If Brigitte can 3 tap Tracer

No one will ever convince me that Tracer is balanced. I don’t like the idea of making Ana overpowered to make it a fairer fight against another overpowered hero.

Seems like a bug or sumthin, its logically impossible if you dont swing twice more

Maybe you did:

Swing swing bash whip swing

That would equate to the 200 dmg ish you need

But it still leaves those 1.2ish seconds to react

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Yes it is. Heroes like Brigitte get it super easy against Tracers. Ana doesn’t. I want Ana to have the ability to dispose of Tracer if she is able to properly sleep dart her.

Of course she can, but it doesn’t mean that she shouldn’t be able to do something on small percentile like sleeping and actually killing a Tracer with 1 less hit against her.

Yes, I know that.

Oh quit that please. If we cant say Bronze players are generally bad and GM players are good we might as well say that 2+2 equals 7 dude. Dont bring that demagogue speech here, it doesnt work.
And no, im not bronze but i have friends there and in silver so i know how it is but its not about that, right? its about “i know more than you”, thats your thing, is it?

There it is. Nailed it.
Because “you know more than me” about heroes and how they struggle right? therefore your flawed feeble comparison is somehow legit (using ad verecundiam fallacy here, neat) and everything that i say “makes no sense” and im “ignorant”.

If you are not ready to take on opinions that differ yours and present you with FACTS ( for the hundred gazillion time, Brig killing tracer NEEDS a mistake on tracer player, Ana sleeping a Tracer is 100% on Ana’s side ) then dont make a forum post. Period.
Like i said, take it down a notch and stop saying that all i say is BS, and i “dont know squat” and i am a “jerk”. It just literally works against you and will make people hate you.

You keep applying your opinion as a general rule so when it is not (because its not) i say its a “you issue”. Thats what it means. if you cant take it, (quoting moira) get off the stage.

Let me put it in Bold now and caps to see if it goes through :

For the 6th time, IM NOT DEFENDING ANYONE. You are just using a FLAWED comparison and im just pointing that out.

Yes you are, you keep dismissing anything i say and calling me names just because you disagree with facts. Now let me ask you this, for real, honestly now, from your deepest thoughts :

  • Do you REALLY think that a Developer will read your OP and say "oh yeah, we need to somehow buff Ana damage?
  • Like really? Is there any chance in any multiverse it will happen?. If it does, i will be the first to come here and say : Congratulations, that comparison was legit and therefore the change/buff happened but the way things are looking? it seems that 90% of the people in this thread (or more) does not agree nor buy that is a fair/legit comparison mate.


If its not, and i am not 100% right, please explain HOW, in what terms, and variables and situations those two VERY DIFFERENT characters, should be balanced according to what one of them can do and the other cant.

Please enlighten us because i can tell you, MANY of us (if not almost all of us here) cant see it.

Tracer is the most balanced hero though. I could argue Genji as well. Their mobility defines their characters. If you were to say, put an X amount of time in between blinks, you would destroy her character completely. Just like how if you remove Genji’s rest dash on assists/kills. Not as bad as Tracer, but still.

If you were to nerf Tracer’s damage, then it wouldn’t make sense at all. She can deal 240 dps IF she one clips someone, and last I checked, that isn’t as easy as one seems. Nerfing pulse bomb was stupid because if gave Brigitte an indirect buff to her ult. They need to stop.

So lets give Widow a stun when she lands a hit as well then cuz she requires skill too.
The things doesn’t work like that.

Ana is weak against fast and small targets but can escape big targets like tanks easily.

Brigitte can dominate low hp targets but is an easy prey for long range heroes.

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Mobility, damage, survivability. You can’t have all three and be “balanced”. I think her 150 health was supposed to be her weakness, but recall makes it almost meaningless.

edit: Btw, when asked which hero needed a nerf a while ago, the overwhelming majority of OWL players said Tracer so you can’t claim this is a low skill perception as many have tried in the past.


That is LITERALLY the request. I want her to be better at surviving. She can’t heal herself many times, as she has to CHOOSE to heal herself or keep her team alive during a fight. She has no mobility, and her “defense tool” isn’t reliable.

That’s a fair statement, but it isn’t about Tracer, it’s about flankers in general. Ana is a sitting duck.

Yet it’s not easy value to have a combo to kill half the roster. Doomfist isn’t hard to get value from, just hard to master.

That’s the vibe you’re giving off.

Everyone knows why it got nerfed, just live with it.

You misunderstood what I said, but okay.

And I’m not in bronze either. I have friends there that are really good, but I’m not saying I know more than you on that. I’m saying in general, you cannot know for sure because you aren’t in bronze, and neither can I.

Never have I said that I knew more than you, try again. I just clarified above what I meant that you took out of context.

And I have presented you with facts as well. Let me show you some.

Just to name a few.

Said that once.

Said that when you seem to think that when you’re in bronze, you’re inherently bad. Which, you did, by the way.

Seriously ask the majority of Ana players.

Implying that it’s just a me issue, which I already stated that I am not the only one that disagrees with 3 tapping Tracer as Ana is there. It isn’t and it should be.

