Blizzard can afford to do on its own.

  1. delete dlc - chars only
  2. buff genji for more than 2 weeks


  1. remove rigged mm
  2. publish code



Well since we already are going to the bias towards people’s main why not make so Pharah has fallout damage when she is damage boosted/healed :speak_no_evil:


from a masters hanzo hes one of the weakest in the game idk why you’d nerf him. if you have a problem with him “tank busting” just go DVA and matrix it every time he uses that cd.

id nerf tf out of bap, likely remove his mobility to a high extent, give it a crazy cooldown and/or add spread to his gun. does too much damage.

other change I’d make is lower the range of brig inspire. these supports busted rn

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  1. Give Zenyatta infinite ammo
  2. Sigmas shift should generate shields in a “live” manner.

Ana-nade’s anti heal should cleanse after X amount of healing, or reduce healing by 50% for current duration.

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Personally I’d rather see:

  1. Shatter nerf reverted

  2. Servers with faster tick rates

  3. (being a little greedy) Bring back balance patches. Meta stagnation is brutal

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Good joke

  1. Remove hero limits. We have 2-2-2 now. Hero limits are redundant, imo.

  2. Add backfill to comp mode for Bronze through Gold.


He is. Why play hanzo when ashe, widow, cass, tracer, and echo are more consistent and outclass him?

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Two changes:

  • Tighten Tracers weapon cone fire so it takes actual skill.
  • Change Flashbang’s radius to be 1/8 what it is, so it is a skill shot.
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Because if you are any good he’s better than they are in many ways unless you are at the far end of the tiers. His ultimate is his real weak-point.

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  1. more enforcement of the rules against false reporting

  2. more enforcement of the rules against toxic speech

lol what in actual eff?


Why play any projectile or short ranged hitscan when Hanzo, Echo, Ashe, widow, cass, tracer, and Soldoer are more consistent and outclassed them?

Hanzo is far from “one of the weakest” in the game.

Cone fire is too forgiving for the easy use of movement. This is a chief problem in her design.

literally the most balanced char in the entire game


Not in everyone’s opinion. Not when she just repeatedly dominates the top, that’s a sign of an unbalanced design.

Tracer is OP (relative to other DPS heroes) but ngl she’s fun to use and climb with. I’d rather see other DPS heroes get buffed to be able to deal with her better. That’s why I think it’s okay for Cassidy to have his flashbang, but people hate it and want it gone.

Also, not every single DPS hero needs to be viable in top ladder imo. There’s just way too many variation of playstyle, mechanics and abilities in the DPS roster that if you try to make them all equally as powerful in all elos, I feel like that could break the game.

I’d rather see DPS heroes like tracer in OWL than heroes like Junkrat for example.

You can be one of the best players in this game. At medium range; he’s not super useful, and it’s impossible to be consistent at that range. People will just dodge your arrows. Ashe just outclasses in all but mobility.