If meccree needs a nerf

she got nerfed a total of like once. maybe twice.

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No, Hanzo is healthier than McCree. We need to nerf that broke back mountain McNuggets first before we even consider nerfing poor oppressed dps like Hanzo.


This is certainly a new one xD…

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Or is it the oldest one in the book? But most people have a modernized take such as Machine Gun McKelly. Hm?

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She got her pulse bomb nerfed to from 400 damage to 300,which later was buffed to 350

Then she got her falloff nerf, which wasn’t even a full revert. It was buffed to falloff now starts at 13 meters, up from 10 meters, then it was nerfed to 12 meters.

She was nerfed twice. But if we’re talking about her abilities, she only got 1 nerf in the entire games life span, 50 less damage on her bomb. Her falloff is still better than it was at launch even after the nerf.

Did they stutter?

Not true

OWL doesn’t really mean anything to the ladder. Sombra, a hero that’s rarely played in the ladder, is widely used in OWL.

Quite an exaggeration. Sure, there aren’t as many instant delete buttons like brig stun bashing you and dying, she still has counters. Torbjorn’s turret is annoying. Brig preventing you from getting value from the backline is also annoying. McCree applying pressure to you by making you waste your blinks to avoid his stun is also annoying. And when I mean annoying, I mean it in a sense where you have to play really smart to avoid those counters.

Plus, it’s like you’re begging to only see hitscan in GM if you nerf tracer lol?

ALSO, if the devs decided to only do a partial revert to Tracer’s range, then they know something about the character that is not visible by just looking at PRs

yes? That should be obvious. Tracer, McCree and Hanzo are currently absolute power houses that all 3 need nerfs to fit in their designed playstyle again.

McCree does not need an overbloated kit, Tracer does not need any range and I would argue she does not need that high dmg on her Ult against tanks and Hanzo deffinatly does not need a Auto-cannon do shred tanks, barriers or to defend himself in close range.

Hanzo is not op. ? what are you talking about.

He deffinatly is. What are you talking about?

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Interesting? We must live in different universes because from where I come fron, Hanzo is nowhere close to being OP

legit nerf her fall off to 10
recall to 14 cooldown (optional)

fth to 45
roll distance buff reverted
hp reduced to 200
hitbox size decreased to fit his hero model

those nerfs would make the character worse than he was before

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but have we tried it on ExC? nope. imagine jumping to conclusions

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  1. most picked DPS is not OP (btw i talk about GM, in Masters and below he is 2. place)? Allright. Only because McCree and Hanzo are better does not mean Hanzo is not nearly a problem, espacially for tanks.

I can see why you might see Hanzo as oppressing considering that you’re a rein main with a huge hitbox, a giant rectaungular shield, and an ability that leaves you defenseless (charge). So instead of nerfing Hanzo, why don’t we reduce his tank busting capabilities in exchange for a primary fire rate buff

im all for that, but its mainly storm arrows thats the problem

that Rein is my most played hero has nothing to do with that Hanzo is nearly as oppressive as McCree.
And I also don’t say “bust him to the ground”. I speak for a reasonable nerf to lower his “shred everything in close range” ability, that was buffed for no reason a month ago.

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That’s why I suggested a powershift.

Speaking of which, I also don’t know why people are fed up about McCree. :man_shrugging:someone care to explain