If Brigitte can 3 tap Tracer

The argument doesn’t make much sense. It’s like saying “If Widow can 1 shot someone, then Soldier should as well.”.


If you buffed her damage back to 80, it wouldn’t end solo Pharahs.

Maybe sleep dart should have a shorter firing delay, or none at all.

A faster projectile speed would be another thing that would make it more accurate.

That comparison is way off to this, my friend.

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A support having troubles dealing with Tracer? Unacceptable!

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I think Blizzard specifically said somewhere they intended sleep dart to be her disengage/escape ability. So, by that logic, it shouldn’t be the start of a combo to kill someone.

Similarly, her grenade is her best ability, and is best used on groups of teammates and groups of enemies. Using it to kill one person is a waste of her best ability.

Whereas Brigitte’s “3 tap” on Tracer is using all abilities meant to do single target damage that are on much shorter cool downs AND cause her to heal her team is a completely different scenario.


You completely misunderstand what I am getting at. If Brigitte can do it, why can’t Ana with her harder to land technique?


sleep should do 60 damage on impact then ana can combo any squshie very easily

hard to hit, isn’t rewarded much even when you hit someone

That combo does 175 damage. Tracer only has 150 hp.

It isn’t guaranteed though. Tracer can recall much easily out of that than Brigitte’s 3 tap.

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God forbid!!! The horror… People who have gotten good at a game outskilling casuals. Such inequality should never take place in gaming!


I’ve never had a Tracer escape from this but then again, I don’t play much Ana.

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When I compare killing Tracer as Ana vs Brigitte, I land Brigitte’s tactic 90% of the time, whereas with Ana, I do it probably around 45-50%. I feel like Ana should be able to deal with Tracer a little more.

So when a really good player picks Tracer, a HIGH skilled hero that has HIGH impact, you don’t like it? Sorry, but I rather be killed by a skilled Tracer than someone who can pick up Brigitte in 1 hour.

Wait, are you taking into account how hard it is to land the sleep dart? I was only talking about Tracer escaping after I landed the sleep dart.

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Both landing the sleep dart and her escaping after damage. Both are almost equally hard to do.

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If x hero can kill x in 3 hits then x hero should also kill x in 3 hits is what’s being said. No other reasoning was provided and I did the same.

Both 76 and Widow have high skill ceilings. Not equally, but they’re both up there. With Ana and Brigitte, Ana has a vastly high ceiling than Brigitte, but Brig gets the kill with ease? Do you not see the issue?

Yeah let’s equalize all heroes across the board. That sure makes for a fun and interesting game :roll_eyes:

Say that’s a Brig problem more than an Ana problem. Sleep is better cc but much harder to get and more reliant on your team to utilize it correctly, meanwhile shield bash is weaker cc but practically spamable, more reliable, and Brig was given a lot of burst damage (for some reason) to follow up and frag without needing her team outside of on a tank but even then it’s much easier to know what to do and follow up with shield bash than sleep.

Ok then. Soldier should be able to 2 shot someone just because the easier hero Junkrat can? I’m just pointing out that you’re not providing any reasoning other than “this hero can do this, so this hero should do this” and Blizzard don’t care for that.