If I’m Diamond, why is my tank gold?

I’m a Diamond healer, my tank was gold. His last season in OW1 he had a 2400 SR. Why am I being matched with them?

It’s shocking how bad match making is. I’ve been a player since day one Overwatch and I’m honestly not that interested in playing anymore.


theres just no matchmaking rn pretty much


Im masters and I had a silver4 on my team once. was 1700 in ow1. Unreal


Matchmaking? LMAO you actually think Blizzard cares about your rank or gameplay at all? Just give them 25$ for a skin.


They put out a huge post today. Basically your rank is not how they match you up, it literally doesn’t matter because they don’t take it into account. You’re matched by MMR, which is a determination of your skill, a number you can’t see. You and the tank were both similar MMR most likely, they just haven’t managed or bothered to climb up to plat yet. Exceptions may occur when grouped players are taken into account, but both teams will be balanced as close as possible in MMR, not rank.

Only problem with that is if you have a tank at lower mmr matched with a dps at your mmr or higher in your game and the other team has a dps at lower mmr like the tank, but a tank at your mmr or higher to compensate, then you’re about to get tank diffed.


Can confirm. I am a bronze/silver tier player, though I can usually get gold support. I have been getting matched with Masters lately, and have felt completely out of my league. Like just trying to keep up feels like sweat, and if I am DPSing, the other DPS almost assuredly has twice my damage and a quarter of my deaths lol.


Because the algorithm changed.

The game has been reworked for maximum addiction. The algorithm is seeking to force players into a 50/50 Winrate, as that’s what psychologists have deemed most addictive.

It was much more subtle in OW1. Now they don’t care. They alleviated some of the stress on the algorithm to promote faster queues (a player base killer in OW1).


Right but this tank had 21 wins…and was still gold…if that was they case he would have adjust out by now. I think I had 16 and got back to Diamond already.

I play in diamond too and ive seen every rank

You can thank contradictory nonsensical systems that have been here since the launch of OW1, as well as an ignorant playerbase that didn’t care for the consequences of gaming such a poorly designed system. We knew it was bad all along and could have helped to stabilize it, we chose not to.

Almost as if nobody wants to play tanks or something

ive actually seen a few of these. and tbh i think these people specifically are being boosted by a combination of meta and the new matchmaker.

kinda like how brig boosted some golds into GM, or how season 4 made it so you could afk and mass rez on mercy too skyrocket in rank.

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I’m convinced they have tremendously loosened the matchmaker so that they can have lower queue times, and everyone is suffering for it.


If I understood the gist of the matchmaking blog post that dropped earlier today is that the current MMR system totals everyone’s MMR together to a nice number and tries to put that same total MMR against you. How they choose what MMR I think is based around tanks.

Meaning if one team has a higher total of DPS players their tank might have a worse rating where as your team with the lower DPS rating would have a higher ranked tank. The actual name plate they have for you to see (ex gold/plat) even on your profile has zero bearing over where your true MMR is.

If you read this forum post from Blizz:

I think this alone might provide you with some answers to ur question/s.

The Blizzard blog post said new players should be in bronze 5 if I’m not mistaken. But I just had a game (I am Plat 2 support) where 2 I confirmed through their public profiles are new and unranked. After the game all 4 left at the same time so I assume they were a stack.

Tank was Orisa/Winston - 8 Elims and 9 deaths
Support was Ana/Lucio - 6 Elims and 13 deaths 7k heals

For context the enemy team:
Tank was Sigma/Orisa - 31 Elims and 5 deaths
Support was Kiriko and Moira 7/35 Elims 3/5 deaths 10k heals each

The game felt completely unwinnable and a waste of time.


Short answer, ranks are all hidden. Long answer

In OW1 I remember I queued tank for the first time in over a year for a change of pace. My SR was low plat on tank and it stuck me in a gm/top 500 lobby. My peak was like 100sr into diamond on DPS.

It’s safe to say we got absolutely dominated, my team didn’t blame me though and were nice meanwhile the whole enemy team was BM’ing in the chat like it’s somehow my fault the game stuck me in a match 2k+ SR higher than where I should’ve been.

The matchmaking is non existent right now. I had a game yesterday where one of the enemy supports was grandmaster and everyone else was in the silver-plat range. That support pretty much carried the entire match. I would rather have longer queue times than deal with this “matchmaking”.