If Brigitte Can't Shield Bash Through Barrier

Because it initiates instantly and she can use it while protecting her front from ranged attacks. This means it’s difficult to counteract and difficult to punish.


But this is the point of her kit. To punish people who are in her face.

If you are seeing Doomfist lining a punch directly at you from infront of you… is this different? You either move, CC, or counter charge him if possible on your hero.

This is going to kill Brigitte… it’s way too over the top to single her out on only.


You forgot that Rein shouldn’t be able to charge in a shield.
Also you wouldn’t be able to punch through shield and Rein’s hammer and Brigitte’s masse should not go through shield either.

That is the worst idea for Brigitte but because a lot of people of that forum cried for that because they coud not play against a Brigitte, except it’s really easy and if they do that Goat comps will be even stronger because you’ll have no way to take Rein’s shield down as you can now.

Also when Brigitte uses her stun, she is VERY vulnerable and she only depends on her team to stay alive --> just use that.

Also how does it work for Winston’s shield, Orisa’s shield, Sym’s shield ? Does she just stops at the border of the shield ? Don’t you think it will only make shield meta stronger ? Isn’t that also what “everyone” is complaining about when it’s not Goats?

And with her recent 500hp nerf it’s just so easy to take down her shield I mean come on just learn how to counter her stop asking for ridiculous nerf.
At this point pleasr make Road’s hook half the range, Genji’s dash not reset after a kill, Sombra’s hack last for only 2s, Tracer’s recall to come back only 2s before and you can go on like that.


Doomfist has to charge up a significant amount of time to do decent damage or even reach you unless you are 1m away, so a lot of heroes face counterplay to that.

Just buff the rate of giving armor to her ultimate since that ultimate sucks anyways.

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Here’s a more consistent idea that i had from another thread


This is my distinct worry. From the sounds of Geoff it’s going to be all barriers as he didn’t say specifically “Only Reinhardt”.

I don’t understand why you won’t be able to shield bash through barriers but you can walk through them.

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Her ultimate is very strong, I disagree. More armor would feel oppressive just like vanilla version of it did.

Only change I can think of so she can do her job more dangerously is give her +25 more armor or something for her personally? I honestly don’t want to consider what she could get to compensate because we know she won’t get anything at all.

Yeah I saw that :frowning:
I think it’s going in the wrong direction because Goats is not lead by the Brigitte.
Goats rely on the insame amount of healing you can do + the insane dps tanks can have
Brigitte is merely and engaging tool in Goats

Or, more likely, Brigitte players will learn how to walk through a shield before bashing, and the impact will be minor.

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C’mon, is armor even really that good? What does it really save you from? Widowmaker? Hanzo? Nano blade? Rocket Barrage? Deadeye? Molten core?..

Doesn’t feel useful to me unless you use it preemptively to protect Zenyatta, Symmetra and Zarya from EMP.

Her ultimate used to be nearly impossible to counter in it’s original incarnation. It was super unfair.

Torb being the only person that counters armor does feel pretty bad tbh.

Reaper and Soldier 76 I know definitely don’t enjoy shooting armor, not like they are meta but just pointing out how armor does ruin some DPS potential.

I’d like to point out I’m not even close to a Brigitte main or anything, I’m a Pharah main of all things trying to convey how Brigitte is getting too murdered for her own good.


As a Reaper player I find armor is a bit irrelevant. You just have to aim for the head since a headshot to armor does 180 per shots he shoots twice a second so that’s 360 dps.

Actually her ult is pretty good especially against dps like Tracer, Sombra (cause she can’t hack it), Soldier, Genji etc
It will force thel to ult if they want to commit the kill. Also in a teamfight having her ult + her passive it gives a lot of healing.

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I forgot somehow that Tracer bomb does get shafted hard vs Brigitte Ult. It seemed like they nerfed her bomb intentionally so it was not countering Brigitte for some reason (not just for placing it on tanks).

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It also gave her a really easy way to start a push. When she shield bashes Reinhardt, his shield goes down, making him vulnerable. This change will allow her team to kill the enemy Rein and push in.

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In my opinion Reinhardt interaction is okay. I am more worried for Winston. If it won’t go trough barriers protecting my healers from zap will be harder.

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All barriers friend. All barriers. If it was just Reinhardt it’s a minor issue I would agree.

Which she is supposed to counter dive… I think?

Brig counters Dive meta by protecting the squishies of her team.

Apperently she counters everything according to forums.