Then why are you replying still? You can’t just come in here where it’s a post about Ana vs Brigitte, say that “it’s a you issue” and then “debunk” the fact that you are defending a side. You are. Everyone is here.

You have said that many times, and I disagree it is flawed. Welcome to the forums.

I’m not.

You keep claiming that I am calling you names. I’ve called you a jerk once because that is what you were doing.

2 things showing that you were actually being a jerk.

No of course not. If you honestly think that is what I was going for, then you need to leave please. This is a discussion between players, not saying “Devs, do dis”.

Again, not going for wanting devs to read it.

You say it is 90%, but the majority of people that came here, have stated their concerns on this. I’m not denying people disagreed, no, but you claiming something on a thread that I have made and read 100% through. Just because you commented more than once, doesn’t mean you can include yourself multiple times in that percentile. It doesn’t work like that.

You are the only one here that claims to be 100% right. No other commenter has claimed it, nor have I. Stop with the implication that you are 100% right. You’re not. You’re telling me I am biased when being biased yourself.

Please, if you’re honestly going to act like this, I suggest you stop commenting. It’s getting you nowhere.

I know this doesn’t really help in the moment, but Ana can kill Tracer before she has a chance to recall if you wait for the sound cue that plays with sleep dart. It’s kinda like a snore. When you hear it, whoever is slept has less time to react and it’s particularly useful for confirming a kill on a slept Tracer.

My point being is that Ana should have it much easier than that. Tracer is a literal glass canon. Why can Ana not dispose of such issues when she accurately sleeps a Tracer?

An Ana that sleeps a Tracer deserves the kill, period.


You literally said that some bronze DF players are good. Im guessing you are talking about QP ? because if they were goo… you know what, its running in circles, you are just going to evade/avoid again. Never mind.

Yes you did. You literally said and i quote :
“It means you know squat about some heroes and how they struggle.”
That implies you do and therefore what you say is right and what i say is wrong. You are backtracking to nowhere pal.

Because you are still denying what i said is true and your OP comparison is flawed. I asked for variables, correlation, how a character should be balanced according to another and you said absolutely nothing besides “i disagree” and then run in circles about DF and anything else you can divert the conversation to.

There are many sentences you used to prove that you are a foulmouthed dude that is barely keeping it together in the forums but one thing is saying it and calling people “ignorant” and “jerk”. You can have your opinion, insulting on the forum is a different thing. Basic rules of politeness pal.

Why? because im putting you on the spot and you keep avoiding the question?

Then stop avoiding the question about the OP and answer. Let me repeat it once again :
"Please explain HOW, in what terms, and variables and situations those two VERY DIFFERENT characters, should be balanced according to what one of them can do and the other cant.
Please enlighten us because i can tell you, MANY of us (if not almost all of us here) cant see it."

What are you asking about then? a buff? a general rant? just people to say “yeah you are right”? what is the purpose of this thread? Explain it to me.

Makes sense and annoys me at the same time.

LOL no. Not even McCree can one shot her with a headshot and for good reason. What you are asking for is a one-shot body shot kill. Not going to happen. As already stated Ana can combo kill a slept Tracer anyways. She doesn’t need to have it idiot proof to secure the kill.

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Avoid what?

There, highlighted for you.

And what it meant was: If you’re going to talk about heroes and how they don’t struggle in some places, then yes, you don’t know much about that. That isn’t me saying “I know more than you.” That’s me saying that you’re being ignorant when players who actually main heroes like this have troubles and you fail to see it. Plain and simple.

You’re not going anywhere by repeating that.

I have stated things, but I guess there is no point showing you because you’ve avoided what I said before, so yeah.

I can call you out for being a jerk, which you were being. Stop denying it. Also, I can call you ignorant (lacking knowledge or awareness in general) because you failed to see how this affects Ana players. Little or not, the negative affect is still there.

I didn’t avoid the question. I answered it. I wasn’t going for that.

I posted this to see other people’s opinions on the matter and to discuss about it. You replied with a disagreement, I replied back. Now it’s just you telling me that I am avoiding answering questions.

Speaking of “avoiding”:

I want your proof as I literally said:

I was talking about 1v1 situations only, if i had team mates around Tracer usually died.

Never said i was bad, tho didn’t i really go up or down SR wise. I just noticed after a week that tracers mains i played against either avoided me like the devil, or were smart enough to mash the hell out of recall when stunned or meleed.

After awhile I wasn’t able to do melee-bash-flail as they’d blink or recall after melee and bash-melee-flail doesn’t work if they have recall or are good with blink, escaping with 30 hp :confused:

Ultimately my strategy was just bash-flail, and use tracer’s recall to regroup with team and heal up.

I didn’t play much Brigette on PTR so i didn’t get to enjoy much 3 strike tracer deletes.

You completely misunderstood what he said. Please, reread all that we have talked about. Hopefully that will clear things up.

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that’s why brigitte is a joke. she’s idiot proof and a terrible creation by blizzard.