If Brigitte can 3 tap Tracer

Which means she still group heals.

So can Brigitte.


are you kidding? You’re implying that it is EASIER for an Ana to kill Tracer than Brigitte. Not everyone used hitscan, it’s not always possible. Trying to zoom in the heat of the fight is very often a death sentence. Let’s not forget that Tracer literally teleports, and it’s fairly hard to always keep track of her. But I guess you’re just an OWL pro, right?

Woah are you implying that every Brigitte player in the world do the same thing? Sorry, but that sounds like a you thing :///

It’s almost like she literally teleports, goes back in time, and is super quick! You aren’t going to hit every shot, so don’t even try to claim it.

All you proved is that you don’t understand how reality works, and you have a very flawed view of the game. You seem to play like a god, so who am I to judge?

Try again.

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players with this mentality are going to ruin this game’s competitive aspect.

Yeah, except Brigitte can heal AND damage at the same time.

Ana has to CHOOSE, she has to lose half of her utility no matter what.

brig passive heal is MINIMAL compared to a single heal of ana’s

also brig has to do damage (iirc) to actually proc her passive heal. (if shes hitting a rein shield that aint happening)

bio grenade.
heals (ontop of a healign buff) and damages (on top of blocking incoming healing)

explain how she has to pick between the two?

again. lie kthe other one they do their jobs differently. comparing them is redundant as one is for CQ and one is for medium to logn range.

Just let sleep dart deal 25 dmg instead of 5 and Tracer probably will not wake up.

Oh, you mean her only way to heal herself and best of surviving a flanker?

okay bud!

Okay, but if we’re going by that logic…

But she has a shield to protect herself from that one single target. (Multiple targets even)
And the end of her combo forces her enemy away from her, so that’s essentially a disengagement tool, right?

So Sleepdart is meant to disengage, and putting her entire kit into a single
engagement shouldn’t be as rewarding, because ‘‘she’s not meant to’’
If Ana is not meant to deal damage with her Sleepdart because it’s meant to be a disengage tool, then neither should Brigitte. It’s insulting.
A skillshot with twice the cooldown should be more rewarding than a guaranteed stun.

Her shield is for protecting, but she has a 190 damage stun combo with it.
On HALF the cooldown of Sleepdart. With the added bonus of knocking your enemy away. Why should THAT kill something when Sleepdart doesn’t? Isn’t Brigitte’s whipshot a disengage tool? Hell, you can even get environmentals with it. Isn’t her shield her form of self defense?

This is why nobody likes Brigitte. Maximum reward for minimal input.

I agree Ana needs a pretty big buff, but not for this reason. Brigitte does take skill, and she was kinda added to the game to counter tracer and other flankers. This is not Ana’s role, so trying to compare them through fighting a tracer is just wrong.

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no sleep dart is her best way to survive a flanker.
she can literally kill most flankers except tanks by landing her sleep dart. (ask any decent ana)

only self heal…but then gain usualyl you have 2 healers so that is besides the point.

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Oh yeah, you’re right.

Except not really. Sleepy Dart is hard to hit, it’s a tiny hitbox. If the flanker is half decent, they’re not going to get hit by a sleepdart.

Hoping the enemy bad isn’t exactly the best strategy.

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Ana does have a hitscan weapon, activate the zoom pal.
Im not implying anything, dont put words i didnt say.
You are taking a sentence out of context to throw shade. Didnt work pal. Good try.

Sounds like “your thing” is taking sentences out of context, breaking them and them assume anything you want in order to make a point that doesnt exist in the first place. Good job. Your rebuttal is pointless.

Its amazing right? How a character teleports, goes back in time, and somehow is ALWAYS SO STUPID that any brig with half a brain will kill tracers 24/7 like its nothing!


All you just proved is that you take sentences out of context to refute a point that no one has made.

The comparison is flawed. You cant say “If soldier can helix+melee tracer, then mcree fan of the hammer should have 50% less spread and do enough damage to kill a tracer”.
Those 2 situations are not happening in the same conditions nor are equivalent.

Ana combo does take skill and nothing else. Brig combo is easier but REQUIRES Tracers to do a CRUCIAL mistake. No one is saying skilled people dont do that mistake but those situations are absolutely not comparable and thats a fact.

Try to comprehend what the point actually is instead of breaking sentences over and over so you can refute points that only exist in your head.

Please dont try again. Nobody wants to read that.

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Not what he meant.

You are, actually.

He isn’t, but okay.

Yet you kept using that against me, I don’t understand your point. “It’s just a you thing” basically implying that no one else has this issue. That’s stupid.

It’s pretty much that right now, actually. Nice living under a rock there, friend.

And the same thing can happen with Ana, as well. Brigittes fight on point dude. You try playing Tracer in this meta, it won’t work. Even pros are having issues.

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Still 3 shots, and Pharah probably needs some adjustments anyway.

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As a Tracer main, I agree that if an Ana is skilled enough to land a sleep dart on me, I can suck it up and accept that she secured that kill.

Compared to what Brigitte does, I would be about 10,000x less salty dying to an Ana with that combo.


Exactly. Thank you. We should be able to compare the heroes because if Ana can’t have any other form of a buff, at least give her the ability to skillfully pull off a 3 hit combo. If you can’t do it, then practice. If you can, awesome you can do it and hats off to you. It’s not that hard to understand.


I’ve legit stood there and let Anas kill me as Tracer after landing a sleep dart in comp games. Don’t tell my teammates. It’s a matter of principle and respect. Not often, but there’s some darts that you’re just like yeah… You earned that.


For those saying you can 3 shot combo tracer by waiting out the sleep duration. This is only true if she DOESN’T have recall. If she has it she’ll be able to use it since ana’s primary fire is damage over time and not instant which gives tracer that extra 1 second to recall. Ana definitely needs her 80 damage back.

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WTH does that have to do with anything?
You are going off on a tangent for nothing. You are claiming that just because a hero can combo tracer ana should get a buff and using a situation that is NOT comparable and doesnt happen on the same terms.


Funny how pickrates say otherwise though :

Select Diamond/Master/GM and tell me how bad tracer is doing compared to , i dont know, Reaper? Sombra? even DF.

You cant use a new hero as the reason why Ana should be buffed, specially when she just got adjusted already. If you are raging against Brig, just say so and dont make up comparisons that are fair in a world that doesnt exist mate.

Also calling people names and saying “thats stupid” and things like that doesnt make me want to discuss and be less of a “jerk” pal. Take it down a notch and create a Brig nerf call thread if you want.