If Reaper should be tank buster

I agree with this. I think it should be fixed or replaced to be honest.

I don’t agree with this. I think they are wrong on this and he would be much better as a flanker. If they would move him towards that, he could be very good. Forcing him into the tank buster role is a mistake. Melee and close range heroes are not ideal tank busters. Mid range heroes are.

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Look, if you do above 10 damage then the armor reduces damage by 5, per instant of damage. If its below 10 then it reduces damage by 50%.

I once thought of a Widow’s grappling hook like ability, were he would fly to a point engulfed in smoke, visible and damageable but faster and without cast time.

Making Reaper into a flanker would require a huge rework, either Genji, Tracer, Doomfist and Sombra can quickly go in and out, of the ennemy team. If you’re using wraith form as an escape, you’re losing it’s reloading component as well as it’s chasing capabilities.

Reaper role seems closer to a close range brawler, especially considering his constant regeneration through damage giving him an advantage in prolonged fight, so, not what a flanker is aiming for since they tend to lack in sustained damage and long term survivability

I think Reaper is supposed to be methodical and stealthy so I think it would be more fitting with Reaper’s theme if Shadow Step was buffed with more Stealth rather making it all way faster. So turn invisible throughout the teleport animation that is still long unless he takes damage or anyone bumps into him.

This solves the problem of how you may start the teleport animation out of line of sight, but then suddenly an enemy rounds the corner and sees you locked in your animation. If the moment you click teleport you disappear in a puff of smoke and at the end of a 2 second pause and a sound effect only the reaper player can hear they suddenly appear in a wisp of black smoke ready to move.

So to any enemy observing they just seem to have disappeared and they can’t look around to see where to shoot. Any sniper can’t see the teleport animation and line up a headshot for an easy kill, the first time Reaper is visible in a new location he has 100% movement ability.

Reaper’s opponents still have the same amount of time to react to a Shadow Step, it’s just they don’t have a visual cue of knowing exactly where to shoot or line up a shot. Otherwise it could be very annoying to have reaper so quickly appear behind anyone even in the middle of a hectic fight.

Wraith form is also far too limited as it’s all or nothing. It was fairly good when the game launched but now Moira, a mere support, has an even better form of the same type of ability, with invisibility on top of immunity and though it’s a shorter duration the extreme speed more than makes up for it. And Moira’s fade is both on a shorter cooldown and is effectively ready to be used sooner as the cooldown for both abilities doesn’t begin until the ability ends, Moira’s ability lasting less time starts the cooldown clock sooner.

This is a problem for both Reaper and Moira and anyone who has a Moira on their team.

Moira’s fade is not being used to save her from being dived on when she’s being a good healer, it has such a short cooldown that it encourages Moira players to be more offensive because she can keep being aggressive and then will regularly able to fade out of exposed positions. But an aggressive Moira is usually less attentive to healing her allies. Psychologically, the aggressive Moira player thinks they are doing well but they’d be better off if they were more defensive and focused on healing.

So Moira’s fade could really be put on a 10 second cooldown (up from 6 sec) and probably won’t leave her any worse off with those playing her defensively as a main healer, but will really discourage the “DPS moiras” playstyle. They could also increase the reach of her beam and reduce it’s damage even more so people get the hint that she’s not supposed to be pushing forward aggressively.

Reaper’s Wraith should be made a lot more like Moira’s Fade, so faster speed (hammond’s rolling speed), shorter duration. Reaper NEEDS speed to be worth while, otherwise his effective DPS is going down as players with longer range can just start shooting sooner from further away. I think you could start by just cloning the timings of DvA’s Defence Matrix onto Wraith form, so:

  • 2 second max duration of wraith for with full resource meter
  • 1 second cooldown after each use
  • 8 seconds to fully recharge

High dps + healing on a %of your damage

High dps… that gets chopped in half by armor. So does his lifesteal.

Also he didn’t even ship with lifesteal… he shipped with those flat 50 hp Health orbs on enemy death… which give much better returns on not tanks.

The only tank he countered was Winston. The tank who only has 100 armor and the now second lowest DPS in the game.

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As a tank main, whenever I see a reaper I say “ah crap they have a reaper”. I think that means he’s doin his job right.