If Brigitte can 3 tap Tracer

  • punch? I swear I have done this and killed her a few times.

Sleep dart + primary fire + Bionade + primary fire insrakills a 200 hp target.


You need to revisit your concept of skill ceiling. He DOES have a low skill ceiling and thats the problem. He is capped. The moment people know how to aim, he cant do barely nothing. So you just literally said the opposite of whats true. Great.

Hanzo is 1 char out of 27, not a good reason to be there, specially against Rein/Zarya/Brig. DF is a serious threat and even though he is seeing WAY MORE pickrate than ever, he is still at Tracer’s shadow so absolutely zero reason to complain about Brig making Tracer thrash when reality says otherwise.

Yeah, not always, only 90% of the time. Are you going to balance looking at bronze/silver? people who lack basic awareness and mechanics? Makes 0 sense, just so you know. It is what it is.

No she didnt and its because her skill ceiling, is BRUTALLY high and devs know it. They are only going to make QoL “buffs” and ive said that for months and what happened? Yeah, exactly what i said, 14 bullets and heal going through full HP allies. The sooner you wake up, the happier you will be.

While im ALL FOR ana’s dart doing more damage there would be outrage for beefer, easier to hit targets.

Let me explain to you why that wouldn’t be fair.

Brig’s stun has a standard 6 meter range. It is easy to calculate your distance with Tracer to avoid getting hit by it.

Sleep dart has infinite range. It is more up to the Ana player whether it’s going to hit or not. Just because Brig has a cheap combo, doesn’t mean Ana needs one too.

Maybe let Ana deal more damage to slept targets. Not much;
10 dmg more when she hits a slept target, that would be enough killing a Tracer with M1 (70+10) + Nade (60 + 10), also would allow Ana to pressure 200hp heroes a lot (M1, 80 + Nade 70 + Melee 40 = 190)
It wouldnt affect her general impact but increasing her surviveability alot IF she hits the sleepdart

Ana can 4 tap her with

Sleep + m1 + Nade + melee

The reason is because shield bash does 50 damage but sleep dart does like 5

I miss when roadhog countered tracer, hook dead, not:
line of sight check
line of sight check
pull in

it’s just ridiculous that he has to check twice and you know she’s just going to blink the moment she thinks she’s going to take damage.
But, you know how it is, if something other than Brigitte counters Tracer, it must be changed!

You can combo Tracer with Sleep+M1+Bionade+Punch.

how did you manage to be bad with big female torb

having ana run around randomly deleting heroes with a lucky combo wont fix her issues. Honestly instead of more cheesy kills which this game dont need anymore to be frank. It would be better to give ana’s sleep dart a damage threshold. Something sensible of course. So a random dva spray from 3 miles away dont wake up the target.

Ana’s issue is zero mobility and shield being everywhere. She is a positional nightmare to play

Brigitte is a way of countering dive, and we know that for sure. Widow was a top pick because of her ranged damage, in thr live PTR Mccree, solider and mei got DF buffs so that they can do some long range damage too, and keep away from Brig. Tracer though is in a rough spot because of her DF she needs to be close enough to do enough damage and not too close. I personally feel like Ana is dead in so many ways. Her mobility,damage,healing,ult is the most skill based out of all the supports and yet you dont get any value, most of the times. Zen has discord and healing orb, Mercy has a stick that can damage boost and heal, not a lot of positioning or anything, moira is a DPS support that does not have to aim and can heal a ton, Lucio can speed boost (though he isnt in the best spot nor the worst) and ana has an offensive ult were all the other supports have defencive ults. Zen-trans Lucio-soundbarrier Moira-Kamee hamee defencive/offencive mercy-offencive/Defencive. She really needs a rework.

As a Tracer main in plat, Ana’s woudln’t kill a tracer bc they always Slep into Nade into shot, and yeah, I spam Recall while at sleep, as soon as the nade hit’s I’m gone, Don’t give them the chill life, to not have to think about ability usage. Tracer’s also need to think before they do something, unless you out aim anything (But then you HAVE to get into a higher elo) Same goes for Brigitte, if she Stuns and then Shift instead of meele first, She won’t kill you as tracer. And she doesn’t need to have the option to fail a easy combo and still get the reward.

And In case it was this thread, if hitting a target is not possible. bc people tend to say mcCree is not good against tracer (he even got a range buff) Why is hitscan considered a phara counter if you still need to hit and hitting is not considered counter? Phara counter needed :slight_smile: Bc One clipping seems to be the easiest thing in the world, Hitting anything is not hard at all, just hit LMB.

for the main topic, I believe Ana needs something that rewards you for putting in more effort. I like the dmg changes, but 80 dmg is simply to high, You are not alone, tell your Stupid dps players to kill that target thats on 10HP… srsly it’s a teamwork game.

I would argue that lucio is the worst healer right now.

thats true I wasnt sure what to say but when you mentioned it Lucio is also garbage, his ult can be canceled so easily its ridicilous :joy:

Funny enough, this was the reason ana’s damage got axed. Genji and Tracer mains said Ana was too powerful because the good ones could out play them.

Now they get straight up destroyed by Brigitte. Ana’s combo doesn’t seem so op now does it.

Agreed - increase sleepdart damage to 25 - same as Flashbang.

That way, Dart+M1+Nade = dead Tracer.

Calm down satan.


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I think sleep dart damage should be increased to 10 damage and bionade damage should be increased to 70 damage, that way you can sleep dart + M1 + bionade to do 150 damage.

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No, actually, I don’t. When I say he has no skill ceiling, I mean there is NOTHING to master. You can’t do anything other than get close and shoot. Now if I were to say an “infinite” skill ceiling, that would be referring to Tracer or Genji. At this point we said the same thing but different wording, you simply misunderstood.

Since we’re balancing off the pros here, he still has a low pickrate because of how easy it is to hit him. Tracer is a slipper hero that pros are able to use. In lower ranks, people have a harder time killing him. This allows for him to be a better pick.

Actually, Blizzard has a hard time balancing because they try to balance off of Pros and their causal players. But when you really think about it, you should be balancing to the majority of your player base. It would make more sense, it is the safest way to keep the largest part of your fanbase. So it really does make sense. It is what it is.

Oh, so it’s okay for Mercy to always be a must pick and in every game? But not Ana? Ana takes more skill than any support on the roster. She should be rewarded for such. Right now, you could be an outstanding Ana, but be overshadowed by Mercy. And until the nerf, Moira too.

Ana is too weak for the effort required.