If Mass-Rez Came Back

Bring back mass rez exactly how it was but:

• Requires line of sight with teammates (Barriers don’t break it)
• No self invuln for Mercy
• Cannot use from spawn (All heroes need this implemented)

And I would stop one tricking Symmetra and play Support again.

Ok but then I want EVERYONES ult to leave them able to be killed, Zen, Doomfist, Hammond…all of them must have a cast time, especially Doomfist seeing as you have a window of time to line everything up perfectly and can’t be killed using it.

What about a 2-4 man resurrection?

That still wouldn’t work on console. Pressing the reload button means you have to give up the ability to aim. Imagine if you’re mouse froze in place while trying to use sleep dart as Ana.

Let me put this into perspective for you, there are so many ults that can wipe out a team, some without risk of death and the majority having no cast time but you want something that can reverse said ults to have a cast time and leave said hero ripe for the picking? Yeah that sounds fair, really, mean it!..and then people sit here and talk about game balance LMAO

You’ve pretty much stated what we Mercy mains are asking for. We never wanted invulnerability or the rework. Cast time is fine to balance mass res, maybe something other than valk for E. Possibly a debuff or buff projectile that doesn’t do any damage on E.

Mobility means nothing unless you’re dealing damage with it. Pluse valk needs teammates to actually make it work. So essentially valk even on e is essential a long cooldown escape ability. That can increase mercy healing output. Damage boost would be better but not a whole lot better.

I could actually accept this change with Res but I do have two questions. Would it only be two Res or would it be like a 10 sec cooldown? Would the amount of time in Valk be the same as the live version of the game?

What I had in mind is it would be two channeled Rezzes during valk, with the same channel speed as it is now. Valk would have the same duration.

I would like to test your idea out honestly and see if it feels fun and impactful.

Ehh… if Mercy mains are complaining she’s boring now, they probably wouldn’t like my idea.

Though I do have a ton of other ideas. This one is just the most simplistic change.

Any thoughts anyone? Non-Mercy main just trying to be fair to the hero.

The line of sight fixes aren’tm eant to stop people jumping in at the last second, that’s what the cast time is for
The melee requirement is meant to stop rez’ing through walls as was the case on 3rd point IGbralter and Dorado as well as Nepal Villiage very common. And probably a few other places I cna’t remember.
These were scneario’s where the Mercy had the ability to rez quite literally out of sight. Even the current cast time would have been painfully easy to pull off a 5 man rez under these circumstances when they arose. However they werne’t common enough to be too powerful on their own, hence minor fix to stop them.

Not on mercy. She’s too mobile which means it needs to either have a cast time long enough to make it worthless, or no cast time which makes her broken.

I’d love to see it on a personal-defense-centric tank hero. Think someone like roadhog minus the feeding. A tank whose built to wade into the fray and survive, and disrupt, but who doesn’t necessarily have the best DPS.

Make a tank hero that can out-survive the rest of their team with a little support, and bring everyone back to life after they die unless the enemy team makes killing them a priority (during which time they give up some ult advantage because this hero’s defensive abilities would negate damage instead of increasing their health pool).