If you are a newbie then play easy heroes

Don’t pick 3 starred heroes. They are marked difficult for a reason.
My family members, friends, students all do this.
Regardless of age or anything, they always pick the hardest heroes first before learning the game.

When I played my first match when OW was released, I played Mercy in King’s Row, since she was a 1-starred hero with quite straightforward mechanic. Just to get used to the game/interactions.

Nowadays kids who play (cousins + students mostly) OW start off with Hanzo, Genji, Ana or Tracer (typical :roll_eyes:) just because they look cool or they’re famous.

I’ve met plenty of random strangers who play these heroes when they are below lvl 60 and are CLEARLY not smurfs who do this as well.

If you meet someone who’s going to play OW for the first time, tell them to play rather simpler characters first then gradually hone their skills to smth more difficult.

It’s like making a toddler run when he’s never mastered walking in the first place.

What gives you the right to choose who people play?


It takes a long time to get good with those heroes, so if they plan on maining them, it kind of makes sense to learn the feel of them right off the bat. Tracer in particular I feel has a low skill floor but high skill ceiling.


Well honestly they can play whichever hero they want, if they have a hard timing learning it they will stay in low rank so it shouldn’t bother you at all.


Honestly, I say pick whoever you like. You got to learn sometime.

Personally, I started off with Reaper and Soldier, then went to Bastion, then Genji, then the sniper like characters (Hanzo, Widow, Ashe), and then projectile (Pharah, junk), then utility (Mei, Sym, Sombra). There was a couple, in between all those, such as McCree and Tracer, of course. Doomfist was actually the last damage I learned though.

On Tank, I started with Orisa, went to Dva, then to Hammond, then Rein, then fill the rest in, after that. Zarya was actually my last one, as she had a beam attack similar to symmetra, which I already knew how to play.

On Support, I grabbed mercy and Moira first (only played Mercy a tiny bit though) but then went to Ana, then Lucio and Brig. Then, Zen. Lastly, back to Mercy, to learn her a little better. Bap, wasn’t in the game, at the time.

My point is, I just played and learned who I felt like playing and learning. I didn’t pay attention to arbitrary things like star ratings.

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Or maybe let people play heroes they enjoy?

Since people are sharing
Look at my QP hours
See Hanzo and Genji there on top5?
They were my staring heroes. And I loved them a lot. Then I picked up Zenyatta. Loved him too.
I had never played an FPS before.
Lucio was my next main and finally Mercy. So guess I went reverse order.
but with role sr I can now pick hanzo and Genji again


Sorry, I don’t believe in “rights” so no comment on that.

I’m providing them (rather strongly) playing a certain hero that you have/need to invest A LOT of time should be considered playing AFTER learning the overall way the game works.

OW is a “TEAM BASED” game.
Just because you want to learn a hero you love to look at, doesn’t mean everyone should cooperate with your persoanl taste.

My point is, leave that personal taste out.
Learn to cooperate first by learning the game and the mechanics,
Then get used to a MOBA-FPS hybrid genre that OW is.

FINALLY, you can do whatever the heck you want after doing all that.

Isn’t it common sense?


They ruin your super high level gameplay?

People can play whatever they like, and whatever looks cool.


Anyone play what they want lol, this is a game


But it’s a video game…


Just like how anyone can do whatever they like in their personal home by themselves. Watch adult videos, play with blocks at the age of 50 whatevs.

The point is the game that is OW is not a single-player, Create a Sim kind of game where you can do whatever you want to do and nobody cares.

Picks do matter in a competitive game like overwatch.

That is the price to have a new player in the game. Its definitely not good but in the end you have to accept it.

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It’s a BETA season so it’s for testing.

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Newbies can pick whatever hero they want. Many players may be newbies but they may come from other FPS games. Even many from OWL played other games like CoD and TF2.

When I started Overwatch, I didn’t even know there were ratings and even now I don’t know what stars each have.

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It’s good advice, it’s a terrible mandate.

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No no no.

I’m not specifically talking about 2-2-2 comp persay.

I’m talking about newbie players trying to play difficult heroes when they clearly lack the knowledge to play the game as well as other, more experienced players.

It’s like giving an important job for skilled workers to an intern.

But all the other new players also lack that knowledge, so there are like 40 levels for you to play around and learn the game while learning the heroes before the more serious aspect of the game (comp) unlocks.

That’s why I’m saying for the 100th time that if you don’t know what you are getting into, start off with the more basic heroes first before practising others.

God, what’s so difficult about that?

Play easier heroes first, learn the game, then do what you want to do.

All these people who say:
“Oh, I played whatever hero wanted when I WAS A NEWBIE” says it as if it justifies that toxic behavior.

It doesn’t.

Unless you are a genius at school and you can finish Univ at the age of 15, learn ABC in preschool first like any other generic newbie.

Hey, man. Not everyone learns the same. Maybe Ana is easier for someone to learn because of past gaming experience. You don’t know.


Lol, that Schrödinger’s cat kinda explanation makes me chuckle.

“OH, what if he’s actually good? You’ll never know unless he plays!”

Yes, you could say that with a pinch of salt. Doesn’t make it true though.

I’ll rather advise them to take the more safer choice, just to be safe :wink: