If Brig is such a skill-less hero, then why does it take a GM/top 500 pro to make her work?

I mean, is not like she isn’t effective in bronze but more that bronze players don’t understand how to make her work but if a bronze players sits down and starts studying what makes brig good then they’ll go up in rank

this is obviously not exclusive of brig, if anything is how the game’s skill progression should look like for every hero


Even when someone knows how to play brig does not make climbing with her and easy effort. Even Samito had problems climbing out of plat with Brig. I don’t think brig being fine only in gm is a good thing for a supposed easy character. I rather they toned down her healing and make bulky again

The reason why Brig has so much more value in GM than in lower ranks is mostly because everyone is playing decently grouped, while in lower ranks half the team is running around like headless chicken. This allows her to peel better and also heal more -> get ult more

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I agree with what you said but since the main complaint is that she does too much I rather make brig a beefy off healer. This way she will not be keeping her team up as much as before.

Because when people are actually positioned properly and working together well she can really shine.

All those things depend on her team, not Brig herself.

this is an fps tho?

Yes everyone hits 100% with whipshot :roll_eyes:

Look, I admit her primary doesn’t nor do RP, but to deny WS is a skill shot is just being disingenuous. Even Violet only hits about 80% or so of his or her shots.


completely agree with your statement. I just want her to be able to shine in other ranks besides gm.

Yeah! Low ranks just don’t know how to play Brigitte, if they were better than they would be GM!

I mean, yeah? ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍

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Same, but I think until they change how her healing works it prob won’t change.

I think forcing Brig to decide between dealing damage and peel, and when to heal and buff allies will fix a lot of her issues and give her room to be buffed for other ranks.

Even still though with how she’s designed she really works best when the team is sticking together.

We need to tell people that Brigitte was changed 2 years ago! No one told them!

Just because they know she was changed doesn’t mean they magically know how to play the new brig.

There isn’t any magical force keeping you in low ranks if you can play her properly.


Brig is not skill-less anymore, she is just destroying the game for everyone who has to play with or against her.

because GMs properly play around her so her kit gets way more value, it has really nothing to do with her own skill at all

bronze-gold doesnt really group up, so brig gets rally slower and has to use more packs to her allies rather than them being in inspire

it has nothing to do with brig taking skill, but that she takes common sense to play around, which lower rated players dont have


Why? I never see people complaining how Winston and Zen are considered “bad” in lower ranks. There are many heroes who are only good the higher up the ladder you get.

Why does Brig need to be good in every rank?


To be honest, I feel like no hero is bad in low ranks.

People make so many mistakes there that if you play any hero properly, you’ll rank up


Oh 1000%

I just never understood the “Brig needs to be good for ALL ranks under masters !!” argument when no one says that for any other hero who is only good in masters+ :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I’m in diamond and I have 60 ish winrate on her. You can’t one trick her anymore but she is still a strong counter for hero’s like ball and sombra

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and genji tracer doomfist winston & dva

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