If Brig is such a skill-less hero, then why does it take a GM/top 500 pro to make her work?

Saying Brig requires no skill is obviously false if she sucks and is a throw pick in all other ranks but GM.


Her mechanics don’t take much skill.

Her timing, positioning, and resource management does.


no skill is an exaggeration, but she does require a lot less than other supports

people in low ranks are way too used to the old w+m1 playstyle when she was basically a tank that healed


These obviously don’t matter to forums, aim is the only skill here

It only matters when we’re talking about ana of course


Well the no skill claim is primarily because she doesn’t really have to aim much.

As for why Brigitte is only good at the highest point of ladder… She is a niche pick.

If you want a Support who brings the defense, but almost nothing else… Brigitte is who you want. Problem is that that niche is ridiculously super effective when the WHOLE team brings as many defensive abilities they can their hands on, then sticks together and covers each other. In that context, Brigitte is very good. In most ranks though, that context will never happen. But… because she’s so good in that one Context, she’s been nerfed so much that she’s pretty much complete trash without that context.

There’s only two ways to fix Brigitte at this point. Either rework her into an off tank with a pinch of healing or finally get around to making recovering from kills a thing that’s actually possible.


Tbh though, the timing and resource management is more of a “MOBA skill”, and the positioning is usually formulaic based on community accepted map positions.

So less of a “performance based skill”, and more of “learned experience”.

Landing a whipshot, and when to bash to get results. That matters.

But I’m more concerned personally that when compositions become too durable, then the entire meta becomes too much reliant on “MOBA skills” to win.


Because lower skill tiers aren’t nearly as stringent about taking strong positioning, and punishing weak positioning.

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Not all heroes skill should be measured the same, and saying that X hero doesn’t require any skill it means that you are a bad loser because you can be skillful by having good aim in some characters, keeping yourself alive in others, and use your abilities at the right moment In others (Except for Roadhog and McCree, they literally require negative skill lol)


Well… maybe but there’s another reason that Brigitte is niche. It is very unlikely that lower skill tiers will go in with a team composition with a single cohesive game plan to win.

If you’re rolling up with a team comp designed around living forever and slowly grinding your opponent into a fine paste, Brigitte is literally a perfect fit. However you can’t do that when one of your DPS decides to insta lock a flanker or sniper.

But… seeing as the whole team picking a cohesive gameplan does happen at OWL and GM… and All Out Defense is 1 of 2 overall game plans that actually works… well… Brigitte has been meta there for a lot of her existence… and has then constantly caught nerfs to the point where she doesn’t function well outside of that particular niche.

If you want to play an FPS, play an FPS


People don’t understand that requiring skill or not, doesn’t change the fact you need what I’ll call “basic skills”, which are skills that are irrelevant of your character, everyone needs them. Awareness, reaction speed and just overall responsiveness, and an understanding of the game.

You still need some of that basic understanding even on an easy hero. Moira is one of the easiest hero to climb to Plat with -> its pretty much the running gag for Guess my SR with Jayne that if a Moira plays like a Gold Player then she’s in Plat. But just trying to abuse the easiness of a character only goes so far. You cannot boost yourself to GM solo with an easy character without an understanding of the game.

Of course Brig used to be SO INSANELY BROKEN once upon a time that you could forget all those basic skills and climb anyway, but she’s not that broken now.

Brig is less “insane” and more “fundamentally breaks Overwatch”, and you have to have some basic understanding of Overwatch to use that best.

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She is slower paced than most heroes played in GM which are considered skilled but requires the game sense of GM to pull off because everyone under GM don’t know how to play the game properly. (would even say lower GM don’t know how to play either)

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I’d flip that around, and argue of people want to play a MOBA, League and DOTA do a better job of it.

Overwatch is and should be closer to a “Class Based Shooter”, like Team Fortress 2.

I miss any "Tanks from FPS games"?

If by anything, the reason should be is that’s what the majority of the playerbase wants to do. Attack enemy players and get kills. Primarily by shooting.

Not slowly cooldowning each other to death, while slowly breaking down barriers and getting past excessive CC.


This is it. I haven’t even really seen any “no skill required” agruements of late - it’s mostly been around how Brig’s sustain and CC enables/contributes to a comp that is severely detrimental to the game as a whole.

All efforts should be made to eliminate double barrier, and I think the devs recognize that too, but I’m curious what option they will eventually go with.

I don’t think they can go the “one barrier per team” or “two barriers = barrier hp % penalty” routes without also implementing a bunch of other restrictions, and I don’t think that’s what the players actually want. I also don’t think it’s right to implement a one-off rule; change the heroes to fit the game, not the game to fit the heroes.

she’s not particularly skill less in her current state but if they buff her even a tiny bit then her value increases exponentially and the reward for playing her overcomes her risk and weaknesses

her skill requirement is more focused towards positioning though since her mechanics aren’t aim dependent (even though I’ve missed my fair share of shield bash smh y.y)

she doesnt require skill to be good up until masters/gm, where the entire way the character is played changes

My guess is just make it so DoubleBarrier is vulnerable to Dive.

Likely by neutralizing Brig and Mei’s anti-Dive, and buffing up Winston and D.va.

Also probably make it so that Sigma’s Accretion close range stun can be blocked/avoided with something that isn’t a barrier.

“But everyone needs those skills so it doesn’t matter!”

Complex variations of different types of skill is a concept that is too difficult to grasp for a lot of people.


that doesn’t seem to be accurate, is not that she doesn’t require skill up until then, is that when you become that good with her you start rising

i had a stroke reading that, wtfdym