If Brigitte can 3 tap Tracer

Tracer in this new Meta is garbage compared to others. Don’t fool yourself.

I’m not. I’m telling you that she is bad in this current meta. So is Genji. Hanzo is by far the best picked DPS right now due to his insane damage.

She needs one. She isn’t doing well.

You LITERALLY started it. Do not go there.

You just need to hold the recall or blink button and it’ll trigger. Depending on your connection it can go either way, but holding a button isn’t hard…

What I meant was dealing damage before she recalls is hard.

Oh okay, I agree very much then

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I’m not saying it’s the best choice the devs have made. What I’m saying is their current intent for sleep dart is not for it to be part of a quick kill combo. And neither is her grenade.

That doesn’t mean that players don’t use them that way. But given Blizzard’s history of buffing and reworking characters, they are more likely to rework her entirely than to buff her in ways that go against their intent. And their intent is for sleep dart to be a disengage.

Whereas their intent for Brigitte is to stun and kill anyone who gets in her range.

Becuase Reaper, for example, has essentially no skill ceiling. You can’t truly use your actual skills to be effective. So not only is he a bad pick, but he has no skill ceiling. Sombra is just a bad buggy hero. And Doomfist isn’t truly good right now, he struggles hard against a good Hanzo since it’s very easy for Hanzo to kill him.

Using the pros isn’t always the best way to balance, though. Just a heads up.

She’s NEEDED to be buffed, most people were able to realize that.

Saying something is stupid or doesn’t make sense isn’t wrong. It is what it is. Except for asking you to “stop being a jerk”, I’m failing to find where he called you names, kiddo. And that’s more of a request.

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You should probably know they aren’t interested in rewarded high skill, the prime example being the introduction of Brigitte.


OMG they have different roles, plus Brig is a hybrid hero.

Ana’s role is being a terrible pick.

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Nope. Hence the reason why Tracer and Genji are becoming terrible picks now.

Ana being damage boosted with 80 damage can two tap 200 hp heroes or below. Triple sniper meta? But I agree, Ana should be rewarded for picking off Tracer when she lands her sleep dart. I’m saying this as a Tracer/Ana/Zen main.

Yup, but it would rarely happen.

No brig shouldn’t be able to three shot tracer, no support should except zen.

But you can! You have to wait for the end of the sleep. It’s kinda hard to do tho.

What happened was you climbed rapidly by playing brigette, got to a new skill barrier that you weren’t used to… Then rationalized that brig is at a disadvantage to tracer. Here’s how u do it.

  1. hold sheild to hit 3rd person then stand on the corner.
  2. see the tracer.
  3. pop out sheild bash
  4. combo kill

Or… Just learn how to track tracers blinks and hold ur sheild … Brig clearly had the advantage

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For the people saying “oh you can kill her like that!” You don’t understand that not only if you mess up the timing she will rewind and most likely kill you but the other part that really sucks is that you have to wait about 5 seconds and a lot can happen then for the right timing to the point where it won’t matter because you’re dead trying to do the combo. I’m sorry (I’m really not) but if I shoot tracer twice she deserves to die because she can rewind between the shots and not only that but hitting her with Ana either scoped in (hitscan) or unscoped (projectile) is hard to do with her tiny hitbox

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I think all supports should 1 shot the heroes designed to kill the backline. Also make sure its very hard to miss all the one shots.

But you’re wrong, he was asking why a combo that requires more skill is less rewarding than a low skill combo. Its also a fix for Ana who’s in a particularly bad spot.

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I mean technically speaking Ana can shoot nade melee does 160 damage

and you know what his rank was before he played brigitte how? Or are you assuming his rank was low before playing brigitte and than he climbed to the point where he couldnt compete with the other enemies?