If you are a newbie then play easy heroes

It has come to my attention that you are level 58.

Compared to myself, being level 1000+ i’d not say i would recommend “Easier” heroes for a new player.

Your point?

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Don’t forget, we were all new to the game at one point. People need to learn one way or the other.

And beside, it’s not like any heroes are difficult to pick up and play. All heroes are easy to pick up and play in this game.

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Well, My original account is more up there (700+) so don’t judge me based on this smurf account lol.

This account’s more of a Forum + rental for students account so ignore the time please. LOL

Well… I don’t really care about your level honestly…

Please read the previous posts please :sweat_smile:

Either this person has made an alt account and think he/she is the Overwatch gaming police or he/she literally learned so much about Overwatch outside of playing this game which is impressive. Someone should hire this guy as a pro coach.


“But my original smurf account”

Pics or you don’t have one.

All heroes are able to picked up and played, in an attempt to learn how to play them, by any player, especially those new to the game.

Your point?

Would you make nearly 500 posts on an alternate account?

The whole point is that I didn’t forget it.

Well, I don’t want to expose my clean, rather well-cared account on to a rather messy post like this one here.

Whether you want to believe I have one or am faking one, your choice, cuz frankly I really do give two damns about you lol.

Bye Felicia~ :kissing_heart:

Wow you made a Smurf account and somehow that’s so honorable to mention? Are you gotta teach your students and family members to buy smurf account too because that is “the right way” to approach a video game? The hypocrisy is real.

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“I don’t want to expose my account”


I have two accounts, they are linked and you can view both of them on my carrier profile.

The sole reason for bringing up my original account was becuz Chibi mentioned his level (when I never asked in the first place lol).

My level’s lower sure. That’s a fact I cannot deny.

But I don’t understand what levels have go to do with proper gaming behavior…

Not a guy but whatever…

And what they have to do with it, is skill ranking naturally with levels.

If you’re really level 58, you don’t really have much room to stand when it comes to telling people what to play and what not to play.

Yeah yeah, babe.

I got that.

You don’t believe that this account is a smurf.

I’m not going to sit here and waste my time whether or not this account is truly my original one or not lol.

If you have smth more reasonable to say then I’ll tolerate it.
I’m not disrespecting someone’s opinion here mind you.

I don’t understand why you are so negative right now.
Just because you disagree?
fine. I get it.

You can leave now lol.

So here is a question for you, is having smurf account a proper gaming behavior? I’m not one to “teach” my friend how to play the game the “proper” way since I see people play a game for various reasons and they might enjoy it in different ways. But since you do have a strong stance on what is proper and what’s not, there has to be a clear principle on everything you do about gaming otherwise how can you “teach” others. So again, is having smurfing account a “proper gaming behavior”? Why and why not? I’m all ears.

Fair enough, and, I don’t know how a lot of newbies do it now, but I spent most of my early days in vs AI. So, pretty much everyone there, was just learning the basics. How to shoot, how to use your abilities, Etc.

So, we really weren’t hindering on each other’s games. I always Q-ed up for the easy setting, and away we went. Pretty much, as long as no one AFKs, you win.

As far as Comp and such goes, i cant really comment. I didn’t start trying to play competitive, until way past level 25. But, if that’s your issue (newbies in your competitive matches) that’s something you need to take up with the OW team. If you think 25 is too low, then express that to them. But, under the current system, don’t expect newbies (sub 100 players) to be amazing, in competitive, it’s just not going to happen, unless they are Smurf, but that’s a whole other issue

Right? The entry level to competitive is 25. I don’t care what hero you pick first, you aren’t going to be a master of it, in the first 25 levels.

Now, if the OP has an issue with the level of Entry being that, for competitive, then I’ll happily discuss the pros and cons of it. But just to say “you shouldnt play these Heroes, just because you’re new”, isn’t a discussion topic. Its an “im right, your wrong” opinion post, at best.

Right. Also, funny fact, I guess I play Widow like a CoD player. Whatever that means. Lol.

I was watching one of Stylosa’s overanalyzed videos, and he was reviewing someone’s Widow gameplay. Well, he made a comment about how the Widow crouches and abstract line of sight to their body and things like that. And, then he’s like:

“Oh, i can tell youre a CoD or CS:Go player.”

I was like, what? I thought that’s how you’re supposed to play a sniper. That’s how I played a sniper in every FPS game I’ve ever played (funny enough, ive never played either one he mentioned)

I mean, how are you supposed to play Widow? Just stand out in the open and pray not to die? Lol.

I just think it’s pretty funny, because I don’t fully understand what he was talking about. The way this guy was playing Widow, is how I’ve always played. But, I guess the way he was playing it is how traditional FPS players play a sniper or something. Like, do OverWatch only players play a sniper differently or something?


I have about a 160 IQ and was taking college-level classes before I even finished high school, does that count? Lol.

Was for me. She’s, basically, a sniper, that heals. I thought that was pretty self-explanatory and easy to understand/play. Instead of shooting the enemies, I shoot my teammates. It doesn’t take a master’s degree to figure that out. Lol.

Right? You would be amazed what you learn, when you play the hero or role you’re having trouble playing with or against.

I never fully understood why the support I was playing with, weren’t always healing me, until i played as one.

Its like, ah, Flankers are a pain in this game, and they are doing it by themselves, most of the time. Now, i get it. Amazing what you learn, when you put yourself in someone else’s shoes

Technically, it’s rated teen, but close enough. :man_shrugging:

Based on the voices I hear, in VC, on Xbox, there are a lot of preteen kids that play it though. Or, they are right on the cusp of being a teen, like 12 or 13. Just is what it is.

If you don’t like having players, like that, on your team (you know, the insta lock Genjis and such), I suggest playing at later hours, when most of those type of players are asleep. Just a suggestion.

Ooh, that’s an interesting choice. A very team-oriented hero for a newbie. Hope it worked out for you though :slight_smile:

Not promoting it, is one thing. But you seem to almost be condemning those that pick a “hard” Hero, right out of the gate, like they’re doing something wrong. Maybe, they just like the challenge. Or, maybe it’s not as hard for them as it is for other.

Or, hell, maybe they just really enjoy their kit. I mean, take Hanzo, for example. He was one of my first DPS and he’s the only Hero on the roster with a bow and arrow. I can’t just pick a different/easier hero, and get the same playstyle. So, I worked at him until i got better. Isn’t that kind of the whole point of OverWatch? To Play and Learn a variety of Heroes? Both easy and hard? I thought it was. :man_shrugging:

Ehh, don’t take that too hard. I thought PezLex was a guy for a while too. It can be hard to tell. And, a lot of the girls on here don’t really talk like most girls I know. So, it throws you off a little bit.

Also, in PezLex’s case, the Hanzo profile picture, really didn’t help. Lol.

I’m not saying it’s right for the dude to assume gender, but we all do it from time to time. Thats all im trying to say.

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Okay. And please, I remind you that I’m taking your questions VERY seriously so don’t think I’m talking sarcastically or anything to your questions.

Nope, I think it’s wrong for smurfs, but I clearly stated above that:

So I pretty much don’t play on this account that much. Maybe once every 100 games?

As I mentioned above, I clearly tell my family/students to play a team based game after learning how the game works first.

I get that people want to be super rich and famous sometimes, but you need to get proper training and legitimate experience before reaching the top.

I’m not saying don’t play difficult heroes ever!
That’s not what the title says.

I hope you get that now.

Excuse you.

Because this “Opinion” Is simply wrong?

No no, didn’t you hear?
You’re not allowed to play “Harder heroes”
So if you’re struggling just learn a little ya know… make a smurf, and ya know… learn a little by telling people what to play…

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Girl, you need a samich :joy:.

If you can’t take a joke and take everything personally, then you should get off the internet for a while.


I didn’t get the premise that your students are training solely to become pros. If they are, I agree start from 1 star hero is the quickiest way to understand game sense, which will accelerate the process of them getting proficient at the game. However if they are playing the game with having fun as their top priority instead of going pros, I say play whatever makes them happy tho.

To master a hero you have to literally ‘‘spam’’ him/her

I have met a lot of people playing 1 star heroes on wich the time spent is about few minutes and play them ‘‘bad’’ since they’re starting to practice them…

while having 3 star heroes mastered.

you can start on what do you want in my point of view, sometime you have to begin to learn

And as you see here I have most of my time as Sombra that is classified as 3 star hero, I started to play her since my level 1 and first minute of play, was hard to play her? yes indeed and on my first minutes/match I barely knew what to do, but now I am happy on how I play her , even if there is still a lot to improve; let people begin on what they want.

For example sometime I play Mercy that is said to be the easiest hero to play (and personally I don’t agree on a single word about this) but I really struggle to play her now.

Yep and I can totally get by that as long as they keep a correct behavior/stance when playing a game (or doing anything for the first time at any job or whatev) to stay humble and do the easier tasks first just to get a hang of things.

Trying to solve a difficult math problem without knowing what arithmatics is quite difficult to fix, unless that individual (even if he’s Einstein for all I care) learns to build up from the very basics.