If this "top super secret" stuff you have been working on is owl or mobile related

Yeah, the Ana event kinda set the tone for them. I was like “hey neat, that’s not really going to make me want to play any more than I do”


Gaming laptops are lit, mine is just one tier below my Dad’s pc, and its top of the market. Plus my laptop does that while being 3 years old.

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It’s a social feature.

We had endorsements.
Then LFG.
And then we were going to get the third thing that was supposed to come out in the summer of 2018 but got delayed.

I’m hoping that whatever is soooooooo secret is more lore.

~ PyroPanda

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actually overwatch mobile is probably the BEST thing they could do. 99% of overwatch WANTS a mobile game.


I’m guessing it’s Uprising/Retribution related.

Or just a ton of maps.

Also RoleQ plz.
✅ [Role Select] Finalizing this concept


It may be that there’s radio silence because internally Activision/Blizzard is going to go through restructuring – layoffs are supposedly being announced tomorrow.

It wont matter. Its too little, too late.

Im already moved over to Apex. I have 0 desire to ever play Overwatch again.

Overwatch is a hot mess when it comes to hero balance and its not fun.

Apex is amazing and balanced and it actually feels like I get to play a video game instead of playing “try to not get one shot” all the time or who pressed Q better.

RIP Overwatch.

Apex 10/10


But you’re still here.


My last laptop was more powerful than 99% of the PC’s used on steam at the time, why wouldnt he. Lap tops can have desktop gpu’s in them.


I wouldn’t mind if it was something OWL related. I like Overwatch, but I hate playing the game, so I enjoy watching OWL. At this point, I’ve completely and totally lost faith in this game ever being fun to play again, so it’s hard for me to get excited for new game related content.

Why do people assume that just because you dont want to play a certain video game that you can’t be part of discussions about said video game.


A mobile ow game sounds awful. Just like the Paladins mobile game is garbage.


They’re not that stupid to repeat the same mistake and burn their PC core audience again. R-right guys? :sweat:


sounds like you already have a foot out the door, why would they try and please you?

I mean, my expectations are already rock bottom so I wouldn’t have much reaction either way. Like, I’ll believe its actually something significant when I see it but until then, I have no faith in anything they say anyway.

Personally though, I’m uninstalling for awhile once the Lunar event ends (or at least, once I finish up with it) and maybe give this Apex crap a try. Probably reinstall for Archives but otherwise, I’m giving up on even the most casual of OW play.

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True, they lost me if they pull this. Which is a bloody shame since this game had great potential.


Honestly, I think it will be something big, and something good. They didn’t hire all those new devs for nothing.

My guess is on a permanent PvE mode, maybe even a campaign.

Almost like just saying what stuff is would be better then listing like 3 “secret things”