If this wants to be treated "seriously" as a competitive system

If Overwatch had to be described in one paragraph…

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Too many young people would be forced out. You are relying on everyone having an account, and having the ability to hook it up to something.

Having it pay Blizzard once a month means an AP or credit card, both of which are locked out of kids accounts.

It is a good idea, but, it can’t be done.

All valid points. And I agree it would make it difficult. But most 16+ have a bank account.

If your some 12 year old, you need your parents permission. Pretty standard really.

Blizzard could do with weeding someone of the undesirable players out anyways. Will probably bring back more than that lose.

You would hope so, but the game IS international. So you are relying on all countries having the same customs as your own.

I get REAL nervous when that is the answer.

Maybe it would work, as I said, I think it is a good idea, but I suspect that it won’t work the world over.

Blizzard need to play to US regulations. Don’t need to worry about much else (this being from someone in the UK)

Fine, but making choices which will lock them out of regions in the world they have previously done well in isn’t the brightest choice.

If this wants to be taken seriously as a competition then:

All games will be played on a LAN
There will be a referee for every game
Everyone has to register with their real name
All SR will be deleted and how you do will be based on win/loss only

Xion is right. The people who bought extra accounts would have wasted their money if suddenly blizzard enforced a one account per person rule. They would have to refund everyone who bought it. They aren’t going to do that. While, I do agree that enforcing one account per person would help things, I also agree with xion, it’s too late for that

Treated seriously? I’m in a 35+ minute queue for average tier CTF comp - and that is role-open. 2:30 pm on a Thurs. Kids should be gaming right now. Even in the arcade. How much active player base to yield 1 ctf match per hour?

The game is dead and 222 killed it even for other modes.

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The game isn’t dead. Player numbers are slowly climbing again.

As for your que… You are playing CTF… what do you expect. People ran GOATS for the placements then ditched the mode because it is tedious.

45+ minutes and counting. Completely dead.

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Stop queuing for CTF then dude. No one plays that mode. Clearly.

What size active concurrent playerbase does it take to sustain every game mode at least 1 match, with probability >1%? In one hour it couldn’t find 12 bodies to form 1 unrestricted ctf match (no ranks no roles).

My guess is there are maybe a few hundred players in OW right now. A handful of games and literally 0 comp ctf. Is OW some kind of abandonware?

50 minutes and counting. I’m going to leave queue and see how disastrous the other arcade modes are.

A few hundred… hahahahaha you been smoking something.

The player base is lower than its peak, that is true. But it is still an incredibly popular game

They would not.

You don’t own your account. Blizzard does, and they can cancel them or merge them as they see fit.

If Overwatch were to shut down tomorrow all accounts would be rendered useless and there’s nothing you could do about it.

Yeah, true, but there would be an unproductive uproar from the community about it, and that’s not good for buisness. They don’t plan on shutting down shop, in fact they fully intend on continuing buisness as usual so it would not be a smart move from them on their part. I’m not saying I don’t agree with you that one account only should have been the thing from day one, it should have. I’m just saying in my opinion it’s a bit too late to change that now…if I spent money on other accounts(which I haven’t, cause there is no need to on console) I’d be pissed if suddenly that was rendered useless when the game is still active.

This is why they should just kill OW and start fresh with OW2.

Force single accounts with more verification steps.

Admit OW is full of muppets, and either OW2 set stricter rules with much harsher punishments.

Racial slur - account closed
Death threats or “kys” - account closed
Lose too many games in a row - suspension (harsh, but if you’re deranking tough. If you are bad the forced break might help you)