If you are a newbie then play easy heroes

Ya really are an Antique if you’re thinking like this.

People all play differently.

Widowmaker came easily for me, whereas Moira and Winston are rather tricky for me to play correctly. Why?

Because all heroes play differently.

Not to mention, if you’re just beginning to learn this game, you should be playing every. single. hero. To some extent.


Lol, yes I agree completely. STEP BY STEP

No, there is no “step by step” To this game.

Falling every time to a Widow?

Well if you haven’t played the hero, you might not know how to fight her, or why doing certain things is beneficial, or harmful.

When i started playing i decided to get a number of hours in on every hero.

Just so i knew what i was doing when facing those heroes.

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Gasp :open_mouth:
Well, I guess I’ll spend no more time talking to you then.
We’re on COMPLETELY different pages on this.

Kids can play what they want. Why u act like u own the playerbase?? You’re an adult?? Act like it?? Don’t try to baby people??. K

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I’m on the “You have to experience a game to learn it” Page, and you’re on the somehow “Learn by playing heroes of certain ranks and ultimately sticking to only a few heroes and never branching out” Page.

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Eh, idifferent heroes are easier for different people and sometimes, more “difficult” heroes can actually be the best way to quickly improve at certain aspects.

Like, for example, while I played a lot of Mercy and D/Va too as a newbie, the fastest improvement I had was when I started focusing on Sombra (who at the time was considered incredibly hard and negative F-tier) because she’s amazing for improving your game-sense and map knowledge as well as teaching you a lot about other heroes and their strengths/weaknesses. And my aim certainly never improved until I actually started practicing heroes who required it.

Lol, I guess.
Never though OW was a “kid’s game” but OKAY, if you say so. More power to you.
If they were to play, I think they should listen to more experienced player first about how to get adjusted, not trial and error method. lol

Never said that. Don’t put words in my mouth please. Thanks. :wink:

I said that the game needs investment and studying.

Learning new heroes for the first time is fine.

But I have stated multiple times that:

If you are not able to counterpick, group up and play as a team don’t play at all.

Never said that you said that, please don’t put words in my mouth, thanks~

In all honesty how do you expect people to learn.
I want an answer to that.

If they don’t play the hero at all, they never LEARN the hero.

Preach baby.

ummmm, “you’re on the somehow “Learn by playing heroes of certain ranks and ultimately sticking to only a few heroes and never branching out”” technically says that I’m spewing out this message, which I’m clearly NOT.

Who is cooperating who? They gotta be in low rank as beginners learning a more difficult hero, so you shouldn’t be in the same game with them at all. Unless the system think you are at the same skill level as those beginners.

Wait! I’m getting it, is this one of those posts where people think they are better than others at the same rank?


I started with Widow and I was fine. Basically same rank then as now.


I started off with Sombra.


It’s not on you to tell people what character appeals to them. Whatever gets a new player into the game will also retain them.

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Lol, cooperation means that EVERYON DOES IT EQUALLY, AT THE SAME TIME. It’s not a one source to another type thing ya know haha…

Lol, I specifically mentioned my family members and students who I teach chemistry to doing this, not random encounters only.

Ummm, nope. sOrRy.


I’m getting mixed messages…

Yeah, for all of you good on you.
I’m literally and personally glad that you guys came out all right.

But I would not promote this to other newbies if I had the choice to.

I started with Widow, Mccree, and Bastion.

And i’m perfectly fine.


Why not?

There are plenty of people who never even touched or tried to play certain heroes even after playing over hundreds of hours.

What’s your point LOL :joy:

“Learning new heroes for the first time is fine.”

Have different messages you know lol

At the end of the day if they just want to enjoy the game the way they want to there’s nothing wrong with that. Like I said, if they have to stay in low ranks in order to play Hanzo genji without much knowledge about the overall game sense, it’s just a conscious choice what aspect of the game they enjoy. Maybe some people just want to enjoy the mechanics of individual hero and awesome dragonblade sound cues even if the trade off is playing in bronze or silver games, that’s their choice to make.