If you can't answer this Widow is balanced

Not even top 500 Widow mains think she’s OP. They think she’s underpowered. No top 500 player can play Widow in all games and stay in top 500. She’s underpowered. The hate for her has caused her the developers to make her underpowered.


I never argued that she was op, I said “she can feel op”.

Personally speaking i never understood why devs nerfed her range or removed hanzo’s oneshot.
Neither was an issue when playing around cover and moving unpredictably.

That said, the better aim a widow has, the more value she brings.

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Widow is definitely not OP. We can all agree on that.
Now you need to make a follow-up post: “Is widow FUN?”

To be clear: I like playing both against and with a good Widow. It’s infuriating when she one-shots you 3 times in a row, but that’s show business, baby. If I didn’t want to get sniped, maybe I should have used my head before I lost it, huh?
I’m just saying that ‘Widow is OP’ is usually just a poorly-worded attempt at saying “I hate playing against Widow so much it’s unreal. I am not having fun”.


Answer this question for me.

Is Widow OP?

If you answer yes, you are a distinguished person who will go far in life.

If you answer no, you’re probably one of the reasons why shampoo has instructions on the bottle.


Widow is objectively OP. Her fundamental design is literally intended to be OP.


  1. defeat or overcome with superior strength

  2. be too intense for; overwhelm

An instant, any-range ohk on a character who can sit outside of the effective range of everyone else who already cannot ohk, with the character also having frequent access to the power of instantly negating the primary job of an entire role and not giving the vast majority of characters the option of countering her initial shot/play by instantly simultaneously starting and finishing an engagement is LITERALLY, BY DEFINITION, OVERPOWERED.

The character is OP, the character is fundamentally designed to be OP.

Some places are specifically designed for cars to be the most efficient mode of travel. Just because some people cannot drive, does not mean cars wouldn’t be the most efficient mode of travel in the areas designed for it just because their personal inability to drive.

Also, apart from the character objectively being OP, she feels bad to play into/around and that’s another important reason she should have gotten reworked a long time ago. Someone being in bronze does not mean the character isn’t OP, you do not gain or get denied access to a character’s kit and damage numbers based on your rank or mmr. The same person in bronze has the same access to the same OP kit as a t500 player. The character is not balanced just because the bronze player is more likely to miss shots with the objectively OP character.

On another note, multiple maps have been changed because of Widow, if she was Sym, she would have been reworked AND nerfed instead of characters being released/rebalanced to deal with her and maps being changed around her. They are comfortable adding cover to help with sniper sightlines (which the majority of the cast cannot even utilize nearly as well as Widow) while directly nerfing Mei or Sym if ice wall or teleporter help position them in certain places. The funny thing is that those are abilities with cooldowns, Widow abuses sightlines with her primary fire.

  1. on certain maps
  2. on certain maps
  3. on certain maps

No, people aren’t complaining that widow is always op. But there are maps like Havana, junkertown, CR where the entire match is decided by which team has better widow


yeah right, I mean same on any hero/character in any game for myself, but getting bad teammates is just something that just happens…

you mean “fun to play against?”

you could make such post for any Hero and receive hate towards them no matter how popular/op/or fun to play against they are…

she’s not op

what maps? there’s always a highground

I remember Junkertown against Widow, it’s not that she’s op, but the fact that almost nobody even bothered to shoot her or anything…

She doesn’t charge her shots longer or shorter depending on the map, she doesn’t lose or gain the ability to ohk as frequently depending on the map or range. She is OP on all maps and in any range. She is designed to be.

Venture is a character who actually loses all lethality depending on range, at a certain range, they literally are incapable of dealing any damage to someone. People can play in their own effective range and be completely outside of Venture’s range where Venture loses all their effectiveness and ability to deal their deadly burst damage.

Widow on the other hand, has the longest effective range and also retains the ability to deal that damage in point blank range. She is capable of dealing more burst, quicker, in ranges where characters designed to be close, cannot and also do the same burst just as frequently in ranges where those characters are useless. If she was even attempted to be balanced fairly, she would at least have some kind of reverse fall-off.

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Long sight line maps not high ground is what makes Widow a menace.

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stand behind tank, congrats you are immortal

ugh someone needs to tell you that tanks are not what they used to be. It is really hard to just stand behind a tank now a days and more times than not that will put you drastically out of position.


There’s people on here who make Sym look SS-tier. Widow isn’t OP.

Doomfist however? He’s a crutch for players. I use to play him heavy until I got bored of how stale his kit is. Zarya’s bubble has my attention.

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what are tanks for again? ah, I guess they should just remove them then, make the game 4v4 :person_shrugging:

Correct Widow is not OP as a whole and like many heroes she is just OP (oppressive) in her opportune maps and distances.

By “tank” you mean very specifically a shieldbotting Reinhardt.


and rein is bad at those long sight line maps as he needs to close distance fast.

On those long sight line maps it is best to counter widow with widow (plus maybe a sigma). If one widow is outclassed that is when widow feel oppressive.

Consider that a hero can be overpowered and have a low skill floor and/or high skill ceiling. Which means that while the hero can be oppressive in games and have more impact than other heroes, but they won’t do this for people that don’t meet those skill requirements.

If there’s a character in a game that’s amazing when played by the people that are best at them, and just kind of bad when played by anyone else, asking the “anyone else” group if they win all the time on them doesn’t really negate the character being too strong in the hands of other people.

Imagine a hypothetical racing game where there’s 2 cars. One’s just a standard car, while the other has double the max speed but terrible handling. Most people just can’t use the second car without crashing and losing the race. But some people have twitchy reflexes and can manage to do it. In these situations, the second car is going to win every race, since it’s going twice as fast. But instead of pointing out how when the second car wins every race it’s in when being driven by someone that can deal with the handling, this is akin to asking someone that can’t deal with the handling why they think the car is overpowered when they can’t win with it.

Your question just makes no sense. “If you aren’t winning on this hero that requires certain skills that you don’t have, why do you think she’s overpowered when she’s in the hands of someone that does have those skills?”


Widowmaker problem is like rich people problem, unless your top 1 % it’s not a problem for you .

You just have to git gud.

If your top 1% and whine the answer is the same.git gud and ask for certain maps to be modified.

Either way stop acting like you are all facing kephri kenzo ans and being oppressed.


she can feel OP in the right hands but that’s pretty much any character…but with Widow it’s one step further because of the One shot mechanic. I’d say the match is less fun with a good Widow…I play mostly qp though and I play for fun that’s why I stay away from ranked I don’t find it enjoyable at all. I will say that a good widow enemy player is incredibly frustrating but it’s qp I lose the match and I move on