If Brigitte can 3 tap Tracer

Provided the Tracer player is stupid and gets into Brig range.
Dont forget Ana has a zoomed hitscan weapon and Brig needs a Tracer mistake to get there and even if you hit the first stun, you may not kill her.

Brig stun is super easy to land but is ultra easy to bait.
Anas do M1, Sleep, Nade M1 and thats a killer combo.

Dont measure/compare Ana and Brig on “how easy it is to do X” because that premise you just said was biased and i just pointed that out.

Please reread your post.

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My point is we are letting high skill work harder for a high reward than a low skill hero.

A lot of people do it. Even pros. So, you just called pros stupid too.

Which requires aim, and aiming isn’t easy for everyone.

Compared to Ana, it isn’t easy to bait out at all.

Hard to land, harder to land, easy to land.

It isn’t biased. Even pros have troubles landing these shots on Tracer. Stop glorifying heroes that have low skill/high reward. It’s annoying.

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i want her x2 heal x2 damage with her nade back pls.


(20 characters)

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You are making things up.
If a Tracer gets killed by Brig, she got outplayed. Period.
Tracer has all tools to avoid a Brig, tracer CANT avoid a hitscan zoomed weapon 100% of the time. Its mathematically and statistically impossible.
Brig players can also be sneaky, a bronze player wont kill a GM tracer and if you believe so, this conversation is over.

But its a “you” factor, you dont depend on a mistake on the opponent. Its like saying “killing people spamming nades at a chokepoint is easy”. Sure, if people walk blindly sure mate, but its not YOUR skill, its also THEIR mistake and thats a BIG factor you are conveniently forgetting : Pro Brigs still need Pro Tracers to make a (awareness/positioning) mistake, without it, they cant combo.

False. ALL Brigs spam the stun because it has a 6 sec CD so the moment you put your juicy body near, they are doing it 99+ of the times.

M1 hard to land with a zoomed hitscan weapon? sounds like a “you” issue mate.

It is and i just proved it. You cant compare the situation where a Tracer makes the mistake of getting in Brigs range and Ana’s combo. Its unfair. Ana doesnt need Tracer’s mistakes, Brig does.

Im not glorifying anything, dont make things up or try to put things in my mouth i didnt say, its disgusting and a feeble technique to try to counter someone that destroyed your argument of “Brig is EZ CLAP 100% time so Ana should get X buff”.

Hell no.
That “if” comparison is flawed.
We dont buy it here thanks. Bye.

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Actually Ana can but’s just REALLY inconsistent. Especially if you have high ping.
Even then when I try to kill her one of my teammates wakes her up before I can get close enough to get the combo off properly ;)))))

I never understood why you havr to shoot grenade melee tracer. Its so hard landing the sleep dart in the first place at least male her easier to kill

Sleepdart deals 5 damage.
Her rifle deals 70.
Her nade deals 60.

That’s actually 135 damage, not 175.


You’re right. I have no idea how I killed those Tracers then.

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That’s due to a bug.
Wait untill the cooldown of your sleepdart hits 8 seconds after landing one, then start to pull the combo.

They wake up about 0.3 seconds later.
Which gives you just enough time to kill 200 hp heroes that are not Sombra or Moira.

sombra is actually possible to kill, check out KarQ’s 1 tip hero ana vs everyone

it’s pretty neat. i forgot how they did it, but yeah. it is possible

for moira in the other hand, maybe not. since she can cancel nade effects with fade

Sombra’s Trans locator cancels Ana’s damage over time.
The moment she wakes up, she lives with about 30 hp.
You can sometimes kill her if you can slap a quik melee in there, but it’s really hard to time, and you have a really tight window of frames.

I’m not. You clearly don’t understand that some players always go for the kill. EVEN pros.

Yes, of course she did. She was outplayed by mechanics that take an hour to learn. One of the lowest skill floors and ceilings in the game.

Of course she does, but it doesn’t mean she will always avoid Brigitte. At one point or another, they’re going to bump into each other. I guess control points just do not exist when this happens.

Impossible to do what?

They could, actually. I’m being serious. Grandmasters could be outplayed by a low ranked Brigitte. Just because they’re GM, doesn’t mean they’re god players and are invincible. Stop acting like it.

Not just for me, but a lot of others too. GMs don’t have the best aim either.

Not 100% though.

No. It’s easier to bait Ana’s sleep dart than Brigitte’s shield bash. I don’t know where you get these false claims, but I know for sure it is much easier to do so.

And you keep saying it is a me issue. You’re not taking in account for other players. Tracer isn’t a big hero at all. Landing hits on the most mobile hero in the game, is incredibly difficult. Go ahead. I want to see 100% scoped accuracy and sleep dart accuracy when you encounter a Tracer. You can’t.

You claiming that you “proved it” when nowhere have I even implied that any of this was a me issue. I see people have troubles like this. Go ahead and believe that you are that right.

You say this but:

You say this? Oh the hypocrisy in that. Claiming that it is just a “me issue” and saying I am being biased, is accusing me of something that is completely inaccurate. This is a general concern for anyone who plays Ana. Sorry that we all can’t play her perfectly like you can.

Now are you here to discuss and not be a jerk? Because I would love to discuss properly.

Ana can kill tracer with sleepdart.

Wait for it to end so that the animation takes longer to complete ,then m1-bio-melee ,you can even kill 200 HP heroes that aren’t sombra or moira if you add another M1 before the melee.

These are simple things you can find on most ana tip guides

But she does? If you wait for the wake up animation and hit M1 + Bionade into Melee fast enough

ana has the range advantage. (u cant kill enemy widow/hanzo as brig liek u can with ana)

she also group heals…which brig can not do.
ana has consistent healing per shot…brig has a cooldown heal.

see what I am getting at?

you are comparing an apple or an orange…yes they both may be fruit (support/healer)…but they are biologically different.

I’ve been saying this since her nerf. Ana needs to rewarded for her work. There is no reason Ana has such little reward against Flankers when she needs so much skill to be effective. Yet Brigitte takes no skill, but is basically “ez mode” and literally meta changing.

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Again, bring aim as a factor in. Yes, it is easier to aim as Ana than say widow, but the factor is still there.

Brig’s passive is a group heal…

Consistency is better with Ana, of course, but if you compare getting damage done to aiming, it makes it equal to heal for them both.

Yes and no.

only to those close enoguh to her.

ana can heal and damage enemy all at same time.

also aim is all on the user.
not hero fault if user cant aim.