If moira had a child do you think she'd soften up?

if u did, then you’d know she didn’t like him

I still don’t think the level of dislike is as harsh as you might think. She finds him an annoyance but has still spent time with him. From what I understand, Sombra is the only one who likes him, while most people ignore his existence. She DID experiment on him and had plenty of time to talk to him. Her responses to him are, generally, good interactions. One line even asks about him spending time with the fairies. This one seems to be one of the softer, more interested responses to him. There is another line where she kind of snaps at him. That’s the only interaction that shows more than mild annoyance to him. I could have missed some of the interactions. I don’t know everything about their history and looked up as much as I could to find out what kind of relationship they had.

Uhm she’s legitimately being sarcastic and making fun of him lol

She’d make a child in a test tube and then reenact Frankenstein beat for beat. I give her three months before she’s sledding in the artic.

If she had a child, Mercy would have taken that child away

I’m pretty sure she’s sterile by now. Maybe even purposefully.

I don’t think she was making fun of him or being sarcastic :woman_shrugging:

Why’d you have to phrase juices like that?

No she wouldn’t … she would probably steal a couple children from a playground.

pooplayer1 remains the uncontested best forum poster- looking forward to the next netflix and chill post

Sounds like a Sigmoira thing to say

Nah, that’s too boring.

proceeds to grow multiple clones in glass jars to experiment on

You can’t soften up, if science is your life-long obsession. If anything, having child would only push you further, as it would add motherly instinct to “reasons to experiment on your child” list.

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Sir this is a Wendy’s

Side note: gesture of love from Moira is being offered jar of experimental mutagen as a drink. Politely refuse, or accept at your own risk.

Same applies to every other gift from her. If it’s flowers, don’t be surprised, if they try to bite you or produce poison gas. If it’s cute little animal, watch out for any extra abilities one has, that Moira “forgot” to tell you about. Such as unexpected claws, sharp teeth, tentacles, etc.

Most likely she isn’t sterile, but result of pregnancy can be very unexpected. From normal child to some eldritch monstrosity.

I’m coming for that spot


I have made my thoughts on the SigMoira shipping pretty clear lol

Unlikely, chances are she would produce the baby in a test tube and not the more natural way.