If you can't answer this Widow is balanced

Here’s the thing, people complain about getting oneshot usually by Widow.

So, by design, I must ask,

  • Can you consistently be overpowered playing Widow?
  • If you find her op, you should find her to yield you more wins or eliminations when you play her right?
  • Because if you say she’s op, but would probably lose more than win playing as her, that wouldn’t really match.

Just saying…


If a person has good map knowledge and consistently good mechanical aim, widow can feel op.

But in the hands of a specialist, any hero can feel op even if most people struggle playing that hero.


The complaints aren’t always about balance, they’re just about fun.

Here’s an idea for a gun: it’s a slow projectile that does 1 damage, but every time you get hit by it, it plays the Crazy Frog music at increasing volume for the rest of the match. This gun is even underpowered, right? But is it fun to play against though?

Look at Sombra’s hack. Tweaked endlessly ever since she came out. A bunch of those tweaks were barely about balance, and more about being unfun to play against. Look at OW2’s CC-rework. Etc etc.


Sure whatever you say.

That lucky headshot deserved to deny that one player any interaction in a match whatsoever for just existing.

Good fight random Kiriko who popped out of a corner and wasn’t paying attention.

I’m sure losing one team fight because your team is down a support will be fine. You guys have an equal chance of winning!


Summary. “No they don’t” because that extra 25% off a sudden team advantage and winning one fight because of a one shot significantly affects a match.

Newsflash…that Kiriko had yet to even play because of a Widow…like how is that fair?!

Absolutely. And to add to your post: the devs even pointed out that season two Hog wasn’t even doing all that well. The reason they kneecapped S2 Hog was because everyone hated playing into him.


I look at it this way: Remove her OHK, her only advantage over a character like Ashe or Hanzo would be how much further she can reliably compete. If they nerf her, they’d have to nerf or fully rework similar characters to keep her sufficiently different from others.

Unless he gets fully reworked into a spammer: Faster ROF (possibly warranting the removal of Storm Arrow), bigger arrows, removal of Sonic Arrow, more mobility, I don’t want to see Hanzo get nerfed because the only other character Blizzard classifies as a sniper can no longer OHK and is thrown in the same boat as him. 1 crit 1 body or 3 body shots.

I don’t want to see Ashe get nerfed to differentiate her, a sharpshooter, from a sniper who can no longer snipe.

People don’t understand that nerfs to one character can easily result in unnecessary changes to others, and Blizzard is one of those companies that will nerf X because of Y, nerf Y later, then nerf Z to indirectly nerf X and Y, then change W and completely invalidate at least 2 of the previous nerfs.

She’s not OP.

She’s just the only Sniper in all modern PVP FPS Games that breaks Counterplay guidelines, without offering a whole extra layer of counterplay that’s available to all players.


The only issue with that is that I am more or less Ethernet. I cannot win on ANYONE. That being said, I used to one trick Widow and I am quite good at her. Good enough to carry the first teamfight before everyone swaps to counter me and my entire team actively avoids peeling for me, anyway.

That being said, I used to defend Widow before the Fortnite update. After it? I have been able to consistently duel against XiM players. It’s such a joke.

The only character I could consistently win on was Mauga. So, by that definition, he was the only OP character in Overwatch Dos.

It’s a weird definition.

No, that’s not what people complain about. Don’t misrepresent.

No because that’s not what people are saying.

Not because that’s not what people are saying.

Again, that’s not what people are saying.

No offense, but every time I see a widow defending post, I automatically assume that this person has never seen a lobby higher than plat. Strong widow can hold the entire game hostage. And widow has the highest potential of cheating (both aim assist and wallhacking). Cheaters get the highest value out of her.

In strong hands, Widow makes the game unplayable for everyone. Especially if pocketed, it’s super unfun.


By OP’s definition, a character that instantly ended the game as soon as it was locked in and decided the winner by a coin flip wouldn’t be overpowered.

That would not be a good character though. You can balance your way to a 50% WR but you can’t really balance your way to a good design.


Isn’t the preferred character for cheaters Cassidy? If you’ve got literal perfect mechanics, Cassidy’s kill potential blows Widow out of the water cause cheaters don’t care about the opponent being able to shoot back since they can kill everyone before any legitimate player could stop them.

Not that I disagree with your general point. Overwatch just fundamentally isn’t a game where Widow is a good design. She doesn’t have any of the levers necessary to keep Snipers balanced, economy is non-existent (either in ammo or weapon cost) and OHK’s are incredibly strong (since the baseline level of healing in OW is incredibly high compared to other shooters).

Love how I made a case and yet not a single person addressed it.

Topic debunked.

She has the most counterplay options in any game and is also one of the weakes sniper of all modern PvP FPS games.

  • can you? in ow2 absolutely. in ow1, nope. its hard ofc to be consistent with widow, but its definitely possible.

  • no, because her degree of overpoweredness is directly attached to your level of aim and crosshair placement with her. so by definition, most of the people will not ever be op on widow. some will be though.

  • a hero can be both op and not meta. meta only means most consistent and a good effort to value ratio.

being op on widow takes a lot of effort and dedication. many ppl will take a shortcut and play the meta heroes instead.

a sniper whos capable of oneshotting 4/5 heroes and outranging 95% of em with hitscan burst is op. by design. just like the awp in counterstrike is op, thats why its so expensive.

realistically though most ppl will never ever snipe to full potential.

again theres the disticntion between a hero/kit being op and the players playing that hero being op or not op.

cool, let’s make all Heroes into Symmetra

ever heared of Sombra?

yes they do

show me those hands, you say oneshot isn’t what people complan about, but remind me why does widow make game unplayable? is it because she’s healing her team? tanking?

so what is the issue then?

ever seen me mention meta?

keyword capable, don’t compare it to AWP, she doesn’t oneshot to body

exactly, they play one game against really good player and suddenly Widow is the most overpowered character ever, they could have had bad team at the same time they were versing the good Widow…


Bad teammates bro otherwise I’m gm widow

Don’t overreact just roll again from spawn :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Ichigo can two tap any scoped widow fast before they unscope