If McCree is renamed I'm out

Why the hell should players relearn his name because of some internal drama inside Blizzard?

Also, he will FOREVER be a character “once named McCree”. They are only making the connection to this dev permanent.


ROFL, I may still only gonna answer to McCree in-game. We’ll see if I like the new name or not. If not: “Huh, what? Talking to me? Who’s Dwayne? I’ll let him know you’re looking for a peel. Jesse McCree out!”

He will not.

Nobody will care about the name he had before in 1 year +


For me personally - it makes me feel like blizzard thinks I’m dumb and that my wallet responds to plain virtue signaling.
There are a lot of other things it makes me believe - like marketing is more important than their employees, the truth, principles, human decency in general, cuz my dude… I don’t know what Jesse Mcree has done, I don’t even know who he is (speaking of the dev) but when blizzard does damage control - I don’t believe for one second that they are doing it in good faith, especially in these times.


If they switch his displayed name to Jesse but keep McCree name within lore it’s fine.

But considering their motives for doing that it’ll be a full on damnatio memoriae.

This much I will agree with. I think it would have been much better to try and make mccree represent his own name than this.

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You literally do not have to relearn his name if you don’t want to. They physically can’t force you to. And I guarantee that most of the community will say Mccree out of habit anyways. Same thing happens with Hammond.

And the connection to the dev is permanent anyways. They can’t retcon real life. They explicitly named him after that developer and that won’t change.

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Wow you want to uninstall a game because a name is going to be changed and we still don’t know how will it impact the lore.

It might be just an alias, you are not forced to not call him Jesse McCree


Considering you already know his name is being changed, this is nothing more than attention seeking. We all know you aren’t going to quit.


Hardly, when this video exists - I knew it from it for years…they also said it on at least one Blizzcon.

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He shall now be known as McRageQuit.

You might not know what he’s done but the entire dev team does. And they have to work with the character every single day. It’s a constant reminder. This change isn’t just for the community, it’s for everyone.


Sadly that is the world we live in today. I can only hope we can see the huge mistake this was in the future and never again listen to the ignorant sjw ever again.

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It confirms that they chose his name only because it sounded right.

I think if they change it for a story reason (IE. He joins overwatch but can’t use the mccree name because of blackwatch connection) I’d also be fine with it.

The only situation I’ll be upset in is if they literally just change it and pretend it was always the new name. that would piss me off.

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…and it came from their coworker, who signed his name for them to use it in game…
Don´t pick out only informations that suits you…

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No you’re not, shill.

You’ll be back to shilling for them and lining their pockets with OWL skin cash next week and you’ll be buying overwatch 2.

Lol, what a joke of a person.

Your values allign with their TRUE values, and you aren’t gonna just suddenly turn on them because they felt inclined to make a decision for the sake of good PR. :clown_face:

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Sure…You know what the dev team knows and thinks, mhm. This was their decisions…oh wait, it wasn’t

Those poor people…

Also, this is 100% coming from Activision marketing team.

So that attitude was unnecessary but go off. But he was their co-worker. I’ll grant that I don’t know how many of them are that upset by it, but neither do you. It’s equally as absurd to argue that this change was exclusively for brownie points from the community.

So who’s was it? I doubt the CEO of blizzard made this decision himself.