If Mass-Rez Came Back

The rez idea is fine, but please don’t put Valkyrie on E.

If Mercy’s hypothetical new E ability doesn’t give performance calculators new stats to chew on, the SR system will go straight back to putting too much emphasis on rez count when awarding SR. We don’t want the stat padders to come back and ruin games by trying to hide n rez again. Of course, they’d fail because of the new restrictions… but that would only make their presence all the more obnoxious.

Mercy’s bunnyhop/superjump already give her a lot of mobilty. If the superjump was made into an official part of GA (press jump during GA to bunnyhop, press crouch to superjump), and maybe the passive featherfall was upgraded to a glide, Mercy would be set.

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Hmmm, would be a little too complicated tho. How about 0.8s or 1s in total? I mean have you seen Lucio that get stunned out of their ult? Cast time is 0.8s and oo boy with CC nowadays.

I’m not a Mercy main I’ve only got playtime on her from trying to get achievements.

My revert/rework would be.


  • Removed as normal ability restored as an ultimate

Resurrect Ultimate

Nerfs so it’s not as strong and has counterplay

  • give it a Line of Sight checker like D.Va bomb or Lucio Sound Barrier no more rezzing through walls, floors, ceilings, and the payload
  • remove the invulnerability during rez buff they gave her that sent her down the road to this garbage rework

Buffs so it’s not completely useless

  • increase mass resurrect range to 30 meters from 15 meters (original range during Beta was 40 meters with no LOS check)
  • Living allies within range/LOS get an instant full health heal to keep them alive while bringing back dead teammates. Which should get rid of the hide & rez and die on point mentality/Play Style. This also gives Resurrect another use.

Caduceus Staff

  • Increased healing to 60 heallth per second from 50 hps

Guardian Angel

  • Keep the changes to guardian angel

Valkyrie ultimate

  • Removed as an ultimate turned into an ability


  • Grants 8 seconds of flight 2x healing range and the ability to heal/damage boost one additional target
  • Cooldown is 30 seconds

What point talking about her mobility if her heals just meh? It’s like having Tracer who hardly can deal any damage and only good at escaping from enemy.

Overall solid, but this 8 sec Valk on E is way too long. Thing is, in game like that eight seconds is actually a pretty long time. She would be able to survive any larger team fight. It’s actually OP.

Either remove Valk entirely or make it an escape ability on a long cooldown. Moth gameplay has to go.

Not the person youre talking to, but how about 3s for 15s?

Id say if Valk was an E, it should be used wisely.

Difference is Lucio casting sound barrier probably has alive teammates that can protect him while ressing 5 people means there is noone to protect her. It should be just no invincibility + LoS, but not cast time

Just return Launch 2016 Mercy.

No instant cast.
No invincibility.

At least 50% damage reduction. She had invincibility because previously everytime she rezed, she dies everytime. Devs didnt ilke that and we got invul.

Fair enough.

It’s worth noting in her earliest conception she could not move while Rezzing either. They added that a few months after launch. Some tweaks can be made, but if they return the invincibility, instant-cast Mercy, it’ll just turn back to the Mercy who hides and Rez’s with no punishment. We need Mercy to remain engaging and to have some critical thought before the Rez is made.

Damage reduction to help her live sounds okay. I mained Mercy in those early days. I never really had much issue with her dying from Rezzing unless I just threw my body into the fray for a last-minute, must-have Rez. With some forethought, I’d usually Rez without a scratch unless my team sucked.


And why is that all that bad, really?

What’s so bad about significantly different support heroes, even in underlying design? What’s so bad about one of them being built entirely around her ultimate? We already have heroes with comparatively weak fast-charging ultimates, and with super slow-charging but very strong ultimates. There’s precedent for different levels of ult power.

Wouldn’t be a big step to say there’s a hero who is weak as a hero to balance a fast~medium charging but very strong ult.

And, importantly, more playstyles! With losing “engineer” Torbjörn, the game desperately needs more playstyles, not less which is what usually happens (as it did with Sym and Torb).

That being said I’m not entirely averse to a more complex Rez, either. I just fear it adds needless complexity if enough concessions are made, instead of just balancing it with a weaker Mercy overall.

I mean what could be done is to rezz Heroes with 25% health and a short 0,3s invulnerability, then over 1,0s they gain the rest of their health meaning when rezzes they have to get the hell out or find shelter for a moment.

I mean, sure. There’s a lot of ways to return Mass Rez back to the game. Mass Rez being an Ult again will once more return Mercy to the Support many grew to love and perfect.

I believe the return of a Mercy who hides until the Rez can be made with no punishment is a poor inclusion because every Ultimate should be something that is considered before using, or risk a negative outcome. If Mercy is allowed to use her Rez without any consideration of what the scenario is, it removes this factor that nearly every other hero has. If Genji Ults right in front of a Brigitte, he doesn’t have immunity from being smashed into the ground despite his poor timing or positioning.

I prefer the challenge the non-invincible Rez created. It made Mercy more skill-worthy and sorted the Good Mercy’s who were clever and evasive from the ones who weren’t. When they allowed Mercy to fly in and Rez instantly while taking no damage, it created the stigma that Mass Rez is currently associated with; No way to counter it.

If Mercy is able to be killed prior, or during a Rez, it allows it to be countered. It puts the burden on the Mercy player to be well positioned, and to be aware of what is going on in order to secure the Rez. I believe that is something any Ultimate should require, or face the consequences of it possibly being neutralized.

Sombra’s 600HP shield is my favourite ability


Old AE rezz already had that element, even though multiple other ults do not!

So first there’s no general rule. The worst which happens to many ults is that you waste them, you don’t actually have a negative outcome. Tracer, Soldier, Reinhardt (sort of), Orisa, Hammond, Lucio, Brigitte, ah well there’s actually a fair few more. Point is, there’s a lot of heroes who worst-case do a 0 outcome to their ult, entirely wasting it. No negative.

Second, old AE rezz had only one truly important criticism: Use it badly, and you feed the enemy 5-6 more kills. It was the balancing factor, too. Use it at the wrong moment and you considerably worsen your team’s chances as the enemy not only just handily killed you all again (which would be a 0 result) but got extra damage/kills in to refill their own ults (which pushes it into a negative result).

It was balanced.

No, it was the worst skill the gaming industry has ever come up with. The last thing it needs is a res.

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Mass rez was a bad idea right from the beginning, so just let it rest in peace for good.


Yeah like fade gave moira too much mobility

I have used that cast-time scales with target idea before. Good job that others have thought of it! But I think 0.3 per target is a bit too long.

the main way that people pulled of mass rez was to GA to one soul and click Q. So obviously they will be within melee range. This is nice but it doesn’t change much at all.

this is actually quite a good idea.

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