If Brigitte Can't Shield Bash Through Barrier

I don’t talk balance due to lore, not my style but for others perhaps.

The only thing anyone and everyone could say to this is if they don’t boost Brigitte’s kit in some other way due to how bad this will hurt her it’s going to be GG Brigitte. That is why it’s so bizarre to make this exception, especially when Genji runs scot free through barriers and Doomfist can still wreck through them too… when both of them unlike Brigitte can’t use mobility to get around them as is to begin with. Brigitte in her current kit absolutely needs to hit through Barriers, the only thing they could have done to make this semi-ok is if they gave Reinhardt the only specific Barrier tank to be unphased by it. This exception is the only one you could argue by giving him a new passive if the devs thought someone should be resistant to it. This is just too overbearing of a nerf across the board for a Hero that isn’t capable of enduring so many stoppages to her kit.

Winston will ruin Brigitte in a team fight now hard and Orisa can keep on laughing with this. Even a Symmetra ult will stop a flippin’ shield bash if you walk back and forth between it which makes no sense when both friend and foe can walk through it but a shield smacks up against it lol? All barriers…