If Blizz doesn't acknowledge aim issues... peace out

yeah I agree! Widows are all cracked now in OW2, snapping to heads left and right

Not to necro a thread but I witnessed Torbs turret missing flying symmetra turrets. They definitely removed hitscans and made them instant projectiles but probably didn’t compensate the tickrate to make it accurate

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So on this whole aim thing, is this your-teams-lose-most-matches-aim-is-broken or you-can’t-be-ultra-better-than-the-rest-than-you-already-are-aim-is-broken? Because for me, it’s most enemy teams just cremate me broken. Pharah flying around and I have Soujorn, I’m not killing her. no, not even close.

I’ve tinkered with settings. did mouse stuff with my wired logitech. all and all I think it just comes down to everyone else aims better than me and there’s nothing more left to do than play the game and accept the 90% loss rate. I can’t do it. I get it that winning shouldn’t be the whole point of the game, but it just brings me down that I’m watching my matches just fall apart. flanked from all directions. out damaged, out healed, out strategy’d. What do you do?

What it comes down to is that as a platinum Ashe I just know the feel of the character in OW1, and in OW2 something was different. The patch on 10/13 does help it feel a lot closer to OW1, but not 100%.

As far as win & loss rate, I haven’t noticed much different there in OW2. Some days I’ll go 7-3, some days 5-5, other days 3-7. It’s just the name of the game. I will say, overall 5v5 feels less satisfying than 6v6… even when you win it usually is a tough win. Also DPS overall feels less satisfying and less rewarding in OW2 so perhaps those things might be swaying the way you feel.

The game is not designed for anyone to hold a 90% loss rate consistently, so if that is happening, something in the design feels wrong and I would continue to investigate that on your end.

As I mentioned above, there is definitely substantially more cheating in game then back when I used to play. The amount of plats/golds with cracked aim seems pretty intense. It’s stuff I used to only encounter at GM. You’ll have a S76 that will be locked to your chest, then perfectly lead a grenade, before snapping back to your character, just like in GM. I’d say it’s 1 in 3 games where I run into a hitscan that has incredibly suss aim.

Then there are people who are running trigger bots, whose aim is literally all over the place, and when they mouse over you it’s perfectly timed shots like on a McCassidy or Widow. Or people running small degree aimbots, where it’ll snap to you when it’s close to your body model, but they can’t track players worth crap. The big giveaway is the amount of deviation from a point on your body. Good aimbots generally will snap to the bone mesh and as such will have multiple aiming points, but bad ones will just lock dead center on your chest or head, which gives it away.

Cheating is most noticeable on characters like Pharah, because she’s incredibly vulnerable flying around without LoS to block shots. When you do high-G maneuvers it becomes even more noticeable. Such as when you cut jets, dead drop, and then use a concussive to push you at a complete right angle, and you see a character follow that perfectly.

Then you can put into context aim vs game sense. Players understanding game mechanics, positioning, pushes, grouping, not over extending, overtaxing healers, or even just going to an objective… You’ll get people who have incredible aim, but have absolutely no idea how to play the game.

Either way, there are a lot of things going on here, I think the cheating is just part of it. It definitely feels like something that actively tries to push your aim away from who you’re shooting at. Opposite of the magnetism from aim-assist, which would be inline with Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment.

This is because of MMR decay, you’ll find high rated players in lower tier lobbies, it’s not cheating because they’re better than you.

I feel you. Winning a 5v5 doesn’t feel as satisfying as winning in the old game and I can’t describe why is that. Maybe the game now is just more like a skirmish, and everyone just do their own thing. When the tank die the entire team just falls apart despite having better dps or healers. I think the lack of 1 off tank impacted heavily on the"team-play" part since cover each other was the big part led to victory in the last game. Now tank is just meat head dps.

Finally, we want to ensure games play out fairly for all players in all matches. In a future patch, we’ll fix an issue that could cause some rubber banding in-game. We also want to be certain that hit registration for shots fired is working pixel-perfectly. We have investigated reports from players about hit registration, and many reports are actually related to how our replay tool works, which does not perfectly capture the alignment of each player’s aim.

Literal quote from the article released on the 13th October btw they’re looking into the issue and it’ll probably be next week when we see a fix. Not ideal but they’re clearly trying to push everything in a big patch.

Dunno where you took this from but I call bs on them

You can see the stuck floating icicle on live gameplay

and also in the replay at 1x

I’d love for them to address the issue. If I aim at somebodies head, who is standing still, and shoot… It should hit them in the head. Ashe can’t even hit the dynamite she throws anymore. It’s crazy.

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Literally from their own words from their own article :joy:

I’ve had issues too of ana shots at point blank range missing whilst focused on your target I couldn’t shoot it any clearer.

Yeah yeah, I mean what they’re saying is bs, not what you’re saying.

They’re gaslighting the community into a “ur bad lol” when it’s their predictive model taking a huge steamy dump every now and then.

Oh I know. It’s why I’ve not touched comp yet since placing cos it’s yikes. Not to mention when it does go wrong models tear as well. I’ve literally had hanzo’s backside glued to my scope as Ana and I can’t see anything because his model’s ripped due to something server-side.

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the flaw with your post is that they dont care if you leave bc theyre making lots of $ anyways

Genuinely and truly… Skill issue. Peace out then :u

try to say it from an account that wasn’t just created to display mommy issues.

Am I the only one not having any problem with any aim mechanic in the game?

many people have no issues. its probably hardware related. we don’t know for sure but its also not permanent. some games are fine, others are literally unplayable.

Funny you would say that. Soldier keeps saying “Aim where they’re going, not where they are.” My thought when I first heard this was, why the hell is he saying this…unless they converted all hitscan to projectiles? :thinking:

But I never made the connection that the aim issues might be related to this possibility.

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How does instant projectile differ from hitcan?