If someone leaves I should lose no SR

“well you can exploit that” not really. The person will be banned for 10 minutes, then half an hour, than an hour and a half etc etc up until a season ban. This is not exploitable unless you mean a total on 1 or 2 games where no one loses or gains SR bc of a leaver, which would be a good thing. Stomping an enemy team of 5 shouldn’t reward you SR and losing because you’re down a man shouldn’t punish you for something you cannot control.


You can for sure Exploit this…
You are about to lose, Have your Friend who is playing on a smurf account leave and Oh you dont lose any SR because there was a leaver.

If you lose, you lose. Leavers or No leavers.


The development team deliberately took away any handicaps for leavers back in Competitive Season 1 due to increased bad leaver behaviors. This older post explains:

Source: Overwatch Forums


They can only do it so many times before their accounts are banned for leaving.

This already happens to save peoples SR anyway. On top of this, why put people up the ladder for winning a 6v5?

Why put people down the ladder for losing a 5v6.

Your post has no logic.

I see smurfs taking a hit for team members all of the time, legit multiple times a week.

If a solo queue player leaves then you defo shouldnt take a loss. before you say it promotes toxicity, somebody leaving already does promote toxicity because and there are no winners. The current system is flawed for bumping potential losers up and potential winners down. Yes it may fix itself and people will readjust over games but it happens FAR to often.

People give such little [Removed] for leaving early and it penalises all 5 other team mates for innocently logging in and playing comp. some matches are such a struggle to win then bam next game somebody leaves and its a 5v6. Its [Removed]


Essentially, sore losers don’t want you to get all the SR you deserve.

This is why we can’t have shiny toys. Blizzard is afraid we’ll put it in our eyes.

I don’t know. The first and only time I’ve ever done a competitive season, I had a leaver in all 8 of my placement matches. All 8. I had enough, decided not to complete it, and haven’t touched comp since.


That is some crazy bad luck.

It doesnt answer the question.

This data from season 1 is merely copy and paste to a different topic.

People arent asking for SR to be readjusted. People are asking for SR to be null if somebody leaves and the leaver has 3 chances then season ban.

Why not? As it is currently -a solo queue smurf who gives no [Removed] can happily leave and the other 5 people get stomped. I dont care what data you guys have from season 1, respectively and objectively- there is no data that supports innocent solo queue players losing a match because it was a 5v6 and having this reflected in their skill rating.

It makes no sense, it happens way too often and the argument of ‘well itll balance out when they complete a match with no leavers’… so wait, blizzard are happy to have people leave and not be punished adequately enough ruining millions of players experience in the hopes of ‘oh well itll be better when nobody leaves’. But in that principle you are okay with people leaving every match, because that is what can potentially happen under this system, and people can lose sr from it every time. Just by buying the game, playing and having other people affect the best part of the game for most.

Its all very well having OWL, selling merch and moderating forums- what good is that when the core team game mechanics are flawed when somebody leaves and then the rest of the team get punished.


It does enable toxicity because this encourages stacks to be verbally abusive toward non-stacked players in attempts to get them to take the hit of leaving.

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Toxicity already happens within the game. Its rife. You are banking on hypothetical situations and using them to formulate an argument. It is rhetoric.

People are toxic in 50% of games regardless especially if a loss is in order. If those people are toxic and asking people to leave, simply report them like blizzard already asks and like you did because i typed 3 pixel characters in an online forum that spelled [Removed].

I mean, honestly- what in gods name possesses another human being to copy and paste a forum code of conduct because another human typed the letters [Removed]

This still doesnt negate the fact that SR loss for another member leaving is completely unjust. If people cant handle toxicity or expect it then they should stay off of the internet.

Be a good little robot and report me again for typing [Removed]. Absolutely pathetic my dude.

Moderation Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to language.
Blizzard Support - Forum Code of Conduct

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They definitely won’t do that. Sorry but that would make matchmaking even worse. Let me explain it from a personal perspective, I did play in Season 1, and I remember that leavers were FAR WORSE than they are now. This is because players would abuse other players in attempts to get the abused player to leave so that the abuser could salvage their SR from losing too much. This is not a matter of exploitation, its a matter of cutting down toxicity in Overwatch.

Here is another quote to reinforce this stance from Principal Designer Scott Mercer:

Source: Overwatch Forums


Blizzard can’t stop all toxicity, but they can limit sources of toxic fuel.

Your suggestion actively encourages toxicity.

Because I want people to follow the rules they agreed to follow. Seems like you are aware of the rules now and are intentionally ignoring it, so hope you get the forum ban the rules said you would.

