If Reaper should be tank buster

He’s trash tier flanker. Only time flanking works is when you have deathblossom up and you’ve waited to make sure the enemy Ana has used her sleep, brig doesn’t have her bash up, and their shields are low…yeeeah. Ehhh.

But really though, I don’t want Reaper to have armor penetration. I don’t want his damage touched period. I just want Shadow Step to have a more realistic animation and gameplay. The duration it takes is just so absurd.

I’m getting this from the Overwatch Wiki. I’m not sure if they’re counting headshot damage, but they list the max damage of the pellets as 7 per pellet, with 20 pellets. If they are counting headshot damage, then the max damage Reaper can inflict on armored opponents is around 133 per shot, 266 per second. If they’re not counting headshot damage, then the full power of the shot could be around 266 per shot, 432 per second.

Reapers roll was never to be a tank buster imo

Hes more of a flank, take out backline, and then clean up type of hero

Going headfirst into some tanks is suicide with him

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Okay okay okay go slow

How did you go from 20x7=140, to suddenly 133 of all numbers on an armored target? Like legit, how did you do that math?

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Armor reduces damage by 5%


It’s by 5, dear, not 5%.

how about instead of doing that, they just fix the primary fire exploit without making it do 20 ticks a second

Thing is, he isnt weak

He just needs a way to close the distance

A smoke dash, ability or smth like moiras fades

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I never knew that. I always thought it went up higher.

Okay, but the developers designed him to be a tank buster. Albeit, that was before all of these reworks and whatnot, but still, the most recent changes indicate we are not changing direction which is good because he is a worse flanker than he is a tank buster.

Reaper isn’t a tank buster. I understand how people think that the spread is so ridiculous that you’d have to be point blank and shooting at a big target… However that simply isn’t true.

If you can aim and shoot you’re just as effective against squishes. It really irks me when I see a Reaper get in behind everyone only to pass the Ana, pass the soldier, pass the Moria, and go straight for the Rein (Reinhardt of all things for Reaper to close in point blank to).

Learn to aim and press for each shot (rather than just holding it down while looking in someone’s general direction) and actually go for Mercys and Zens.


There’s a far simpler solution: Damage/Pellet redistribution.

Currently the distribution is 20 pellets, 7hp each. This means that any non-crit damage gets halved by Armor. And let’s face it, Reaper’s spread is so wide that you’ll never get all 20 pellets crit.

If it gets switched to 10 pellets, 14hp each, then that improves Reaper against Armor, whilst still keeping Armor’s strength.

Here’s a list of damage per shot to show you:

  • Current Reaper v Armor (body) = 70hp
  • Proposed Reaper v Armor (body) = 90hp
  • Reaper v Health/Shields (body) = 140hp
  • Current Reaper v Armor (crit) = 180hp
  • Proposed Reaper v Armor (crit) = 230hp
  • Reaper v Health/Shields (crit) = 280hp
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less pellets are bad. also why you do this when you can give him straight up some armor penetration. same thing.

Also he is tank buster. not flanker. literally GEOFF said that. a DEVELOPER.
they should remove shadowstep and give him another non flank ability. also they should change death blossom into brawling ultimate. its only good for flanking rn.

Still waiting on a link. I did a quick search using “Geoff reaper tank buster” and found infinity more stuff for bastion than reaper.

He’s about as much of a tank buster as Sombra or Tracer.


Guy is put on the spot answering questions, and you want to quote him?

As I said, if you played Reaper and actually went after things other than tanks, you’d find he can take those out too. Damage is on par with Tracer, is Tracer a “tank buster”?

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Because an armour penetration mechanic would inevitably be broken and work in an unreliable way. People like to craft strategies in advance, but some byzantine “armour piercing” mechanic that has endless edge cases is going to annoy everyone. I don’t like the Molten Core’s anti armour ability because guess what: it doesn’t work as intended. No one is sure how it works! But it’s an ult that people can usually avoid, but reaper doing something like that every primary fire!?!?

I should add that Reaper shouldn’t just have his pellet density be reduced, he should have the width of his spread reduced by 29% to maintain the same pellet density. It is ridiculous how close you have to get as Reaper, for a full blast to you you need to be closer than other heroes need to be for melee attacks! He would still be good against massive tanks, just not have to resort to kamikaze tactics in getting so close.

“Also he is tank buster. not flanker. literally GEOFF said that. a DEVELOPER.”

The biggest tank-busting duty that Reaper is going to soon have is against BoB who has no armour at all. Armour is such a small part of Hammond’s overall HP, Roadhog and Zarya have been around for a while and don’t have any armour. Of the heroes who have armour as a significant proportion of their HP, half of them aren’t even tanks! Overloading Torb and Bastion are NOT tanks.

So if you had your way would allow Reaper to be busting-the-tank-buster more than busting-tanks!

Does the hero with 0.4% pick rate need such treatment?

That’s the thing, if you’re only good at tank busting because of high damage and somehow cutting through armour then it’s no good wagging your finger telling off all the reapers for going after squishy players, they’ll use the same power against non-tanks as well! Why wouldn’t they? You can’t force them to play the game one way.

This armour ubiquity is only going to be worse when Brig gets her inevitable shield-bash nerf (it’s happening, I’m calling it) which means she’ll then be less offensive and be handing out more armour packs to any squishy hero who might need them.

So what reaper needs is not a special exception in the game engine but just a tweak to make him relatively better against armour… not make armour act like anti-health just for his special case. Orisa’s relatively low 400hp is based on the assumption armour will always offer a bit more protection, not LESS! We’re in danger of Overwatch ending up in the same mess as Team Fortress 2 found itself in where the developers start slashing and burning weapons across the board just to try to fix their mess. And last I checked they never fixed all the contradictions in interactions.

Let’s not forget that right now on the PTR is a big change for Reaper:

The Reaping [Reaper’s passive ability]

  • Life steal increased from 20% to 30% of damage dealt

This is a huge change to reaper’s viability against everyone but particularly against tanks, this allows his effective HP to scale against tougher enemies. By dealing 600 damage he gets back 180hp over the time he dealt that damage, so over the same time a tank has to deal effectively 430dmg to eliminate him. He only has to have 40% more effective DPS than the 600hp tank and he wins the damage exchange.

Reaper doesn’t need any armour piercing to do that against even DVA. The 600hp hero who is more of a problem is the one without any armour: roadhog. Also Zarya with her bubble that you have to effectively waste a wraith form on.

THIS CHANGE will help him be a tank buster as it deals with something specific to tanks: how they have more HP and non-tanks struggle to keep up with their lower HP.

An armour piercing mechanic is NOT very targeted to tank-busting and even if it was it would be a bad path to go down.

Agree with the damage change, not with everything else;
Firstly, no one ever talked about 1v2, but, 1 tank + Reaper, for example, should win against 2 tanks, because Reaper is given time by his teammate.
As a flanking ability, shadow step is lame, far too slow, far too risky; and, if you teleport far from the ennemy team, you’re losing even more time to get to them.

Blizzard themselves have stated they wanted Reaper to be a tank buster, several times, as long as they feel like it, that’s what he should be

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His ult and shadow step need a rework. For a melee hero, he lacks capability of quickly engaging and disengaging, chasing targets who are trying to retreat.

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