If Reaper should be tank buster

is there any source or tests? i didnt know damage was 60 against armor. i always thought it was 70.
edit: nope its 70.

His flanking tools are clunky and he’s super noisy. That’s what makes him meh in my book. Although if I hear his boots really close and Don’t see him I def panic way more then if I had a Tracer or Genji around.

Noise reduction and improved shadowstep would really work wonders

The devs said it, that’s who.

You slew me, Falcon. You slew me in one post.

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Well, I’m going off of damage boost calculations.

Did you test in-game?

Overwatch Armor Test vs. Shotguns - YouTube


Huh, wow.
Wonder how that’s calculating.

Like maybe it’s summing up the fractional damages.

Why sir, who you have restored my faith.

Either way though, back to balance stuff.

What if they did the same calculations, but but had armor block -1 or -2 damage per pellet. Maybe even -3.

For one that’s 120 a body shot 260 a headshot. For two that’s 100 a body shot and 240 a headshot. For three that’s 80 a body shot and 220 a headshot.

Well, since fractional damage is a thing. Instead of blocking 5 damage, and 50% below 10 damage.

Have it do something like block 3 damage and 30% below 10 damage.

For everyone or just shotguns?

Just for Reaper.

Although Symmetra could also use something similar on her primary fire.

Maybe Roadhog, but I feel like devs are being cautious with him right now. And an anti-ultcharge-feeding option might be better.

The problem is that despite what Geoff says… Reaper is a terrible tank buster because he’s not a tank buster. He’s a tankier, higher damage, but lower mobility flanker.

His flanking tools are terrible though so sthat’s why he doesn’t get picked much.

I literally have no idea where this “Reaper’s a tank buster” thing came from. He’s not, and the community and devs have been trying to do the equivalent of fitting a square peg in a round hole for a ridiculous amount of time now.

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I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Reaper doesn’t have the right kit to be a tank buster. I know the community wants him to be, but he would need a serious rework to get there. The only reason he’s good against a tank in a 1 v 1 is his extremely high DPS.

With a moderately tighter spread and a slightly lowered damage number, he could be extremely effective at flanking and killing squishies. Zen wouldn’t stand a chance. But for him to be effective against something like triple tank would require a complete rework.

Here’s why he sucks against tanks. This is a team game not a 1 v 1 game. He can 1 v 1 any tank, except maybe a Roadhog who lands his hook. But against 2-3 tanks, he can’t because he’s:

  1. Fighting in their effective range. His effective range and a tanks are the same.
  2. Even with his high damage, 2 tanks fighting him will always kill him before he kills both.
  3. Why should any character be able to 1 v 2 anyway. And tanks stick together so, if you are close up like Reaper you will often be in a 1 v 2 or 1 v 3 against tanks. So, he’ll never have that 1 v 1 or be able to fight at range like Hanzo, Junkrat, or Bastion.

I know what the community thinks and I know what the devs have said, but Reaper SHOULD not be a tank buster. If we want him to ever be good, he needs to be a squishy killer.


Reaper is in an awkward place right now because he doesn’t do his job that well. I would just choose a junkrat and spam grenades to kill tanks than pick reaper. He really doesnt have that quick mobility that dps needs. To do damage and escape is what a flanker should be able to do. Go around and try to take out people without healers noticing or having the chance to heal or better yet eliminate the healers completely. If that doesnt work out you can escape. Reaper has that one escape which is wraith form and its not that much of an escape. Its not quick and is very high risk. Shadow step has one use which is to try and flank behind the enemy but that ability is rarely being used in some situations.

On an armored opponent, Reaper can deal up to about 228 damage per headshot, so about 456 damage per second. Granted, dealing this kind of damage is near impossible, but still possible nonetheless.

Well what is the point in armour if you start introducing special ways to pierce it?

This is a balance path that TF2 went down, too many special cases that nullified special circumstances until you reached a point where the game was hugely complicated with inconsistent ambiguities that weren’t being fixed as no one was ever sure what was going on. Like they introduced a gun that “pierced resistances” except it was inevitably broken, it was a nightmare to figure out what worked and what didn’t, and why sometimes it would half-work.

There already is an established way to do better against armour in Overwatch, and that is to have a higher “instance” of damage. So one big bullet rather than loads of small bullets or pellets.

This is way easier with Reaper’s shotgun than heroes that have full auto weapons, just reduce the number of pellets and the pellets remaining their damage goes up.

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Give me the math proof on this one, friend. That sounds mighty suspicious.

Really? Because he is probably one of the worst flankers in the game.

I guess that would depend on how big of a flank you mean.