If Mass-Rez Came Back

To be clear, I’m not a Mercy fan. In fact I have about 1 hour on her at level 876. I have never found her fun. I was also not a fan of mass-rez.

But that said, I’d be okay with it coming back as long as: it requires LoS, it doesn’t make Mercy invincible, and it has a cast time so that it’s interruptible. Then Valkyrie could be put on E as say 5 seconds uptime out of every 20.

Anybody else think this would be an acceptable solution to the Mercy problem? Why or why not?

Edit: someone suggested the mass-Rez cast time could be tied to the number of targets so that if a one man Rez took say 0.3s, a five man Rez would take 1.5s. I think this is an excellent idea. It balances the risk with the reward.


Valkyrie on E gives Mercy too much mobility.

If Mass Rez were to come back, the rez timer cannot be as long as the respawn timer. Killing Mercy “too first” was one of the dumbest things about her pre-rework state, especially on 2CP maps where the spawn is 2 feet from the point.


If they were to bring back Mass Rez they should also take away the ability to ult in spawn. It should effect all heroes.


Don’t like this. I think Mercy at least needs damage reduction on her ult, otherwise she’ll die most of the time, like she does with current rez.

Additionally, you mean the full version of Valkyrie for 5 seconds on a 20 second cooldown? Including flying, chain beams, increased regen, and gun boost? I think only the flying and increased beam range should stay. The rest are too good for a regular ability and stomp on the areas other healers shine in.


No I would not be in favor of that. However, if mass res were to come back AND 2cp maps we’re completely removed from the game, then I wouldn’t be so mad.


I don’t have strong opinions on mass Rez specifically coming back, I just want something for Mercy where it feels like her decision-making has an impact.


Mass res with the changes you described would make it worse than when mass res was considered bad. So this would make Mercy worse than when she was considered a troll pick. Yeah I’ll pass.


Why breakdown something that won’t ever happen

It would be like discussing how much damage Reinhardts homing missiles do


Nah mass rez “countability” is not the problem mass rez as whole was problematic it was too consistent it either rez 3-5 or just being…useless

Her whole schtick is being the most mobile healer.

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There’s being the most mobile healer, then there’s a hero that has so much mobility (1.5s GA + bhop + superjump + freeflight and boosted versions of the aforementioned on a CD) that it’s ridiculous to try to pin them down.

Mercy was already not able to res inside spawn before the rework.


Are you sure? I could have sworn I did it myself a few times in Mystery.

It was something they added a month or two before the rework due to complaints.


It was changed right before the rework.


I’m cool with these changes. Only that the cast time should be 1s max and that Valkyrie should be removed entirely.
Some other stuff would be needed as well, but for the start that’s okay fo Mass Res.


I don’t think damage reduction is a good idea. Lucio doesn’t get damage reduction when casting sound barrier and why should mercy? I understand trying to res 5 teammates would be risky but something that powerful should have a trade off.


No no we don’t need valk as an E.

Just revert her and add damage reduction when she rezes (add LoS to her as well, buff her healing to 55 hp.)

It would make her unkillable.

No not unkillable, just harder to kill.
I think it’s fair considering mercy’s only job is heals