Overwatch isn’t “the internet,” it’s Blizzard private property with Blizzard established rules.

Toxic player suggesting ideas that increase toxicity, how surprising.


Season 1? When there were no hero limits and competitive was a mess with that weird SR scale? I strongly think it needs to be re-looked at. I’d rather banning a leaver for an hour then longer and longer periods fo time if it meant I wasn’t punished for someone leaving for random reasons.

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The leaver rule change took place AFTER they removed the no hero limits for Competitive.

It’s not that easy, you must account for those who have one-time accidents such as random disconnection or power outage. This is why the starting penalty is only 10 minutes but will greatly increase with repeat violations. It takes as little as 6 leaver violations for a player to trigger a season ban.

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So you want an hour long ban if your internet or power flickers?

The system isn’t perfect, but it’s pretty solid.

No SR change for everyone but the leaver ABSOLUTELY encourages people to berate their team when they think they might lose, to attempt to mitigate the SR loss. Or a 6-stack can just take turns leaving, or use alts to leave for them, or…

Yeah, it sucks losing a match “because” someone left, but what you propose is far worse.


sorry WM. :frowning: But it is apparent that many people are buying LOTS of alternate accounts, abusing the system and STILL being allowed to play competitive mode WITH players that have been here on this game for awhile. either way. Doesn’t matter if we BAN them or not, if these accounts are abusing team mates. As well as . INCLUDING hardware bans and attempts at IP bans. (WHICH DO NOT STOP MOST) Since the SR system Does NOT forgive, the damage is DONE. and we still have a problem

The higher a person goes up in rank, the less likely they are to RISK it. Which sadly on silver, means this type of behavior IS THE NORM. and many people are hard-stuck in this rank, because not everyone holds a long-term account, which respects the game.

New accounts placed onto a competitive team by the match maker, brings a great deal of stress and grief. Because we konw, A person with an account that has ALOT of time invested into the game, is less likely to leave a competitive match, than someone whom has a very fresh account.

MANY Fresh accounts I have encountered do NOT respect the Mode like we do, and they most certainly have LESS to lose than we do. LAST night I had a very rude person on my team whom literally just bought an account, we did good for awhile and then for ZERO reason. TILT with an attitude during the match. We end up losing the game because of their lack of respect to those whom are playing their main accounts. SURE, I can report them, great. BUT I will NOT be given back the 25 SR I lose because that player chose to act that way. Damage is done.

More people are turned OFF by this VERY reason, to want to que for competitive, because the gamble is SO high, and the forgiveness of the systems OWN faults are so heavy. As well as I stand on the statement that the forming of full teams of players OUTSIDE of the match, is next to impossible.

I use to guild master on the Terokkar Realm on their OTHER game and found quickly that “community” in the gaming world dissolved FAST. Which means less people are adding friends, and being full-time groups in the gaming world. hence, why LFG made a debut on WoW. BUT, if we talk about this game’s LFG, it is no different than what we did, just by pressing “play competitive mode”.

Essentially Loss/Win is weighted very heavily and a person can throw-down and go all-in on a match. But it is a team match, so either way…

So it boils down to an URGENT fix, because this game is NOT going to maintain its traction when other games are trying to quickly attract players over to their realms and titles.

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This is good feedback, but this now enters the realm of overall problems with Competitive Play (many of which you listed that I agree with), not just leavers. The question is what real solutions are there? It has been proven in the past that they just can’t forgive players if there is a leaver without making the toxicity in Overwatch worse. Really it comes down to identifying issues, to get players overall to discourage the throwing/griefing behaviors you describe. Many of which are not easily solved in any multiplayer online game.


There are ways to mitigate it. For instance, maybe a reduction of SR loss instead of no loss. Flagging accounts that are often grouped with players who leave within their group to retroactively apply a penalty so that stacks are not abusing it as they literally can currently. You can keep it so the team who is winning is still getting their SR accurately and they do not feel like they lost just because an enemy left.

There are lots of little things they could do to make the system feel a lot better for everyone but the leavers. And none of them are particularly hard or unwarranted. If the report system were better, you could report people for berating teammates in an attempt to preserve their SR by… Suspending them. Or if you believe the report system is working as intended. There you go. It solves that issue by default, no?

The system is really busted right now but people always cite their counter-intuitive logic from years ago and be like, “see, we do not have this one specific abuse, so it is better.” And it really isn’t.


it’s because of certain chinese companies who would exploit this by selling it as a service or part of the actual service they are offering atm.