Armor penetrating bullets for Reaper?

Reaper is supposed to be a tank buster, right? But in a tank heavy meta, he seems utterly useless.

I’m sure this has been said before, but without changing him too drastically, do you think him dealing extra damage against armor would “fix” the problem, or does more need to really be done in order to make him a viable choice against the tank heavy metas?

In all honestly I’ve never really touched Reaper, and he’s one of my least played heroes in my roster, but it becomes kinda obvious when even pros can’t use him (among others) to fight the dreaded GOATS and have to mirror.

Idk I think it’s such a small thing, but in the end would make a big difference. His damage wouldn’t change against Hog bc no armor, but other armor heavy tanks would take an increase in damage (Only on the armor parts), be it 10% or 20%, I’m not sure when it would become OP.


I can dig it up, but the way Reaper shotgun damage is calculated, it can calculate fractional hitpoints worth of damage, then sum them up.

Which means they could just lower the effect done by armor, by a percentage

That would actually be pretty cool if you did

Like I’m not a Reaper main so I don’t even know if it’s the damage that’s a problem if that makes sense?

His damage is pretty solid, it’s his ability to engage foes and keep himself alive where he suffers. You can see this guy coming from a mile away even when he tries his best to flank effectively, and he has to painstakingly march toward barrier tanks, get INSIDE their barrier, and not get dumpstered by damage abilities in order to assassinate the tank he wants to take out. Meanwhile Torb and Hanzo can comfortably obliterate tanks from much more favorable engagement points.

I don’t think a damage adjustment would help as much as a kit-rework that increases his survivability in the fray of combat. Since he is pretty much locked into close combat and one of his abilities is practically suicide to use while under fire.


Here ya go:
If Reaper should be tank buster - #26 by anon2322270

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This was actually pretty insightful, I kind of just assumed it was a damage thing due to all of the healing and the general tankiness.

A slight bump up wouldn’t hurt him for sure. Hell, can slightly increase his damage AND do a bit of kit reworking. He really should do more armor damage at least, I can agree.

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I remember hearing on the forum that Reaper and Roadhog are the only reason that this game even has an armor mechanic in the first place. If that is the case, this is pretty unlikely to happen…

Just fix Shadow Step first so Reaper has an E ability for once.

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Decrease spread, decrease bullet count, increase damage.

Already like twice as good.

Technically it was Reaper and Tracer at the time, but the point still stands that armor is suppose to weaken attacks like that.

And 100% agree with Shadow Step. Make that faster and he’ll become stronger.

Check this out.

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Thing is, the devs made armor because of characters like reaper. This was in a surefour stream I think; correct me if I’m wrong. Which begs the question, why didn’t they make something to mitigate single fire burst weapons?

If you guys still can remember from Overwatch reveal trailer , Reaper have explosive round for his shotgun.

Maybe we can utilize that.