If resurrect is so problematic

People just want to scapegoat “Res” as a reason to nerf Mercy.

The devs already said she’s fine. Jeff already said they’re NOT removing the ability. They’re probably either going to rework her again or somehow revert her. Otherwise Mercy is fine.

You have to take into account the timeframe. Developer might say Bastion is fine today, but from a month now that comment might become irrelevant because of how other hero changes affected the said hero.

I would like to add…This is why you need constant changes in a game like this. There will never be “perfect” balance. You always have to tweak heroes around.


He made the statement last month. That’s literally no time at all. It’s time to try something else. Nerfing Mercy or removing res won’t happen any time soon.

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And how many times are they going to rework her around Resurrect before it works?

Unless they figure out that her res belongs as an ultimate ability again, never.

They will continue to battle with “fixing mercy” for eternity before either they remove res (and go back on their word for saying they wont remove it) or reverting her (going back on their word that she doesn’t need a revert). Nerfing her is pointless, as long as her ability is Ressurect. But it’s also pointless because her winrate is hovering at 50%.

She is fine. It’s time to look at fixing other heroes (like Ana) and stop nerfing mercy for no reason.

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I think you overlooked the part where I mentioned things changes over a month.

Its been almost 2 months. Not last month, almost two month. Don’t believe me? Here is the link

One hero might be okay now, but they might not be okay A MONTH from now. Its just how game like this is. One hero tweaks may mean another heroes rise from the grave or demise. As for Mercy, she has been top of the list for a LONG time now and no one can deny that. Refer back to my previous post

I feel like Mercy needs the Symmetra work. Completely rework her from ground. There will be backlash and such but I believe it will be a healthy change for the game. Her design is flawed, period.

Being unable to kill someone would be even worse, it would be like a super zarya bubble.

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May is the month before June. As of now it’s June. It’s still Last month. So I’m not sure what you’re trying to prove with that.

Mercy has always been the best since she was given a rework. No denying that. I would blame it on her solely when she was horribly OP during the “moth meta” but now? No. The problem isn’t her anymore. The problem is that the other supports are trash in comparison. We have no healer who can heal as reliably as mercy, our only other dedicated or “main” healers are Ana and moira, and both lack the kit to maintain heals with consistency. That’s been a glaring problem with the support class for a while, and it’s pretty funny how obvious something like adding another reliable healer would fix Mercy’s pickrates, but they keep missing the mark with each support they announce.

I agree with you. She would need a rework or a revert. But nerfs at this point make no sense. Like I said, she needs something drastic. Not petty little nerfs because some random kids find her “frustrating to play”. I think if she gets a rework, they need to make her res as an ultimate. No more of that crazy “res every 30 secs” nonsense, which is also part of the reason why she’s picked so much even now.

Resurrect isn’t a problem but a lot of DPS heroes make it out to be a problem because they want to pew pew kill kill without hindrance, and when someone hinder their pew pew kill kill spree, it’s a broken ability.

Killing 2-3 people in one go is defined as fine, but resurrecting one is deemed OP. I honestly don’t get the logic out there but then again, after more than 2 years with Overwatch, I’m sort of getting used to the illogical.

Ironically you’ve just described yet another hero in Dota 2 called ‘Huskar’ who’s whole kit is based around dealing more damage as hp falls lower.

This hero can even spend HP to deal additional damage to enemies.

I think Mercy ‘preventing death’ rather than ‘ressurecting’ would be a positive step for the game.

It’s not that at all.

If you use your skill and effort to eliminate an enemy it is frustrating to have someone push a single button to bring back all your hard work.

Don’t make out it’s anything else but that.

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They’re not touching mercy as Jeff has stated on more than one occasion…but you know they can still make the other support characters better…just a thought…

as long as she has the “press E to rez and cancel all the effort the enemy team pulled in to kill this dude”… mercy can never be outclassed by other healer. Unless they overbuff someone that is. Like ONESHOT ANA RIFLE, INSTANT death when someone comes into zen transcendence etc etc.

Ana is fine
Mercy is op
And winrate is irrelevant when you are a must pick because half of Mercy always win and the other always loses :slight_smile:

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Its funny how people still don’t realise this (in regards to the winrate being at 50% = must pick)

Most people here don’t know how to use the data properly

Because it would take away all the uniqueness from Mercy. Also res was never problematic as an Ult, the only thing which made it to that was the revert.

Mass res was always problematic.

Seeing that it was considered too much originally when she could use two instantly during Valk?

Imma guess not likely.

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As far as i know, no.
It became problematic because of the SR exploit and the direct and indirect nerfs to Ana (And that forced opinion). While i agree that a small cast was needed for a bit more counterplay and punishment for bad use, i have to say that it became only a ‘problem’ because of changes to other heroes, not because she was too strong or so. It was fun to use, to play with and for some even to play against because it offered a special challenge.

Compared to what we have now, old Mercy was the definition of an almost perfect design. Now she is extremely frustrating to play against, overshadowing other sups with E res and her easy mode Ult, offers almost no challenge to play (or better said is far to easy to play) and she is now very bad designed (Polish and gameplay as well as balance).

Mass Res was far less of a problem than the revert Mercy got. And the fact that she can’t be nerfed, only proves that even more.

Also, the thing with removing res entirely. That would completely kill Mercy as a character/hero.
She was once that FPS character which was the best example of “I don’t need to kill stuff in a shooter as a healer to win” and that without being broken.